Monday, November 8, 2010

Free Sample Apartment Application

Teatro di Legno cerca attori

Laboratory of knowledge actors for a new production and to participate in the Award Scenario / Ustica 2011

Teatro di Legno prende parte alla tredicesima edizione del Premio Scenario con un nuovo progetto di ricerca e messa in scena per il quale si avvale della collaborazione drammaturgica del giovane autore napoletano Rosario Esposito La Rossa.

Decidiamo in questa occasione di aprire le porte a quanti ci hanno chiesto di collaborare. Decidiamo di incontrare nuove energie e nuovi stimoli. Decidiamo di lavorare con il nostro modus operandi e di farlo interagire con chi non lo conosce o con chi ne ha potuto osservare solo i risultati in forma di spettacolo.

looking for people who have our own emergencies, our own need to give voice and body to the ghosts that are around us in the form of a desire to say / do.

Luigi Imperato 21 and 28 November in Castellammare di Stabia (Na), at drama school the limelight. Saturday, 20 will work from 9:30 am to 14. Sunday 21 and 28 will work from 10 to 18 hours. To apply, you must send to the laboratory, not later than November 15, 2010, the curriculum, two photos and a cover letter to:

Those selected will be contacted within 17 November 2010.


The workshop is free.


The produzione dello spettacolo sarà autofinanziata, si richiede dunque motivazione e fiducia.

Il progetto sarà ultimato indipendentemente dagli sviluppi e dagli esiti del premio.


Luigi: 329.4140923 Silvana 340.0554131



Sunday, November 7, 2010

Quebec Drivers Licence Template

The law of the strongest CVD

Jorge Lorenzo from Mallorca in 2010 was the strongest rider of all. Point! No one like him also in the calculation of total points, 383 in one season. The gufatori, detractors, fans of other, pseudo-journalists, former pilots are willing to pontificate from the pulpit with crowds of "millions" of viewers (Cereghini docet). After the race in Estoril was almost embarrassing to listen to a motorcycle enthusiast after the race when comparing the victories of Lorenzo (8) and those of Rossi (2) it was said that "two are equally strong." In a beautiful reflection ( here ) Misterhelmet Spider says everything logical and correct that you could say after the race, but today, at the close of play, written before the GAME OVER on this season, it is right that the people of motorcyclists, the real ones, not those who exult if a pilot does not Italian falls to the ground, has his voice against the Bulgarian transmission and commentary. I wonder, is that Cereghini Lucchinelli, lend themselves to this yoke media at the expense of the winner just because it is not red. I wonder Lucchinelli say that "Stoner last year came the headaches." Of course he is not, there are so many painkillers that he took. I wonder Cereghini arringhi la folla becera dell'EICMA per strappare un facile applauso per aver esaltato le gesta di Simoncelli, eroe di aver rintuzzato il sorpasso a Lorenzo. Non so poi cosa è stato detto perchè ho spento la tv, tanta l'amerezza di questa scarsa e faziosa informazione. Mi sono goduto una bella gara, con un campione vero che le ha suonate a tutti, anche a chi l'anno scorso aveva "il mal di testa", che forse gli è venuto a guidare la moto in quella maniera spettacolare ed avere un team che ha pensato più ai risvolti commerciali che "coccolare" (Capirossi docet) il suo fantastico alfiere. Bravo il Sic che ha dimostrato carattere, ma se li deve ricordare i segni sulla tuta perchè le gare hanno un inizio e una fine, e non sono solo dei sorpassi Garibaldi's leading scoring halfway through the race. Spies also did well and Dovi, stoic Pedrosa until you reach the little rest of the group. Melandri Hello, you did not get enthusiastic about that much, but I will follow you with pleasure in Superbike and I hope that you follow the advice of some world champion Max Biaggi some, although not run for their usual brand. Tuesday we start again from the collective orgasm of those who bet on red, as if the others had appeared. He said this was because, without that Rossi races are a bore ... I do not think ... Valentino will definitely be right at home at Ducati and we hope all of us, but not because it's Valentine's Day, but because it is a pilot, like the others who will be 17 or 16, because if he had not the opponents would not be a problem, but a running alone against the clock. If he is also tough opponents, then that enhances athletic performance, and always honoring the winners ... but also the losers. Standing on the couch should be there for everyone because, those who change the channel if Valentine does not win or not, is not only a sport but a vulgar and ignorant fans. A great applause also to Marquez who at 17 years, with the seriousness of a wise old man, he became world champion in the 125, and no matter if its flag has three colors but only two, because he is the son that every devotee motion would have.
rintanatevi Now in your winter silence, hibernating in your doing a bit of healthy self-criticism or zen or whatever you want, so I already know When lock of the first green light will be there again to cheer or invent new excuses or, in case a remote, very remote, will begin a new era that will look not only at a pilot, but to all without distinction, as always teaches the DottorCosta.
Bye Bye ... boys ...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Swiss Gluta Effective

As it turned

interesting ideas after the Grand Prix of Australia worthy of some reflection. First the first and second place in Redding and De Angelis Moto2. A result that goes beyond the sporting gesture, because both drivers are veterans from that terrible accident that led to the death of poor Tomizawa, and this pays homage to the podium them both professionally and personally going along on that step already taken several times by poor Shoya. That said, from Australia I would also like to mention the attitude of Valentino Rossi, not as a driver but as a sportsman, who for the second time he raised his voice against the Dorna (Ezpeleta) to kneel too guilty to the wishes of Formula One. The bad weather of recent days, miraculously avoided the race, should make it clear that the grand prize would be over in another period, no ifs, ands or buts, because children who go above 300 per hour on two wheels must also be protected from weather conditions, if predictable. If Rossi is actually the flag of the sport in ultimi anni, fa bene ad esserlo anche come portavoce dei disagi causati dalla pseudo concomitanza con altre gare di un altro sport che in comune ha solo i pistoni.
Detto questo gara un pò noiosa sotto il profilo dei duelli ma interessante all'analisi. Stoner ha dimostrato di essere ancora il numero uno, o almeno quello più veloce di tutti, quello più cattivo quello con maggior talento. Il suo avversario più tosto è proprio se stesso che ogni tanto si dimentica chi è. Vederlo guidare è una gioia ma anche un costante patema d'animo perchè non sai mai se la fisica avrà il sopravvento oppure no. La curva prima del rettilineo fatta completamente di traverso non ha euguali e a me piace anche così e spero che Suppo sia in able to "support" in Honda.
The new world champion Lorenzo was caught by the Australian 8 seconds, but what matters most is that it has really shown that once the title in his pocket, he returned to be fast, fearless, he also hit by the syndrome of Dovi, trovandodi time to time opponents in a state of grace that bear the name of Pedrosa and Stoner. Some people say it should be back to win by not doing a bit of shadow on the world title, and even though I may be in part agree, but has now trimmed 10 seconds to his team-mate Rossi, lately used as proof of 9 to check the status of Majorca. Valentino brawl with Hayden in third until the last curve, ended the race with lap times never able to trouble the first two, struggling with a tough Simoncelli and a strange Spies, who could show us something more on a track he already knew. The bike number 46 does not go alone and we must undertake in order not to regret the previous driver.
Elegant and stately the attitude of Guareschi on the back of the podium, in full "flirt" with Rossi forgetting that its true, and again the pilot came in first ... Okay ... in a period of "outing" cdome this we can not impress too much also because the two can embrace Valencia after having had the approval from the Yamaha ...
Beautiful as always, the frame Phillip Island and the beautiful people in the audience, orderly, civil, sports have sent quite a message to the uncivilized of the old continent, in Misano head ... The flags below the podium celebrating motorcycling and its samples, all without exception, as the newspapers should also do our own, which gave more weight to the top of Rossi in Malaysia that the new World Champion. But we know the phenomena are not only in motion ...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

