Monday, February 27, 2006

Small Square Adesive Mirror

Cacche vinose

Queste sono le mie simpatiche cacche del lunedì. Notate il particolarissimo color melenzana della seconda, provocato dall'eccesso di vino della sera precedente. La prima ha invece richiamato la mia attenzione per l'effetto iceberg, piuttosto raro a dire il vero, per il quale l'escremento lascia uscire a pelo d'acqua soltanto a thin needle, remaining submerged for 9 / 10 of its length. I confess I know very little about, so I invite you to tell me your experiences similar to have a larger series on which to draw firmer conclusions. See you soon,

Brunch Imagine Letter Translation

Arriva il nuovo Artusi!

You might perhaps wondering what this mess is not well defined when I float my lovely yesterday. This inadvertent creation coproculinaria is born from the remainder of my lunch of soup thrown in the toilet and my carelessness in forgetting to flush the toilet afterwards. So when I happily placed my Terga on the cold tavoloccia to expel what you see in the picture, not much to be honest, I was giving birth to the first course of the newly formed current coprocucina, beating time on Ferran Adrià, who was also experimenting in this direction. Dazzled by the new disruptive and absolute of my creation, I could not even find someone who saw it after it is tasted. There will be strong enough stomachs among you, and tastes quite fine, that it can taste? We are still waiting a review of some fine gourmet to open a theme restaurant. We look forward to many for the first tasting,

Pokemon Naranja Rom For Vba

caccaquiz: ecco i vincitori!

copronauti Friends, As you can see I have not forgotten. This trinity is scatological what my intestines have released two days ago, Saturday 25. The only answer we received to question 25 on Friday was wrong because, as I foresaw that these would be light brown with green streaks, making no mention of consistency. As for the tan, we could pass it with a bit of good will, but here there is not even green mottling of the shadow. You're lucky though, anonymous friend, because yours is the only answer, and then proclaim you the winner of the quiz! Send us your e-mail address and we will send your stinking award! See you soon for another exciting quiz

Friday, February 24, 2006

Hl-4040cdn Toner Refill

C'è quando ti arriva un poker servito, c'è quando non puoi neanche aprire

Here is a nice poker assholes, as I did not captain a long time. E 'yesterday, the public only now to connection problems. Today, however, nothing, my gut is gone on vacation. Many considerations might be easy on this completely random sequence of auspicious and inauspicious days, but I'll leave you, waiting for your suggestions for a possible debate. Instead I'll ask you a question now, hoping that captures the invitation for a fertile and fruitful discussion. Today I ate, in quest'ordine: due succhi all'albicocca e una tazza di caffè solubile (colazione); penne all'amatriciana, due carciofi, tazza di caffè (pranzo); torta salata di farro - ingredienti: farro, uova, latte ,burro, parmigiano, per la pasta frolla burro, farina e acqua -, due carciofi, una mozzarella e un'insalata mista (cena); ho chiuso la giornata con un bicchierino di ottima vodka alle erbe polacca.
Di che colore saranno le mie feci di domani?
Che consistenza e che forma avranno?

Non pubblicherò le foto prima di avere un buon numero di risposte. Siate fantasiosi, le vie dell'intestino sono infinite. A domani,

Labeled Parts Of A Pirate Ship

Ipse dixit!

Carissimi copronauti, vi sarete certamente accorti che da un paio di giorni è apparso sul nostro blog un banner di un motore di ricerca che si fregia - pensate! - del nome del sommo Aristotele. Dovete sapere che qualche giorno fa, venuto a conoscenza di questo motore di ricerca fino ad allora misconosciuto, fui subito attratto dalla possibilità, dissacratoria se vogliamo, di poter affiancare il nome del nostro giovane blog a quello del Filosofo. Così mi affrettai ad inserire tutti i dati richiesti da questo portale, che tra le altre cose prometteva, assieme alla semplice segnalazione tra i risultati delle ricerche, to publish our banner if we had done the same with yours. The opportunity was too good: Aristotle and guardalamiamerda that advertise each other, and most importantly we had our own banner! Even faster I downloaded a program to create banners, and the fact that, even had his glorious guardalamiamerda effigy. Put all the data on the page for the reporting of portal sites your banner and published it on our blog, confident that he would do the same with ours. The disappointment was to arrive early, send me two emails from the philosopher himself told me that the contents of our blog are not suitable for its search engine, so it would not have reported. I, in spite of this abominable censorship, I will continue to hold the banner with your glorious name, meet isfatto already pleasing to be able to assist our feces. Officials also ours, that someone will have already seen, so that you can see it, if you want then let us have the honor to put it in your site, please contact us. I promise as soon as my stool,

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Best Pain Killer For Toothache

Nostalgia di cacasa...

