Saturday, January 29, 2011

Roseville Fields Long Island

Songs of the Renaissance and wars of independence

Songs of the Renaissance and wars of independence: on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Italian independence publish some of the most popular songs of revival.

Farewell Farewell My Lovely (1848)
"Farewell My Lovely goodbye" to Carlo Bosi (1848) from the concert GARIBALDI THE HERO OF TWO WORLDS , July 5, 2008 Castello Cavour Santena. The song is credited to Bosi, a volunteer in the War of Independence of 1848 and that time should pick up the song, which became one of the most popular Risorgimento, it would then hand the volunteers of the first war of independence who went to fight against the Austrians in Lombardy.

La Bandiera dei tre colori (1848)
Dovrebbe trattarsi di un canto del 1848 di Francesco Dall'Ongaro con musiche di Cordigliani (fonte  non ho torvato molto su questa canzone, se la datazione è esatta si tratta di un canto della prima guerra di indipendenza che inneggia al tricolore, bandiera che ha la sua origine con le repubbliche giacobine di fine settecento, per esempio la Tepubblica Cispadana che la adotta nel 1797. Per un astoria del tricolore:
wikipedia, bandiera d'Italia
Radiomarconi, Italian flag

Gigogin Beautiful (1858)

The beautiful Gigogin (Amalia Rodfrigues)
very popular song, written by the composer Milan Paul Giorza and sang for the first time on December 31, 1858 at the Teatro Carcano in Milan just before the War of Independence (1859). To understand the text (referring to the agreement between France and Kingdom of Sardinia, according to anti-Austrian and Vittorio Emanuele is invited to take a step forward) this very interesting article on The Gigogin and beautiful women risorgimentali >>> Cliccare QUI

Oklahoma Tax Commission Estate Tax Table

"Do not leave your essay 2010": Sonia wins Ruggeri for the Humanities

Anche quest'anno si è svolto il concorso organizzato da : " Non abbandonare la tua tesina ", che premia le migliori tesine del diploma di maturità per le aree: scientifica, umanistica, tecnica e professionale. Quest'anno, per l'area umanistica, è stata premiata la tesina di Sonia Ruggeri , della V F 2009/10 dell'IIS " G. Brotzu ", che ha presentato un lavoro dal titolo " I giochi di ruolo e i MMORPG " che potete visionare and download by clicking HERE . Congratulations to Sonia:)
From section devoted to high school you can enroll for the 2011 edition, this is the link

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Why Cant I Have Dark Nail Polish For Surgery

On Memorial Day, 27/11/2011: Resnais' Night and Fog "

Night and Fog (Nuit et Brouillard), Alain Resnais , 1955, 32 minutes. In my opinion the most disturbing testimony and denunciation of the Holocaust.

So Resnais on his film:
" For one night we forget our quality of critics and viewers. He is the man that is that we are called into question, which should open your eyes and in turn question. "Night and Fog" a few hours to remove from our memory all the movies: you see it, absolutely. When the light turns on, you do not have the courage to applaud, they are left without a voice before this, confused by 'importance and the need for these 1000 m of film. "

The final word:
" when I speak, the pond water in the middle of January is cold and dull as our bad memory. We pretend to believe that this is one time and one country and not think to look around and hear you crying endlessly "

For information about the film :
For information about the camps and the Holocaust :

Monday, January 24, 2011

Large Electronic Bingo Board

Songs of the Risorgimento Garibaldi songs

Red Shirt (1860)

RED SHIRT popular song from the concert GARIBALDI THE HERO OF TWO WORLDS, July 5, 2008 Castello Cavour Santena.
Text Traversa, Pantaleoni music, song spread immediately after the expedition of Garibaldi in Sicily, the first edition is known 1860. was also sung during the resistance by the partisans of the Garibaldi Brigades. We transcribe from a case taken from The New Canzoniere Italian No. 4 - Milan, April 1964, which is located at
Among the songs of the epic Garibaldi, the red shirt is one of the most vivid documents and symptomatic, a text related to its time and environment that produced and distributed. The very fact did not have too much later modern, that is stable in the Italy of luck "Journal Risorgimento", the "Renaissance of the State", is proof of its authenticity, its value is not rhetorical. The red shirt is in the text and music as well as a beautiful song, a song absolutely exemplary taste Risorgimento, a typical figure in the positive qualities and negative ones. It is, in our opinion, a song that can still be sung.
was written for the text, the town clerk partisan and Cross Rocco, music, the maestro Luigi Pantaleoni. The moment of his first fortune were the days immediately following the undertaking of Garibaldi in Sicily and southern Italy. The original text consists of nine quatrains decasyllabic. After Aspromonte were added eight quatrains, and once after a Dijon and after Domokos.