How To Do A Skins Party

Game Over

Like the very successful gag Lorenzo, writes the championship game over screen in advance for the MotoGP for the Moto2. On the day of the tricolor (Rolfo, Iannone, Rossi, Dovizioso) stands, however, up the English flag, with two pilots constant, hard, soft, and the last race even accountants. Elias has taken revenge on himself and, after sailing the high seas in MotoGP, has found a smile in the same team that former world champion seven years ago with the scoparso Kato and, ironically, in the year of death another Japanese rider Daijiro he sponsored the entry in the paddock. Gresini's face talking to herself and perhaps we reviewed smile again from that far back as 2003. Speech Lorenzo different for former world champion 2 times the 250 centers that also the most sought-after goal after three years of stay in the premier class. He did it in the least respect to his character arrembante but we know that the world will also win the case. The various conjectures, on which if there had been consistently the toughest opponents to lay a trap for the title, leaving the time that they find, because even as we become champions. The only negative is after the race in Japan when he could spare to go to complain about the behavior of his opponent and teammate. A bit part in the clarified in Malaysia, where he candidly said to be afraid of getting hurt and, perhaps, of losing the title to worse. A field goal that deserves all the calculations of the case and now that it finally became champion will definitely come back to be that pilot we all know with the hope that the minds last three races remaining with the other 4. And 'bad MotoGP reduce only 5 participants, but want to technical choices, you want talent, in the absence of Stoner and Pedrosa the race yesterday they made it three in relegating the rest of the group to duels, however, fought, in the rear. Game Over Valentino Rossi returned to victory finally ending a long cycle of absence from the top step of the podium. Not that much but had to demonstrate, for the most attentive audience of farewell to a victory in the Yamaha after his injury, was used to restore some values \u200b\u200bthat have always been the champion of Tavullia. Game Over for Pedrosa and Stoner acrobatic how fragile and, if the first this time blameless in spite of himself, the second can not throw to the winds races "already" won the first round. Stoner of 5 is the fastest but also the most fragile and if this year is also given the responsibility of the technical choices to (commercial) Ducati, we hope that the good Livio Suppo with the official colors of the parent, is able to bring back Casey to the glories of 2007. Game Over (hopefully for him) on the poor Dovizioso that whenever there is always someone ahead faster, preventing a clear victory and not to the point as to Doningthon ... Game Over Ezpeleta kneeling on the court of Ecclestone, both rebuked by Rossi who did very well to criticize against this subjection that the people of the bikes does not deserve. Who can look at a watching F1 racing bike, but not vice versa ... We do not look at the outward! We watch entire races, full of overtaking on the track (not the box). If Ezpeleta is unable to assert his independence, even during the times of departure, which changed jobs because the flight from MotoGP is not only a question of cost. Instead of making war on the Superbike and Infront, united with our brothers and sisters because Flamini at a time of general crisis as this unity is strength. Think of the way of thickening the grid because of its jewel the prospects for the coming year I do not look so rosy indeed ... if we continue at this rate there will be a truly game over, but on the whole championship ...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Woolite High Efficiency Washer

We men hard

males have characterized three races on Sunday reported yesterday and a little more attention to the valium-MotoGP category that takes more of the "gossip" on the track. The departure of Pedrosa there was a little alarmed, as recently was the only driver to add a little water on the category and, in fact, delivering the world's advance in the hands of Lorenzo, however, had already almost pocket. So starting with the male race's winner Stoner Ba-back to the level of a time with the bike that expressly required, and that alone has been entrusted to Aragon. Photocopy of the world where the past, out of the tunnel of the disease, it takes all in the last four races, Valencia apart (the Bridgestone cheat sooner or later ...). A pace perhaps unthinkable for him, but we did find a good sample of its 22 victories the way King Kenny Roberts. Who has put the pens most of all was Dovizioso, tough second, that never gave up Australia if not the end, when two or three Highside today advised him that there was not anyone, even earning sportsman compliments of the opponent. Chapter of the merit of the two Yamaha, Rossi and Lorenzo, who remained the crumbs of the last step of the podium, but with the valence how was the first. Although they had smelled the discharge of Dovi and Valentino as say ("I could stay with the first if I was losing time behind Lorenzo"), the two found themselves in the last two rounds compared to a nice shoulder to shoulder for a lot of curves, with repeated overtaking the limit, in my view the spectacular, which gave us a Valentine found and badass, despite the conditions on the circuit-shoulder and a fresh sample of the world instead of being satisfied that he pulled off a fine grit from number one. Obviously no lack of controversy by Lorenzo, who requested a verification of the behavior of Yamaha's Rossi, but you know these are the races and the number 46 is very good at this level, partly because in episodi più eclatanti non è mai stato sanzionato (Rossi vs Stoner Laguna Seca 2008) e come dice Massimo Falcioni su : "Basta veleni e basta vedere commentare le corse dalla parte sbagliata del canocchiale".
E così mentre i commentatori del speriamo-che-Lorenzo-non-arrivi-prima-di-Vale rischiavano l'infarto, dall'altra parte del mondo, poche ore dopo, assistevamo a due manches spettacolari relegando il duello giapponese ad un semplice antipasto. Infatti a Magny Course si è svolto l'ultimo round del campionato del mondo Superbike, e con il titolo già assegnato, i piloti si sono trasformati in una sorta di mucchio selvaggio al grido di Highlander memory "it will be only one." Spectacular two runs in the day of the consecration of manufacturers' title in Aprilia, Biaggi in the confirmation of a large and nell'addio its historic race director Alberto Fantini who died yesterday for an incurable disease. First run at Cal Crutchlow who has tamed his pursuers led by a arrembante Haslam, a more convincing Checa and Biaggi feverish. Do not pay for everything Biaggi and Crutchlow will be gathering at the second round, and even if accompanied by "enemies" different, Guintoli, Fabrizio, Haga (briefly), continued to beating each other with the thrashing of the Roman world champion and English at the start, which continued skirmishes also on the podium (even if no one seems to have noticed). Bello also here the duel for third place, a photocopy of what happened in that first 8 hours of Motegi.
The superbike thus leaves us with a less crowded grid, with an uncertain future, and his eyes watered down the fresh world champion who, toltosi fifth pebble in the shoe, in my humble opinion, is considering the retirement from racing. Biaggi is a sample found, and if you followed the special La7, a direct man, mature, and thoughtful, which keeps the suits in the closet of his career, even the ugly ones (Honda and Ducati) without sending him to say too much behind with the knowledge that they have not experienced too many wrongs in those diatribes. History is made by the winners and those who come after him will have to write his name only after that of Max Biaggi, Italian motorcycle, the Italian driver, the Italian team ...
Again, all drivers ,.... thanks guys!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Obesity Awareness Week

La nave dei folli - Teatro di Legno

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Canadians Working For Disney

Made in Italy!