Dear copronauti are off by one day and I already miss them ...
As you can see from the characters, I am writing from Germany, land of barbarism and without SSID ': how much suffering and those burning for my circle of wrinkled skin!
unfortunately I could not bring my camera, so my contribution for the next two weeks will only literary. One in particular
salutom culo2, not second in importance, but appeared in a photo on the blog, and a warm greeting to all visitors and brown: grow and multiply, and above all crap!
I'll hear soon,


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Cm Right Before Menstruation


No reference to Pasolini, only the green, green oil in fact, this wonder it seemed too good to not make you participate. Unfortunately in the photo the colors are a bit altered, so it seems almost ashen. After a moment of melancholy nature came to my aid with his bellezza.Grazie the dear four-legged friend who gave us this sublime work, see you soon,

Can You Find Juniper Berrys In Ohio

omaggio a culo 1

dell'inanità symbol and reminder of human endeavor, I leave my current production. These two miserable cacchette, produced in two different and distant times of the day, want to be a tribute to culo1, which assenterà for two weeks or so. Unfortunately, after a long gestation, the gift is not as successful as hoped, after the fireworks yesterday. Consider, fond copronauta, the efforts and hopes that twice in one day have given me the stirrings of my body, hopes quickly dashed by the poor results that you see above. And now to think big and small deeds done every day and hopes, big or small, that they can have a positve outcome, can have a dramatic turn in our little world. Twice he sat sat shivering on the cold water tavoloccia the house, twice disappointed by the sight of the fruit of my efforts. That, slipped away in a bubbling water, here are a painful reminder of our humanity. Until tomorrow,

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Indoor Mini Golf Lincoln Ne

Incidente grave sulla A-nale

promise a quick comment in the meantime enjoy this.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Eyeclops Mini Projector To Computer

Cago ergo sumus

difficult day, as you see, but fraught with important and profound reflections. Chicago ergo sum, the excretory act as the ultimate expression of our origins in the era of technology now denied, bond remaining days when man began to be able to say that when the four-legged posture replaced that of samurai, using two trees as a support and a rough fig leaf to wipe, when I am not yet a prisoner, confused his identity in the multiplicity of nature. Now, here is my stool today: so different in form and substance to make it hard to imagine they exit the anus itself. Forced to a forced incarceration in an "I costruitomi him without a chance to reply, only to return via the faeces softer identity, the only reminiscence of a time when I and World, divided by blurred boundaries, often exchanged each other's position in a whirling, chaotic dance. Chicago Sumus ergo, the many facets of our soul we greet again visible for a moment before embarking on the long journey towards the great sea of \u200b\u200bshit. We honor them as well, offering them a voi in queste immagini del loro ultimo congedo.

Giant Garilla Stuffed Animals


Volevo continuare le riflessioni che mi aveva suggerito l'evacuazione di ieri.
L'avversione che si manifesta, in noi uomini moderni, per tutto' cio' che riguarda il mondo delle feci, relegando questo affascinante prodotto corporeo alla sfera clinica o alle attenzioni di qualche pervertito, è frutto della nostra civiltà, spaventata da qualunque ancestrale legame con l'animalità.
Il proposito di questo sito è quello di fare marcia indietro, di far riscoprire all'uomo moderno le proprie feci, le proprie origini.
Cago, ergo sum...

Will The Hpv Vaccine Make You Infertile


contain just my joy, and not only that, in publishing this photo.
It 's a testimony of the interest aroused by the Teutonic Sterconcorso also sent to me in the ground by two dear friends, A and K (no playing cards, but we respect the anonymity of the persons mentioned), which portrays a German road and its unexpected host.
Thanks buddy!
look forward to a sequel!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Healthy Breakfast Wheat Puffs


Shit now is pretty exciting.
The irregular shape, but also the clear color, we carry on the lunar surface tormantata and invite us to fantasize about wonderful adventures in space.
Faeces, sometimes more 'clouds, hide in their capricious shapes created by the intestine as a source of inspiration that awakens the young child who is dormant in everyone.
In this urban world, where it is now 'possible to look in search of entertainment only a few skimpy slice of heaven, nature can' still be surprised in the toilet bowl, where it is still the undisputed master. Viva
feces, then, the last outpost of primitiveness, surrounded by miles of concrete.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Schwarzkopf Live Colour Xxl Ice Blonde

I Monsoni sono arrivati!

last few days are the monsoon arrived in my gut. At least two to three times a day because I get attacked by severe cramping in the lower abdomen, that are fixed in the rapid production and release of feces mollacchere in small quantities. These tropical illnesses also make me picky, and I'm trying to investigate what led to what might these monsoons and send them away, as the Imodium was ineffective. Give your ripsposta, any opinion will be welcome!

What Is My Life Expectency With Lymphoma

il Gattopardo

interesting specimen, already a day old to tell the truth, hunting maculata, uncommon at this latitude. This species is so pleasant to watch, is characterized by its aggressiveness, it leaves a slight burning anus during his coming to light. It is thought to be a cross between a lunch of vegetable and a dinner with meat. We wonder come sia al tatto, ma non abbiamo avuto il coraggio di verificarlo. Propongo di chiamarla "il Gattopardo", per la sua simpatica caratteristica cromatica.A presto,