When the call of Garibaldi
all his children's children will
bold united fire the mine

Garibaldi red shirt will fire the mine
joined Garibaldi's red shirt.

And you woke with the sun in April and
Prove you're not just for this vile
are my dearest

rare red shirt shirt, then why exactly are my dearest
red shirt shirt rare.

It bears the imprint of my wound
're all torn ripped across
precisely why you are my dearest
red shirt shirt rare
precisely why you are my dearest
red shirt shirt rare.

from the moment you put on the arms of gold when you ricamai
Milazzo spent Sergeant

fiery red shirt shirt when I went to Milazzo Sergeant
red shirt shirt burning.

Hear the glory dell'ardito
your color scare puts
Venice and Rome, then we fall into the pit with red shirt

Venice and Rome, then we fall into the pit
with red shirt.


Hymn to Garibaldi (1858)

HYMN OF GARIBALDI , the concert GARIBALDI THE HERO OF TWO WORLDS, July 5, 2008 Castello Cavour Santena. The verses of the poet Louis Mercantini that he wrote them a wish of the Garibaldi. Mercantini was also famous for the poem "The gleaner Sapri," which commemorated the Tajik company Pisacane. The music is Alessio Olivieri . Was performed for the first time the new year of 1858, the eve of the Second War of Independence. Garibaldi was in Genoa at a friend's house and had commissioned to compose a song Mercantini martial, this was performed immediately and was pleased to become one of the most popular songs and "soundtrack" of future business gatiibaldine


arms! To arms! It is a

scopron the graves, the dead rise, I
our martyrs are all raised:
swords in hand, the laurels to the crown,
The flame and the name - the heart of Italy.
we come! We come! on, or slave girl,
on the wind for all our flags on all
with iron, all with fire, with fire on all
- in the heart of Italy.
goes out of Italy, which is to go out now,
goes out of Italy, go out, or alien!

2 The land of flowers, the sounds of the poems,
Returns, what was the land of the car;
avvinser the chains of a hundred hands,
But even Legnano - can brandish the knife. German Stick
Italy does not tamed, not
Cresconius the races to the yoke of Rome, Italy More
does not want foreigners and tyrants,
are already too many years - that lasts for the serve.
goes out of Italy, which is to go out now,
goes out of Italy, go out, or alien!

3 houses of Italy are made for us, and there on the Danube
the house of 'your, you
fields there faults, you c'involi bread;
our children - for us We want to hear them. Son
the Alps and the two seas of Italy borders;
Col chariot of fire rompiam the Apennines,
destroyed all signs of the old frontier,
Our flag - all innalziam.
goes out of Italy, which is to go out now,
goes out of Italy, go out, or alien!

4 Sien mute tongues, ready sien arms;
Only turning the face to the enemy,
And soon the alien shall go over the mountains
If all thinking - Italy will be.
not just the triumph of barbaric spoils;
chiudan thieves are the thresholds of Italy;
The people of Italy are all one, all one
Son - a hundred cities.
goes out of Italy, which is to go out now,
goes out of Italy, go out, or alien! If you still

5 dell'Alpi tentasser the battlements,
The cry to arms will Garibaldi
And arms himself to the sound that comes from Caprera,
the ranks of a thousand - that Etna attacked.
and behind the advanced guard of red is good
muovon of Italy tents and ships rat
Already the shadow of trust warrior
The fiery steed - Vittorio urged.
goes out of Italy, it goes out ch’è l’ora,
Va fuora d’Italia, va fuora, o stranier!

6 Per sempre è caduto degli empi l’orgoglio;
A dir — Viva Italia! — va il Re in Campidoglio;
La Senna e il Tamigi saluta ed onora
L’antica signora — che torna a regnar.
Contenta del regno fra l’isole e i monti,
Soltanto ai tiranni minaccia le fronti:
Dovunque le genti percuota un tiranno
Suoi figli usciranno — per terra e per mar.
Va fuora d’Italia, va fuora ch’è l’ora,
Va fuora d’Italia, va fuora, o stranier!