I really enjoyed the Superbike race at Imola! First victory for the return of a pilot much discussed in the past (I was among his detractors), but in fact driving has always been an example. Since he arrived in Superbike Biaggi has been shown to be changed, more human, more sparkling even in jokes, hiding the truth, in the past but always gave the wrong way and the wrong time. Was it not true when he said that the Yamaha was to invest and change strategies? And so on Honda? Wrong because then wrinkled her nose as a child and did not like Rossi who already had a more charismatic and more hits to bring a dowry. His return to racing with the derived series did, however, understand the importance of Max Biaggi in the world of two wheels, and soon there was a media response from the audience that grew in front of the video and the race track. The rest is history. Ducati shut the door in a bad way, in my opinion, then the mad project of return to racing with the team three times world champion in 250. A family as defined by him, che lo ha portato sul tetto del mondo a 39 anni, e di smettere di correre non ne ha proprio voglia. Una vittoria veramente Made in Italy con un pilota che prende un quarto di ingaggio di un altro italiano che andrà su di una moto italiana (al 49%) e che se vorrà vincere questa volta sarà il secondo e non il primo a farlo. Moto italiana e sponsor italiano (Alitalia) che ha ricevuto una ventata di positività dopo tutte le vicissitudini societarie, e per questo un altro plauso in più a questa fantastica stagione. La maglietta riassume un pò tutto il Biaggi pensiero ma questa volta con tempi e modi giusti, strizzando l'occhio anche a Enzo Ferrari che affermava che un figlio paga un secondo al giro... Da Max a Max un bell'abbraccio virtuale e un...continua so!
Imola has also reserved for other interesting ideas to start from the rival Biaggi, that Leon Haslam, real name lion in fact, he did as a first run was made, up front, elbowing, throwing open the throttle more than others, impossible to overtake Carlos Checa at Rivazza. A warrior never subdued, and also a gentleman in the manner despite his young age. Perhaps it is for his opponent in the second round that Max had a blizzard and did not give him anything, as long as the motor of his Suzuki to Villeneuve consegnado exploded in fact the title in the hands of the Roman Empire. Next year BMW will be in and if so give me a lot ... Will leave a team of a true gentleman the paddock, that Francis Batta who ran to congratulate Aprilia immediately after the disappearance of his rider and motorcycling needs of these figures.
I have enjoyed for the revised in front of my preferred brand, Kawasaki, led by a tough Skyes (his cross to Piratella were equal to those of Cluthclow at Silverstone), impossible to pass even a lightning bolt as a demonstration Aprilia the Verdon is always the "motion" of all.
because although I enjoyed the Ducati complain of the Regulation, in the first race on the podium three red rose, a sign that should not be so bad and a sign that the operation has had Rossi in the budget a lot more than we want far credere. Bravo quindi a Carlos Checa, anche lui non più giovanissimo, che ha guidato come un orologio svizzero aggiudicandosi entrambe le gare regolando un redivivo Lorenzo Lanzi e forse un risvegliato Haga in odore di passare anche lui con l'Aprilia.
Un ultima analisi sul pubblico di Imola. Contrariamente al berciume visto a Misano in occasione della MotoGp con i fischi a Lorenzo, nonostante l'euforia del titolo conquistato da Max Biaggi, mi è sembrato che il popolo della Superbike, peraltro molto numeroso (70.000 presnze circa), si sia rivelato più ricco di appassionati che di tifosi e questo dovrebbe consigliare gli organizzatori a non far morire questa classe ne accettare ricatti dalla Dorna, perchè un conto è parlare Prototyping an account derived from the series (although lately they have very little of a derivative).

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Deer Sirloin Tip Roast

The Return of the kangaroo

I've always had a strong sympathy for Casey Stoner. Even when no one slipped by me if I liked to see his placings in the race, or at least races that could end, given his numerous falls from which they derived the nickname of Rolling Stoner. Defeated in 2007 when all that went on that bike Capirossi could only partly tamed, but that the boy from Kurri Kurri found suitable for his aggressive driving style "front". All the rest is history then until his illness last year that left him unable to play the new world title. Stoner Stoner yesterday redid it in 2007, beautiful, almost clean, bad, never had enough gas to give even when the bike starts to move like a snake, with that arrival never satisfied with the victory and ready for the next race. Ready, set, go, a brief skirmish in the two curves with an initially tough Lorenzo and then ... gasss! even more than the bike can have, because it was coming behind Pedrosa, the combination of motorcycle-rider strong at the moment, but that nothing has been against the red arrow and its fantastic jockey. Bravo Casey, even though next year will be with a brand that I've always just digested, I hope you still collect fame and glory because you deserve it really! Who deserves to be a better groomed and coiffed (or rather a shaved general) is the Ds Ducati rider Vittoriano Guareschi, who, instead of thinking of her hair with 220 V, thought to input coming from its top driver, not a weep for a season in the alternation. In fact, revving stated that the motion of Hayden and Stoner yesterday were different in length, exactly 15 mm or so, which enabled both the kangaroo and the American attack to race to Hayden ended with a pass to the master Jorge Lorenzo of damage. I do not know for the rest of the season what the results of the Ducati, but if Stoner ricomincierà to beat all, it was better to humor him and give him the bike he wanted, rather than go to Niki also trying to sell a few more pieces in the U.S.? Mah ... Well
confirmation of Pedrosa in second place, which made the race interesting, tight marking between Stoner and seven-tenths and the second half, then give up (rightly) in the final but also in the standings. As mentioned earlier, the better the third place of Hayden, birds at the third last corner (they hold a) a pliable Lorenzo riding a Yamaha boiled in its worst phase of the season. I hope I'm wrong, but the house of Iwata seems to have taken an early decline unless they have been Honda and Ducati to make a leap forward and, if so, will give an alarm to i fenomeni senza moto vanno da poche parti, ed anche se Spies ieri ha confermato la sua consistenza, anche lui avrà bisogno di più prestazioni se vorrà giocarsela col resto del gruppo. Del resto del gruppo di ieri ha fatto parte anche Valentino Rossi, settimo fino all'ultimo giro, sesto al traguardo causa di un botto di Dovizioso mentre si stava giocando il quinto posto con Spies. Che dire....? Nell'intervista di un sempre più innamorato Beltramo a Rossi, abbiamo capito che c'è qualcosa che non va, ed è inutile tirare in ballo la spalla da operare... Si, è vero, i tendini quando si infiammano danno fastidio (ne so qualcosa), il gruppo deltoide e spinoso sono importanti per la guida, ma qualcosa al Mugello, oltre alla tibia, broke the champion of Tavullia, fortunately "justified" by a non-fully competitive. Who knows, we'll see. For the motorcycle I'd like to see an end to Valentino winning career, or at least what remains the man to beat, because in the last decade has always been that way, regardless of the medium controlled, otherwise ... A praise
Livio Suppo (I still have not framed well) when I finally said to stop making "stupid questions" from the studio to pilots on marketing issues, fueling more sterile controversy over who or what ... Let's talk about motorcycling guys! Let's talk about drivers, we talk about race, you talk about who won masterfully Iannone Moto 2, we talk about Pirro that comes from the minor races and with a wrist fence went strongest of the various Canepa and Rolfo, confirming my thesis that not everyone who has money can go fast! We interview Redding, a boy of 17 years marked for the rest of his life (and the stupid Italian justice) who has run the same despite the memory of impact on the handlebars of the body of a colleague who later died. Grow a little dear journalists and opinion, be bearers of the news and not "your" news!
Bello, agitated and meaningful farewell to poor Tomizawa, deployed with the paddock behind the Japanese team and the bike on the pit lane without body del suo bravo pilota, ma ricordato nello spirito da tutti, chi con un adesivo, chi col casco come Lorenzo in ricordo del guerriero caduto ma mai dimenticato.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Can I Continue My Wow Account After Trial

Veni, vidi, vici!

