interesting ideas after the Grand Prix of Australia worthy of some reflection. First the first and second place in Redding and De Angelis Moto2. A result that goes beyond the sporting gesture, because both drivers are veterans from that terrible accident that led to the death of poor Tomizawa, and this pays homage to the podium them both professionally and personally going along on that step already taken several times by poor Shoya. That said, from Australia I would also like to mention the attitude of Valentino Rossi, not as a driver but as a sportsman, who for the second time he raised his voice against the Dorna (Ezpeleta) to kneel too guilty to the wishes of Formula One. The bad weather of recent days, miraculously avoided the race, should make it clear that the grand prize would be over in another period, no ifs, ands or buts, because children who go above 300 per hour on two wheels must also be protected from weather conditions, if predictable. If Rossi is actually the flag of the sport in ultimi anni, fa bene ad esserlo anche come portavoce dei disagi causati dalla pseudo concomitanza con altre gare di un altro sport che in comune ha solo i pistoni.
Detto questo gara un pò noiosa sotto il profilo dei duelli ma interessante all'analisi. Stoner ha dimostrato di essere ancora il numero uno, o almeno quello più veloce di tutti, quello più cattivo quello con maggior talento. Il suo avversario più tosto è proprio se stesso che ogni tanto si dimentica chi è. Vederlo guidare è una gioia ma anche un costante patema d'animo perchè non sai mai se la fisica avrà il sopravvento oppure no. La curva prima del rettilineo fatta completamente di traverso non ha euguali e a me piace anche così e spero che Suppo sia in able to "support" in Honda.
The new world champion Lorenzo was caught by the Australian 8 seconds, but what matters most is that it has really shown that once the title in his pocket, he returned to be fast, fearless, he also hit by the syndrome of Dovi, trovandodi time to time opponents in a state of grace that bear the name of Pedrosa and Stoner. Some people say it should be back to win by not doing a bit of shadow on the world title, and even though I may be in part agree, but has now trimmed 10 seconds to his team-mate Rossi, lately used as proof of 9 to check the status of Majorca. Valentino brawl with Hayden in third until the last curve, ended the race with lap times never able to trouble the first two, struggling with a tough Simoncelli and a strange Spies, who could show us something more on a track he already knew. The bike number 46 does not go alone and we must undertake in order not to regret the previous driver.
Elegant and stately the attitude of Guareschi on the back of the podium, in full "flirt" with Rossi forgetting that its true, and again the pilot came in first ... Okay ... in a period of "outing" cdome this we can not impress too much also because the two can embrace Valencia after having had the approval from the Yamaha ...
Beautiful as always, the frame Phillip Island and the beautiful people in the audience, orderly, civil, sports have sent quite a message to the uncivilized of the old continent, in Misano head ... The flags below the podium celebrating motorcycling and its samples, all without exception, as the newspapers should also do our own, which gave more weight to the top of Rossi in Malaysia that the new World Champion. But we know the phenomena are not only in motion ...
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