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jeff Hardy Return To Rna

Evernote: allows you to save any information on the web and organize them online

Evernote   è un servizio gratuito, presente anche in versione italiana, di web clipping che consente di annotare tutte le informazioni, siti e altri materiali presenti sul web che ci interessano o di creare al volo note e appunti. E' possibile salvare link, immagini, ritagli di una pagina web o intere pagine web, creare note o memo, Evernote è anche un organizer in quanto allows you to organize our notes or the notes on the web, thematic notebooks, to tag each note so you can easily find, search through notes to find what interests us. The purpose of Evernote is to delete the bookmark or bookmarks and even complex programs to organize our activities.
The notes are presented as a list in chronological order, but it is very easy to find without too much loss of time a note without having to scroll through the list. Each note can be modified, moved, emailed and printed. We store what we want and we find on the web, we noted (spunti, idee, siti di interesse, testi o immagini o video particolari, news, ecc. ecc.) senza preoccuparci più di tanto di ordinarli e con la certezza di recuperarli facilmente grazie ai tag e alle efficacia del meccanismo di ricerca offerto da evernote che consente di cercare per parole chiave in tutti i taccuini o selezionandone soltanto uno. E' anche possibile ritrovare tutte le note con uno stesso tag semplicemente cliccando sul tag che ci interessa dalla lista dei tag che abbiamo man mano creato. E' possibile anche condividere le nostre note con colleghi, studenti e abilitare chi vogliamo a modificarle.
L'attuale versione di Evernote è la 3 che consente di installare un software nel nostro PC utilizzabile anche off line e utilizzare insieme anche il servizio web based, oppure limitarsi ad utilizzare soltanto quest'ultimo. Se si opta per la prima soluzione, evernote consente di sincronizzare il contenuto della versione installata sul nostro PC con il nostro account online. 
Il Web Clipper per evernote è un software che occorre scaricare e installare (cliccando QUI trovate le istruzioni e i link) che permette di aggiungere alla barra degli indirizzi del nostro browser (ne esiste una versione per ogni browser) un pulsante che consente di ritagliare la parte di pagina web che ci interessa o di memorizzarla per intero , aggiungedo le nostre note e taggando il tutto senza bisogno di aprire evernote, we think the web clipper ship everything to our account.
Roughly speaking, then, you can use Evernote to create and manage notes made by me on any subject, and save everything I find interesting on the web without spending time organizing all but guaranteed to easily find what interests us.
REGISTRATION: To register for the web version of Evernote in Italian click HERE

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Donwload Nba Live 2007 Rip

After the President, the President trombante worker ... Finally!

Difficile non commentare il putiferio nato intorno al caso Silvio Berlusconi-castigatore-sciupa-femmine-puttaniere. Difficile non osservare l'ipocrisia di tutti i detrattori che gridano allo scandalo. E non si tratta di simpatie verso il Cavaliere: si tratta semplicemente di essere coerenti una volta tanto, lasciando le faziosità politiche che poco hanno a che fare con la vicenda. Difficile in questo paese di pseudo falsi moralisti dove c'è chi per anni è andato in vacanza in Eastern or hosted by his friend Fidel in Cuba, where the fauna has a female age unspecified. Hard to believe that at least for us boys when we do not have dreamed of having the harem, hard to believe that many of us have not had, or at least if they are due. The figures?
in Cuba with 15-20 dollars a parent gives you is the daughter of the lobster. Until a few years ago (now have wised up) in Eastern horn with a pair of jeans or socks brought as a gift. In Brazil, if you have some fantastic girls always wear to dinner or stretch a buck. In Thailand, if you ask any taxi driver, you have a book of girls ready to go with you, regardless of age, so that you care if you do not know the age, you are always in doubt that is an adult. All of these brothels but not everyone knows everything you say ... Political or trade union delegations returned from Russia with the classic expressions of empty ... political charity ... Have told me stories someone who lived ... He goes hunting in Eastern Europe, where the return on the border, bought the game ... In the end we were going to hunt with ... cannon loading ... ready to shoot some "sparrow" lonely!
liars, cowards and faint-hearted! Hope to one day be Berlusconi, to do as Berlusconi, that his only fault was being a little complacent gigione with young ladies. But when you're away dall'Italia ne combinate di cazzate vero? Per il resto cari falsi puritani e cari becchi, preferisco più un presidente che dimostra una certa passione per il bello vivere, che quelle facce contrite e arcigne nelle interviste sinonimo di scarsa attività sessuale. Siete o non siete voi che avete osannato lo zio Bill Clinton? Eppure mi risulta che anche lui, si sia fatto fare una liposuzzione da una stagista che è diventata pure famosa. Oppure tutt'un tratto siamo diventati frequentatori delle Orsoline? E come se non bastasse con tutti i problemi che abbiamo ci fate anche delle trasmissioni invitando Ruby e Rocco Siffredi. Ha forse fondato il Palo delle Libertà?
Perdonate il linguaggio un pò pecoreccio, non nel mio stile, ma penso that those who wanted to understand the meaning ... to have understood. Advice to others envious of healthy sex with themselves!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Using Sunbeds After Using False Tan