E' quello che deve avere pensato Lorenzo Segoni all'ultima trasferta in quel di Vallelunga, appuntamento finale della Gladius Cup Suzuki e del Trofeo Hornet Honda, evocando le parole di un ben più noto romano alla conquista delle terre del mondo. Lorenzo Segoni classe 78, per chi non lo sapesse, era ed ancora è uno di quei tanti o pochi talenti in giro per lo stivale, in piste più o meno assurde, che con pochi mezzi economici e tanta passione, si è sempre distinto in lodevoli prestazioni tali da giustificare its a step in the higher classes. But we know that the "Segoni" are usually not good pilots guilty of being too "foo" and then more "others" discussed by the talented but fast in the payment dell'obolo to buy a real motorcycle racing ...
So switching between scooters, various trophies, endurance, and so global appearances, Lorenzo found himself running for small teams in the various brand always bring with them the desire to grind km faster than others. So it's been for the fact that Suzuki Gladius Cup won for the second consecutive year, and finally for the Honda Hornet Cup, where the parent, for commercial reasons, it is shown in first person, recruitment of le file anche altri nomi "illustri". Nonostante il "marcio" dei trofei, dove è possibile vedere motori supersport montati su moto di serie (squalifica di Misano a Zerbo docet) il piccolo "Davide" Segoni è riuscito ad aggiudicarsi il trofeo in maniera cristallina, senza bisogno di ricorrere alle alchimie della moto, ma solo con tanta dose di gas nel manico, e insegnando a "Golia" Honda che a volte bisognerebbe essere più leali verso tutti se vogliamo trovare un successore di Rossi, Dovizioso o Simoncelli. Lorenzo Segoni non sarebbe mai forse diventato tale, però a vedere Lamborghini 23esimo e Canepa 28esimo a Misano significa che qualcosa deve essere fatto nei "vivai" dei trofei altrimenti i piloti italiani a livello mondiale saranno tutti dei....segoni!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Leather Trousers Domina

74 ... 48

Un ambo? Una coincidenza che il secondo numero del primo sia uguale al primo del secondo? No, semplicemente i numeri di gara di due piloti che oggi non sfrecciano più sui circuiti di tutto il mondo. Una fine triste, cruenta per entrambi, in diretta per lo più, che ha risvegliato e risveglia un pò le coscienze di "noi" addetti al settore, piloti e non, e che ci riporta a quel percorso mortale che tutti gli umani seguono, nessuno escluso, anche se siamo capaci di far scatenare 240 cavalli a terra su 10 centimetri di gomma. Kato e Tomizawa nati nella terra del "corri ragazzo laggiù", fisionomicamente simili ma nello stesso tempo diversi, born many years after that cry Tora, tora, tora, which has deeply scarred the land of their ancestors, and who until recently wore around the world that strange red sun on a white field.
Besides the majority instead of live and observe vegetation, few people have noticed all this after the last incident which involved the poor Tomizawa, all working to draft numbers and figures if he died before or after a certain time, if it was right to stop the race or not, or simply mention that Redding is what has given the coup de grace (Nico Cereghini, overdrive ...), until you get to investigate De Angelis (application due ... but please !!!!!!).
E 'dead a pilot, a boy almost 20 years, and the most beautiful words have said two of his peers (here those of Bradley Smith), two men, two young wise, that after running the race at Misano have simply said that the pilots run, win, lose and die because this is the best thing they can do in life. 20 years are equal to 60 if you live life as you want it to be lived, Pedrosa and Smith knows this very well because it is so much that they do this job, regardless of age, and every time you climb into the saddle, always turn the throttle even stronger and are increasingly enamored of their profession. Only those who have lived on the edge know what I mean, the rest of the world shut your mouth for a moment. All standing (not on the couch) with his head bowed in respectful silence to remember our kids who cause strong emotions in us how to ride a bike, but when they make us reflect deeply, to a fateful twist of fate, we see them as rags crawling along the strip of asphalt, affected by other innocent children whose only dream is to go harder than the other ... Everything else is boring, rhetorical phrases, ignorance, berciume, typhoid, paucity, poverty, only a deafening sound of words in the wind, a babel of shit that creates a background noise audible only to those who have ringing in your head. ..

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Borgata Total Rewards

little new on the Western Front

In quel di dello stato dell'Indiana, in occidente appunto, si è consumato l'undicesimo Gran Premio di questo mondiale che sembra più di transizione verso quello del 2011 che altro. Rossi nel dire che le strategie per il futuro dovrebbero essere fatte a due, tre gare dal termine, dice il vero a mio parere, perchè il tutto può riflettersi sull'impegno del pilota alla guida di una moto che dovrà comunque lasciare con la logica conseguenza della perdita di stimoli. Casualmente la sua ad affermazione trova riscontro nella bellissima vittoria di Pedrosa (per cercare di stabilire la sua leadership con l'arrivo di Stoner) un secondo posto di Spies (confermato ufficiale Yamaha), Stoner "strangely" Fallen (Honda head already?) And Rossi falls (three times in the test) was fourth. Bella then the victory of Pedrosa, the only one not notice the bad conditions of a track absurd, with open drains in knee trajectory, potholes everywhere, and a dirt path that offers little to overtake. Striking conditions of the drivers after the race, with Lorenzo semisvenuto on the bike at the park closed and Pedrosa, the interview took place in overdrive about twenty minutes after the end, it was almost faint at any moment, ending with the Rossi's statement that towards the end of the race said to have seen St. Peter's. The only less prove that he was framed for this purpose Spies week with his first pole and a fine second place, which projects him in the top of the standings to fight for third place that is not so far away. Perhaps the only news most striking (already circulated an official statement) is the output of the Ducati Superbike as a team, leaving the satellite teams handling bike, a bit like all the Japanese. I do not know if it's a coincidence or not the employment of Valentino, but according to statements by Del Torchio, it seems that the engineers "race" will work for a supermoto that arrives in showrooms and on race tracks in 2012. We'll see.
MotoGp still characterized by "smallness" in the field if not for the plots hatched on the outside, not from ideas even after the race, where the trio Bobbiese-Cereghini-Lucchinelli digs in the few subjects until you get to analyze the driving style of Spies they say ugly. Fall style that Nico did not believe in good conditions "tired" of Lorenzo until both Pedrosa, but mostly the same Rossi, confirmed the situation as "hot" track ... A bit like when Stoner complains of the front, now that the problem exists also falls Valentino, first no ... Mah .. Beautiful as always
Moto2 who found Elias in his first world and showman, bad luck aside, a Iannone, despite starting from 26th position managed to finish fourth, taking with him a fluctuating course.
Unfortunately the Sunday race was overshadowed by Peter Lenz fatal accident during the trophy Moriwaki. The young rider, thirteen, fell into the sighting lap, slapping violently against the protections of the circuit. Rushed to Methodist Hospital Indianapolis, died soon after. The father's words on Facebook:
"Peter died early this morning when he was apparently hit by another rider. He died doing what he loved. The world has lost one of its brightest lights. The number 45 hours is on another road that we can only hope to achieve. God bless Peter and the other pilot involved.
Hello Peter

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Should I Get A Brazilian

Relationships, relationships, marriages, escapades, lovers.

