Tetro Wood With the support of

Stop Palmizi _ project Junge Hunde
The Consul
Directed and text: Luigi Imperato and Silvana Pirone
By: Viviana Agretti, Faithful Canon, Ilaria Cecere, Luigi Imperato, Anna Palomba, Silvana Pirone, Cira Sorrentino, Salvatore Veneruso.
Costumes: Recommend Serpe Lighting design: Alessandro Massai
Director's Statement "It 's dead." "Dead? ... The subject of ladies who do you speak? "
" The Count Francesco Cenci "
Director's Statement "It 's dead." "Dead? ... The subject of ladies who do you speak? "
" The Count Francesco Cenci "
The show" happens "during a wake: the night of the ritual.
A rite of mourning with the pain where living grotesque moments that, while not resolving the drama, set as their atti di celebrazione ironica in nome di una angosciosa ma consapevole accettazione. Il rito diventa a tratti festa, baldoria, ma pur sempre tragica. Il consolo è cibo. E’ alimento consolatorio offerto in dono al luttuato. E’ rito da consumare, consumando così il dolore della perdita della persona cara... Ma quanto caro è un padre incestuoso?
Beatrice Cenci, figlia del conte, subisce violenza e con violenza reagisce. Ma per coprire il suo delitto è costretta a piangere la morte del padre. E’ parte sconvolta di un rito che aspirerebbe all’oblio, ma non riuscendo a dimenticare cerca un modo per evadere dalla sua colpa. Cerca una giustificazione nelle parole della Bibbia e nell’atto “tirannicida” Judith, look for a solution carnival upside down and detached the drama, but the game around his story exploded in a cry of truth. Search in vain to trust in God's will, but we read in his face the despair of an unresolved grief.
The show was born from the need to deal with different stimuli related to the theme of death and the values \u200b\u200bthat are assigned to it by man.
Our desire is to break it when crossing the classical tragedy and through our questions and our memory. The result that we have reached is a reworking of the story (mythos) of the Cenci story, already told by Dumas, Steandhal, Artaud. We wanted to transfer the story that we tell in an undefined space and in time (it will have to not give a historical account but a symbolic transfiguration), and we wanted to compress it into a night of the wake. We wanted to make the tragedy rite, a ritual, however, not shared and not based on common values, but on empty, doubt and disorientation.