Ladiris: library system Integrated Quartu, Quarryville and Selangor

Ladiris library system is formed by the integration of the library and multimedia services and libraries of Quartu S. Elena, Quarryville and Selangor (archives, libraries and municipal media centers, children's libraries). The integrated library system allows the lending of books, CDs and DVDs, comics, magazines, etc.. From each of the Libraries of Quartu S. Elena, Quarryville and Selangor will be able to borrow books, audiovisuals, periodicals, comics, etc.., any other library system Làdiris. From the site you can see the sections news and agenda identifying those initiatives and projects carried out by the various libraries that are part of the system, such as seminars, "Circoscienza" , animation turned to reading to children, reading courses in foreign languages, movies, etc.. In section times and services you may consult the opening hours of the various libraries in the system Ladiris. From section catalog you can search using the computerized system to catalog the books OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue = Catalogue in public network) in the libraries of the system Ladiris and Sardinia.
Each municipality has its own section where they are then described the efforts of individual libraries in the system.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Acrylic Nails Reverse Application

Franca Viola

Italians are not only a nation of thieves, pimps, sluts, escort, tronista, businessmen, stragista, mafia, tax evasion, unpunished, crooks, thieves of state, corrupt, terrorists, processed, traitors, parasites, crafty, and so on. etc.. Perhaps to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Italy is well to remember the other Italians, one of them is Frank Viola.

" It was a brave gesture. I just did what I was doing, as any girl would do today: I listened to my heart, the rest came by itself. Today counsel young people to follow their feelings, it is not difficult. I did it in a very different Sicily, they can do simply by looking into their hearts "(Frank Viola)

December 26, 1965, Alcamo, Sicily, Franca Viola, a 17 year old girl is kidnapped by Philip Melody, a young mobster who bully and if he wants to . Abducted and raped is released after 8 days. Dishonored, must marry the young, the only way will be accepted by the community and regain his honor. It 'the law of the shotgun wedding that discharges (l aw 544 of the Criminal Code), will spend the rest of his life next to his executioner. Unthinkable not to marry him, Frank thinks the unthinkable and refuses to marry is a revolution against the infamy of the costume of a secular tradition which thousands of girls were victims raped by their abuser and abused by tradition and by law, Franca, in defiance of the written law and the ancient unwritten law says no. These are the years of economic boom that is transforming Italy, but Italy is changing not only the economy, society and customs to start a revolution.

Philip Melody, a young man of 23 years, related to the powerful Mafia family of Rimi, Franca kidnapping with the help of twelve friends who took it between shots and no one saw and felt nothing. Segregated and raped was freed after eight with a police blitz. In fact, the girl's father, contacted by emissaries of melody to wrest consent pretends to agree to a shotgun wedding, but, in reality, according to the police, preparing a trap for Filippo Melodia. When the melody descends to the village surrounded by his 'good' and the woman in tow, takes the catch: the father is waiting for the Carabinieri
According to the current morality, being dishonored because it no longer a virgin, would have married her rapist to repair and save his honor and that of his family. It was a custom, an unwritten law, but no less heartfelt and binding. Episodes like this were normal in southern Italy and Sicily species. But the girl refused to marry her rapist claiming that he was dishonored by the act of violence had made, the parents argued, and despite the threats, intimidation, against the Viola had the whole country, the father was threatened with death and razed to the ground his vineyard, but she was unbending.
Franca for his courage becomes the symbol of the struggle of women in defense of their freedom and dignity, against an ancestral culture, violence and injustice of the woman for her freedom, was the first woman to rise to the reduction of all women personal property of men.

In Italy there was a law that went against the woman and admitted both the honor killing the shotgun wedding. 544 The law acknowledges that marriage in the case of crimes of kidnapping and rape were to decline, rape was considered only a crime against morals and against the person. This law allows many girls were raped and then forced to marry for the traditional custom (louder still the law) had to live alongside those who had been raped as wives. Only in 1981 this shameful legislation was abolished.
Filippo Melodia was sentenced to 11 years prison, reduced to 10 and 2 years of residence required near Modena. Heavy sentences were also imposed by the court of his accomplices Trapani, headed by Judge John Albeggiani. Melody was released from prison in 1976 and was killed on the outskirts of Modena, by unknown assailants with a shotgun shot April 13, 1978.

Damiano Damiani, in 1970, made the movie more beautiful wife inspired by the story of Franca Viola