Writes a friend face (internal message):

Dear Max I'm having an affair outside the marriage that took me like never before. I feel younger, sexually active, I think of him often and are imbued with feelings as when I was 16. He, my age, I live the usual condition, and we are very happy to have this relationship. There is one problem though: while I'm totally immersed in their lives riding the emotions strong, he lives on and off, sometimes present and sometimes not, and can not figure out if I'm pretending and I relegated to a mere sexual release, or are merely different to handle the situation. Since you are "man" and enjoy reading your posts, but very often directed close to reality, what I suggest trying to understand or to leave my doubt?
If you do not publish the name you can do a post on the application. B.

difficult question and a response spectrum at 360 °. So I left the wonderful feeling that you're living, or a rediscovery of ourselves at a young age really. From your words I can infer that you are a 30 and over, if you're married, you certainly have some experience already of marriage. It seems to me also to understand that you are not accustomed of an extra-marital escapades, and this puts you in a position to live the story with strong emotions, precisely those that have young. I think I understand how you will feel at this moment because of heart palpitations are the strongest and the most shocking and even those that are in many cases they make hasty decisions that lead to painful separations. That said one must remember that we are faced with two different elements from each other is: a man and a woman, almost identical morphologically, but at the extremes in fact use the brain. Obviously there is a prevalence between the two, although each tends to bring water to his mill. From personal experience I can tell you that women are wonderful (hence my nature distinctly hetero) and I learned a lot from you and understand your condition at this time. But remember, you're dealing with a man who has a different view, a bit like watching the same old picture from another side. He does not live on and off, it certainly will use for a sexual outlet. If so there would be a step "positive", but only the classic one hit and exit via the kind of squalid fashion "trombamico / a" very popular among young people. We men are like sex: great involvement to orgasm, then let those 20, 30 minutes of detachment because we have a little "take back". You do not know how to say that he is alternating, of course I do not think that you are all-day "piece," then I assume that your feelings come from contact by letter, translated in our day, sms, email, facebook and whatever ' more ... Personally, despite being the "son" of technology, the tools just mentioned I like to use pure cazzeggiano and not to seek confirmation or to discuss the worst. Today we are all with his head bent on our cellphones glued to our monitors, and when we find ourselves face to face we say? If you use him for a mere sexual release you'll hear very well, signals are often too obvious. But if your relationship goes beyond that to leave him at the time of emergence in time and manner that is most befitting (you spell it?), Judging it not for the messages that you send, but simply by what shows you when you are together. When you're not with a person's time is frozen and waiting to see her again ... ardi If you obstruct this spell, then report it back to what you live every day with your husband, a relationship that time has changed, has made it routine force play, maybe because they have run out of things to say or what to do ... It is not a defeat, however, if there is a mutual respect, you're just going through the unthinkable, che fino a qualche anno fa lo giudicavi "disonesto" e moralmente ingiusto, perchè alla fine siamo un pò schiavi della società in cui viviamo. Ovviamente c'è anche chi li ha travisati questi concetti, sganzandosi a destra e a manca senza il minimo ritegno, ma queste, come ho già scritto in un post precedente, sono bestie che non cercano l'emozione ma solo uno sfogo... Sappi attendere le "mosse" dell'altro. Se ti va di fare un affermazione, non ti aspettare per forza la risposta. I sentimenti, i pensieri, una bella frase sono come doni: non vanno richiesti indietro... Vivilo se ne hai la possibilità, attendilo quando non ce n'è, solo così rinnoverai quella sensazione della prima volta...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

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The horns are like the measles ...

... those who had them, those who have it, and who must have ...
Our ancestral Latin, especially us males, rejects the idea of \u200b\u200bhorns, foolishly thinking to own a pseudo "advantage" against women. In fact, the infidelity is somewhat inherent in us all and affects the most remote corners of the earth (the film The Bridges of Madison Country it is a shining example). Having said this does not necessarily have to be desperate housewives or accountants of Pistoia to be driven by a strong drive to break the marriage relationship. Today we witness a shift of the barbarian hordes in search of new emotions because everything is relegated to a sort of challenge between the sexes. Mi raccontava un mio amico che lui fa affari a noleggiare auto per 2, 3 ore, con il telefono che squilla in continuazione per cercare di aggiudicarsi la Ferrari o la Maserati per poter andare in discoteca ed apparire, per avere più chances "nell'imbrocco".
Ma il tradimento, la fuga, l'essere fedigrafi non pregiudica un atteggiamento poi troppo negativo o riprovevole. Giurare fedeltà al proprio uomo o alla propria donna non implica ammanettarsi per tutta la vita, o castrarsi nel non vedere o nel non fare... Tutto stà a capire cosa effettivamente vogliamo. Spesso e volentieri siamo portati al tradimento per cercare quello che più non abbiamo in casa, quello che non riusciamo ad ottenere dal nostro rapporto quotidiano, e tendiamo a search for new flavors and new emotions. This is partly true, however, because our partners in the long run, it becomes "habit", but not in the bad sense of the word, but perhaps because we are not able to renew ourselves in gestures, in intimate moments, in the arguments. But if you think about this we can not find even "with the new," because many of us were super the first time? It is true, the mechanism is the usual tit for tat, but it is not true as it seems. The first time offenders from becoming more a relief than anything else where the only thing different is the novelty of the person, but otherwise tends to suffer a little performance anxiety from having always thought the drive (while six of them) to say: "I happen and when?". But we are all victims of the treachery of the partners, science and mathematics, because betrayal is even looking or thinking that "unclean" that goes through your head, masterfully described in the poem the poet Fusi "She Move," which remains a prisoner and will cause a shock. The detail of the mouth, hands, eyes, of that phrase thrown them in the middle, he or she appeared one day that door, from that scent ... Beautiful, romantic, this approach goes beyond the sexual instinct, that of the disco like "if you do not trumpet today ..." regardless of who you can find ... What do the animals to mate and define the horns, but more degradation of the individual ...
It takes a certain class, even in the "betrayal" would not call this, because basically what those who betray and betray ... Already I hear the whistles of the Puritans, those of marriage up-to-death-not-that-we-separate and then maybe find acid to 50 years, maybe bad repressed employers or colleagues. No sir ... compliments, looks, expressions of "love" part of us, our way of life, because if they were the wives or husbands car, the cycle will change to show those feelings and that sense of rejuvenation that pervades every time meets an angel (Rambaldo Melandri docet) ... That's why the horns are like measles, because in relationships (marriage, cohabitation) there will always be that moment of weakness, that whisper inside that makes you shake. The seriousness is that the moment does not ruin the lives of couples, especially if there are children who have to have brothers or sisters, mothers and fathers who are left to take in situations exactly alike, except that a split with a knife between teeth. Caputo said, "... put the horns therapeutic ...". But the sentence was no longer true. As for measles, the horns are an "evil" that sooner or later arrive, and often also helps you appreciate what you have, because back home loaded with six new life, and maybe you are led to seek, in her or he lost that flavor but ended up with that figure appeared one day, in an afternoon of your life ...
And you already got the measles?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Callerid Blocking Cell Phones Roger


Where to start? Unlike collective orgasm of the passage of Rossi to Ducati, starting with the failure to record Lorenzo to win the pole position in a season, to the detriment of Max Biaggi always obtained with the colors of the house of Iwata. For the rest of English yet another flawless race increasingly dominated this world, with a perseverance worthy of a Rossi and Stoner 2007 first manner. Yesterday, the good Jorge has hit his seventh win of the season in a race marred by imperfect condizioni del circuito, bagnato dalla pioggia la sera prima e afflitto da un vento "radente" che impediva alla ruota anteriore di fare il suo lavoro. Comunque, cambiando l'ordine dei fattori (meteo), in campo il risultato è rimasto invariato con Lorenzo lepre, Pedrosa a inseguire senza fare errori, e un pò più dietro un non ancora lucido Stoner, con la nuova new entry tra i primi di un ottimo Spies giunto quarto. Variata invece la condizione di Rossi, a mio avviso un pò troppo "precaria" come già avevo scritto in un post precedente. E' vero che comunque la notizia del giorno è il suo passaggio in Ducati, atteso come l'annuncio del Messia, ma ciò non deve distogliere da una sua prestazione non all'altezza, ancora celata behind not perfect physical condition, and that seems to denote that something has changed. Fifth behind Spies with statements after the race unclear or perhaps too much, give us a picture of a champion in a phase of disorientation as we had never seen before, to quote the words of his supporters, almost hit syndrome of the number 99. In the curtain after the race to over-rev, Florenz made a joke more or less acceptable, but something was correct in saying that "we must leave the Yamaha with Valentino that a victory by beating Lorenzo," because it is true that a nine-time champion the world has nothing to prove, but it is also true that every time someone looks out the upper floors a parità di mezzo tecnico, dapprima le ha prese o poi le ha ridate, vedi il duello perso con Stoner nel 2007 e vinto l'anno successivo. Certo è che questo mondiale è sempre Valentino dipendente, in un modo o nell'altro, e ancora una volta la gara ha dimostrato che, se non cambia qualcosa, il buon Ezpeleta, invece di accapigliarsi con Infront, dovrà inventarsi qualcosa di nuovo per il futuro, perchè Rossi ha firmato per due anni con Ducati e due anni non sono poi così tanti...
Qualcosa di più si è visto nella Moto2 sempre avvincente e ricca di sorpassi. Certo la categoria è viziata da un monomarca in fatto di motori, da delle prestazioni "equivalenti", però decisamente spettacolare e con divari 15 seconds in the top 15 drivers that make it a little more different names of the characters, even if the head is always the best driver who has known how to interpret the very beginning of the year to date, that Tony Elias in the odor of return in MotoGP. Iannone also pretty well with a bike not just set up for the occasion but always in the forefront recently. Roby Rolfo was revised with a more competitive bike until the engine to the rectum and then stop when he was battling for first place. The other Italians lost a little in the rear to start from eighth to finish courses to Canepa, demonstrating that driving a race bike is not how to dock a ship in the port of Genoa, and that unless something changes in the management of the championships minori, avremo sempre più "figli, nipoti e parenti di" a correre, e meno campioni da poter controbattere alla nuova dominazione spagnola.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Oakley Hatchet Lens Replacement

99 pilots and heroes

Lo so, post così fanno un pò rabbia. Diciamo che fanno arricciare il naso ai puristi, a quelli politically correct, a quelli che non-si-parla-male-degli-altri oppure a quelli che bisogna essere sportivi. Ma d'altronde internet non è la televisione, è un territorio libero dove poter esprimere il proprio pensiero (sempre conservando un minimo di classe, decenza e verità). Della vicenda della caduta di Rossi ne hanno già abbondantemente parlato un pò tutti. Trattandosi poi della caduta di un campione, e visti gli esiti della sua mancanza the championship, it made even more headlines. Of course, the usual pundits (for lovers of Latin phrases see Solon Greek) embroidered us from the beginning, since the first reports spoke of four, five months for total recovery of form. Always the same then, during the commentary, but also from the pages of newspapers, they asked how could "the miracle" by reviewing them in the saddle (but our) favorite, limping and having crutch, but with the right wrist always in good shape. Not being a Red State employee (as a result of a breakdown so severe it running for a year), the choice of a running back has found a little surprised all of us, however, because We are all children of the declarations of good Costa and we are led to imagine the riders as people of a different dimension, what else does not have his head if not the speed. The first alarm bell on the Rossi-ci-march came from Stoner when he first got behind the Doctor and, after a miserable joke of it, said that "many drivers run with nails and in any case not after the race you're standing on the platforms towards the earth if you use crutches "(translation is a bit more than the gist). Today
another tile hits the record holder who-to-back-first, because Randy De Puniet to 22 days away from an accident similar if not identical to that of Valentine, is back in the saddle and, unbelievable, without using the crutches ( video ). Of course Randy has used a good Honda normal, did not go stronger than Johnny Rea, has made some records, but if I so much by then all stood to applaud him on the couch stoic French. But surely the break will never be the same as that of Rossi, De Puniet why not make the results of The Doctor, and then we hear that all would be good to go so ... I believe instead that these guys deserve a big round of applause for the love you have towards this sport to the passion that's always pushing to go faster, to honor their colors, their flags, as opposed to 11 men behind a ball, with little self-sacrifice, ready to expressions of extreme pain caused by alleged rough contrasts.
Thanks guys ...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Substitution For Idiazabal Cheese

be or not to be ....

the birthplace of the great English writer Max Biaggi has decided to run two runs to keep settling for placements that eventually send him on holiday with 60 points behind the second and which are not few. A big applause goes to the whole team that won the English most of the lead with the only intrusion of the two Italians Fabrizio and Biaggi just retired in the second heats to a technical fault. The victory went both times with a dazzling Cal Crutchlow riding that bike that has Spies saw the triumph of last year and that for some 'time was missing on the top step of the podium. Johnny Rea second in both races has been nothing against the fury of the Yamaha rider and author of fastest laps of drifting scream, further enhanced by the good Sanchini incisive commentary that defined erotic, fully agree with the writer. A month's leave and then returned to Germany for the Nurburgring circuit in that new to be discovered, where the last part of the season for a total of 150 points in common between Biaggi, Haslam and a more distant, but always on the run , Rea. The race at Silverstone was anticipated also from a noble statement of Dorna boss Carmelo Ezpeleta, who has appealed The Superbike category as a child, referring in particular to the number of spectators set to every race, not considering the fact that events in the category of average derived from the series have many more starters and many more duels than Chelu defines class. I would remind Mr. Ezpeleta that the annual transfer of drivers passing through the categories is always very marked, and therefore much lower class do not. I would advise him instead of bringing more than Flamini to the work of the brothers who are carrying on for years a beautiful and spectacular championship no less than MotoGP, but different, with two runs of the formula that allows us to enjoy two races at the highest level. For me also Sunday's motorcycle world is beautiful because it starts from the 125 to arrive at the MotoGP, but lately I am very disappointing because there are always winners with four fingers.

Today I was also at Mugello on Sunday dedicated to a single brand and variety of trophies for the occasion, I reviewed with a lot of friends and riders, many of which I also held a baptism. Paddock a bit 'empty and have little public frame for a sport that has national level is no longer the heirs of Biaggi and Rossi, also spoiled by poorly managed, where instead of trophies to the uncertainty of the final rule, they tend to benefit this or that driver of growth at the expense of others. This was true also for the Hornet Cup where the winner, that Zerbo already disqualified for technical irregularities in the race at Misano, has come back on the grid with a bike that could easily claim a super motor sport, so much so that at the end of the first lap, when taken command, has trimmed more than a half turn to the second patrol of the pursuers by turning in times of pole position. At this point I would be asked to Charles Florenzano pontificates that both speaking on overdrive, which is really the dividing line between pure marketing or the intent of bringing up young talent and then make her debut in the major leagues, because I do not see a horizon real commitment as is the case for the English riders handled differently from a federation he sees farther. Addressing a season even mono brand is very expensive, and mocked by seeing favoritism and regulations do not respected is even more frustrating. You can bet that the next will be a Italian motorcycling ace Marini still unknown and certainly not just for sporting merit. Pending BRNO and the fateful step of Rossi on the Ducati, I wish you a good start of August to you all, fans of motorcycle racing and drifting of sound (the track!) As what today we got Cal Crutchlow.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Does The Gishlane System Work?

Houston ... we do not have a problem!

Contrary to the popular message of the occupants Apollo 13 astronaut Lorenzo and his rocket are going very well, sorry to all rocket boost toward winning his first world title. Laguna Seca track in good Jorge has put everyone in line with a masterful race and a bit boring. Had it put its Pedrosa, who started as always like a rocket, but from the earliest stages it was clear that his bike was a little too dancer to turn in 1.21.5, so the entrance to a curve almost as fast ( the fifth) has lost the front in the most classic and gave the victory to his rival English on a silver platter, even Stoner because the astronaut, author of the lap was not able to lay a trap much more dealing with half nervous and not very faithful to his aggressive driving. The rest of the "normal", left in 12, took postings that range from 13 seconds of the patrol led by Rossi, Dovizioso, Hayden and Spies, up to the minute of a 14-De Angelis unnecessary to prove that the seats are only for Who buys them and not for talent. As I said after the release of colorless race Pedrosa, as the top three after they had just three seconds on Dovizioso who was traveling with two seconds over Rossi, struggling with the arrembanti Hayden and Spies, but not very clear way to pass the Italian . Collective orgasm at the end of the third-place Rossi, even if 13 seconds are not few, but significant if we read his race than he could do before the accident. I believe, and hope I am wrong, that there is something in the head of Valentino that is broken, not only the tibia, an injury is justified because if you start strong and stay with the first and then give the middle onwards. Instead, the Doctor, as it did in Germany, only from mid-race then began shooting strong with interesting times, which have also allowed us to catch up Dovizioso. Brno Grand Prix will be a interesting to confirm the health of Rossi, because as he himself admitted, the Superbike has a lot of fun recording times from pole position and first class, obtained close to the accident. Once again, if ever proof were needed, the commentary was carried out in absolute factions with a height after the race, when Lorenzo was dressed as an astronaut (beautiful helmet) and good Meda has seen fit to say that this was too Hollywood and pre-established, as if all the entr'actes Rossi were "spontaneous" (the seven dwarfs, the process, notary, etc. ...). Among the many Lorenzo was also the protagonist (and the only) of an episode of fair play against the hapless De puñeta, showing the number of race on the starting grid of the French. The next events will be punctuated by the eternal question of the century, or the signing of Valentino for Ducati, news of the many little digested by the true fans who see red a little to diminish the value of the bike at the expense of a sample, which trusting little, he will bring with him his entire staff (mica stupid!) to avoid ending up like Stoner.
Happy holidays guys and do not relax too! There is a new phenomenon to stop!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

How To Get Tech Deck On Ipod

Max and the City (episode No. ... boh)

For heading Tell Max we are again talking about personal relationships inside, outside and beyond. Yes, because the social evolution of the species, that described brilliantly by Billy Wilder in "When the wife is on vacation", especially with the advent of summer always brings a man and a woman, to the inevitable evening meetings pre or post dinner in a vain attempt to make new knowledge to the remotest idea of \u200b\u200b"do something". The atavistic reluctance of women to socialize in the city of Florence does not coincide with the image as described by friends from out of town let alone abroad, as a beast of pure sex, where a strange but plausible reason, is transformed from a shy bongustaia fauna in local male. This has led to the phenomenon of women from Eastern Europe or Cuba, which, driven by a hunger for more economic and sexual, were sorbitol all accountants and accounting firms and even some lawyers, rejected by the local woman in a brutal, too busy to conservation self-image of woman standing with their principles. And so I recall the words of the song "everyone, glass in hand" in the evening, outside the premises, where tropical storms are opposed to the hormonal storms of all, sitting or standing, looking for a remote chance to bring home the result. The other day I asked a friend, whose wife is the sea with their children, how it was good the night in a well-known local Florentine very popular lately. The answer was depressing but very descriptive on what has been said so far: "Well ... I'll tell you ... there was wildlife, but there was no way even to share a joke ... So I smelled two arms, touched his back, gave a strusciatina and I came away ...". Mah ..
Intrigued I moved my investigations on the forehead, and went directly into the lair of the wolf, are entered under the skirt of the woman and discovered that Florentine ... people under the dress! Yes, because basically we are not too different, we say that the male pulls more to the conclusion that not much is lost in studying an approach that goes beyond the "thee already seen in these parts ..." The woman with short skirts and heels fetish needs something more than just the move the lock. The woman with her friends on the stool of a piano in the summer, need not approach adolescence or discounted. Recommend withdrawal of the male musk with something that goes more directly to the point, to undermine that taboo that hovers around the prey ... If the woman has agghingata will give him a message (and non solo quello) o è solo chiacchere e distintivo? E allora esaltiamo un pò di quelle forme che per una sera hanno visto la luce e che non aspettano altro che un vivido complimento! Non avviciniamoci con la scritta in fronte Non è carino... Lo so che cinci ritto non vuole consigli, ma per una volta, facciamo emergere un pò di orgoglio maschio, teniamoci il merlo nelle mutande e facciamoci desiderare un pò... Cavolo! Voi pensate che la donna non abbia le nostre stesse pulsioni? Sbagliate! E' che solo gli piacerebbe cacciare un pò, non averlo scodellato li sul momento. E' anche vero che il tempo è tiranno, e che le ferie non durano in eterno, però tutto deve avere una giusta collocazione, evitando di girare come rabdomanti col bastone che vibra quando si trova l'acqua. Se provaste ad osservare, almeno per una volta, il rituale di accoppiamento (nel senso di conoscenza) di un uomo e una donna, vi accorgereste degli enormi sbagli effettuati da ambo le parti, la pochezza della conversazione, per non parlare degli atteggiamenti. Di solito il maschio sorvola le prede che stanno in gruppo e cerca un approccio con frasi da vocabolario adolescenziale. La preda allora guarda le sue amiche col classico sguardo: "eccone un altro..." e cala il gelo. A quel punto il maschio, lasciato a casa l'orgoglio, favorito dallo stordimento provocato da 3 Mohiti, seguita in monologhi che sortiscono l'effetto di una zanzara ronzante agli orecchi delle povere astanti, le quali, perhaps, would make it even more curious topics with the most interesting. So while the days are repeated our reputation is fucked up undermining even those who, like the writer, nights out just shy of trying to make new acquaintances and reporter for "distaccheto" of summer nights. Men from all over Italy and the city of Florence, we want to take back the scepter of absolute sovereignty or be slaves of the "hair pulling in more ..."?

Friday, July 23, 2010

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A Teatro di Legno il Premio Vittorio Mezzogiorno

Now in its fifth edition, the award Vittorio Mezzogiorno, Giovanna Mezzogiorno to be delivered by Lucia Mascino Wood Theatre and the company during the evening of July 25 at the Arena, Alberto Sordi of the Citadel of the Giffoni Film Festival which this year celebrates 40esima edizione.

Il riconoscimento, fortemente voluto proprio da Giovanna, è stato istituito nel 2004 a dieci anni dalla prematura scomparsa del padre e viene conferito all'attore, all'attrice o alla compagnia teatrale emergente con l'obiettivo di favorirne il personale percorso formativo e lavorativo.

A Lucia Mascino, giovane attrice che si è contraddistinta negli ultimi anni a teatro recitando con registi del calibro di Filippo Timi, Valerio Binasco, Giorgio Barberio Corsetti; al cinema con "Un altro pianeta", opera prima di T. Tummolini acclamata al Festival di Venezia e al Sundance festival, e in numerose serie televisive. Ogni volta Lucia ha saputo far vivere i personaggi interpretati con una tecnica straordinaria, una toccante resa emotiva e una versatilità fuori del comune. Alla compagnia teatrale Teatro di Legno che, dal 2003 quando fu fondata da Luigi Imperato e Silvana Pirone, ha dato vita a spettacoli magnifici nel segno di un teatro coraggioso e innovativo, svolto in luoghi canonici e non, di una drammaturgia originale ma in un costante dialogo con la tradizione, facendo leva su attori provenienti da esperienze diverse ma impeccabilmente amalgamati. The Special Prize Vittorio Mezzogiorno, which consists of a work by sculptor Lello Esposito from Naples, has been awarded to Gianni Mina.

Does Seborrheic Dermatitis Cause Hair Loss

In 2004 there were already those who saw far

Oriana Fallaci
"Mr. Deputy, You remind me of Palmiro Togliatti. The most odious communist I have ever met, man that the Constituent Assembly did vote on Article 7 that reaffirmed that the Concordat with the Catholic Church. And just to give Italy the Soviet Union was ready to take us to the Savoy, in short, the monarchy. No coincidence that of the Left rather than dealing with so much deference, you do not upset about the poisonous venom that never upset the Knights, against you never say a rude word, she does not ever turn the slightest accusation. As Togliatti is capable of anything. As Togliatti is a cold calculator and never does anything, never says anything that has not well weighed weighted screened for your convenience. (And thank goodness if, despite all reflect, not I never gill). Togliatti seems like a man in one piece, a type consistent, loyal to his ideas, and instead is a bright boy. A master at keeping his foot in both camps. He leads a party that calls itself the right and played tennis with the Left. It Berlusconi's deputy and another who does not dream dethrone him, sending him into retirement. He goes to Jerusalem, with the kippah on his head, crying crocodile tears at Yad Vashem, and then in the most sgomentevole fornicates with the children of Allah. He wants to give him the vote, declaring that "they deserve it because they pay taxes and want to integrate rather are integrating."

When stunned with that twist the reasons I tried it. And the first What I said was bad blood does not lie. I thought that Mussolini that in 1937 (the year when Hitler began to have it with the Grand Mufti of Arafat's uncle) is discovered "protector of Islam" and goes to Libya, before a crowd of burnous, the Kadi d'Apollonia receives thundering: "O Duce! Your reputation has reached everyone and everything! Your virtues are sung from near and far. " Then he handed him the famous sword of Islam. A sword of solid gold, the hilt studded with precious stones. He draws the tip toward the sun, and flamboyant voice exclaimed: "Italy wants to ensure the Fascist Muslim populations peace, justice, well-being, respect the laws of the Prophet, he wants to show the world his sympathy for Islam and for Muslims. " So jumping on a white horse and followed by as many as two thousand six Arab horsemen gallop in the desert of the future Gaddafi. But I wandered. That plot twist was not a sentimental reminiscence, a case of Mussolini. It was a case of Togliatti that cynicism, opportunism, of cold calculation to get the voters they need to compete with the Left and drive in first person now called the mistake right.

Mr Deputy, despite his air of calm and balanced you are a man of great dangerous. Because even more than the former Christian Democrats (which are the usual Democrat with a different name) can use a bad end, the resentment that Italians like me express toward equivocation now called the Left. And why, like those of the Left, consciously lies. Pay-the-taxes, your protected Muslim?!? How many of them pay taxes?!? Illegal in part, except for drug dealers, prostitutes and pimps in part, just a little one third 'of taxes! She did not even understand the charges. If for example, explains that serve to build roads and hospitals and schools also use or to provide subsidies they receive from the moment they enter our country, we respond that no, this is stuff to cheat them, steal them. How to integrate your wish-you-are-integrating those who think they're kidding?!?

One of the defects in your policy is the presumption of being able to make fun of people treat it as if it were blind or stupid, give drink to nonsense, to deny or ignore the realities more evident. More visible, more tangible, more visible. But this time, no, sir. This time you can not deny what they see the children. Can not ignore what every day, every time it happens in every town and every village in Europe. In Italy, France, England, Spain, Germany, Holland, Denmark, wherever they are established. Re-read what I wrote about Marseille, Granada, London, at Cologne. Look at the way they behave in Turin, Milan, Bologna, Florence, Rome.

Why, on this planet and no one defends their identity as Muslims refuse to integrate. None. Why Muhammad prohibits integration. The punishes. If you do not know, take a look at the Koran. We transcribe the suras that prohibit, punish that. Meanwhile him are a couple. This, for example: "Allah does not allow its faithful to make friends with unbelievers. Friendship produces affection, spiritual attraction. Tilt morality and way of life of the infidels, the infidels and the ideas are contrary to Sharia. Resulting in the loss of independence, hegemony, aimed to overcome. And Islam overcomes. Does not overcome. " Or this: "Do not be weak with the enemy. Do not invite him to peace. Especially when you have the upper hand. Kill the infidels wherever they are. Assediateli, fight them with any sort of trickery. "

In other words, according to the Koran should be us to belong. We accept their laws, their customs, their damn Sharia. Mr. Fini, but not because, as leaders of the Olive She looks? ".
New York, January 2004