Sunday, March 13, 2011

Starting Wages For Yankee Candle Ct

Sacco and Vanzetti, Part Two: the memory

In this era of Italian history, in which extremely despicable human models seem to dominate the Italian thief, the young slut sucking cock old powerful in exchange for success and power, the jackals who enrich themselves on the desperation of others (see earthquake Aquila and friends of that era dickhead Bertolaso) and seem to resurface the usual cliches about Italians bullies and traitors, strong with the weak and weak with the strong, at this time that does not lead to optimism, it should not the error of thinking in stereotypes and clichés, and above all, we must not ignore that, both at present and in our past history, they are not just thieves and whores, crooks and corrupt, but millions of men and women to look with respect and admiration for what they have been able to do, men and women as Franca Viola, Italy Donati and many others who have learned with dignity, courage and sacrifice, their duty and offer us models other than those which, alone, seem to fascinate the press and public opinion (big brothers, old rascals, young careerists, etc.)..
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti , perhaps despite themselves, have become the symbols of two Italians who with courage and dignity have faced their destiny and become imaginary collective world, synonymous with love for freedom and fight against injustice, xenophobia, fanaticism. Regardless of how the facts are, there is no doubt that the image that Sacco and Vanzetti have left us this is as evidenced by the songs, movies and books in their death gave life and that makes it possible to say that still live. Anyone wishing to know their history can read this post

Here are some examples of those who remember the two Italian anarchists, Sacco and Vanzetti south of the north, linked by friendship and a destiny of death and hell all separatist, xenophobic and selfish of all leagues and

This is the lyric writing and music by Woody Guthrie in 1947 dedicated to Sacco and Vanzetti: Two Good Man, this video is also in the text (in English)

In 1972 the most famous and briefest of songs dedicated to Sacco and Vanzetti, Here's to you you , text Joan Baez and music Ennio Morricone , one verse, one of the most famous and sing verses of contemporary music in this video is the text (in English)

Di Gianni Morandi, sulla musica di Morricone, la versione italiana, ma completamente diversa nel testo, della canzone di Joan Baez: " Ho visto un film "

Cantata da Francesco De Gregori e Giovanna Marini " In memoria di Sacco e Vanzetti ", nel video alcuni brani della lettera scritta da Sacco al figlio Dante prima della morte e alcune delle parole dell'arringa che Vanzetti pronunciò al processo


" Remember also what my son. Do not ever forget, Dante, whenever you will be happy in life, not to be selfish: always split your blessings with those most unhappy, poorer and weaker than you and never be deaf to those who ask for help. Help the persecuted and the victims because they will be your best friends, they are the comrades that fight and fall, like your father and Bartholomew struggled and fell today claimed to have happiness and freedom for all the poor ragged crowds of work. In this struggle for life you will find joy and satisfaction and you will be loved by your fellow "(l etter Bartolomeo Sacco to his son Dante, 1927 )

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Convert Rocker Recliner To Swivel

Forumfree: implementing and managing a forum Forumfree

L'utilizzo di un forum nell'attività formativa fornisce uno strumento efficace per integrare la didattica in presenza svolta in aula con l' e-learning , il risultato è una diversa impostazione dell'azione di apprendimento - insegnamento che, se opportunamente impostata, può riuscire a valorizzare gli aspetti positivi della presenza e della distanza contenendone al massimo i limiti secondo il modello del blended learning .
Un esempio è il forum didattico delle classi del corso F del Liceo Scientifico Brotzu di Quartu Sant'Elena che costituisce l'ambiente di apprendimento online per l'attività formativa degli studenti e del docente, activity carried out by integrating online communication with that in the presence, to visit the forum click HERE
The most important forum provider in Italy are Forumfree and ForumCommunity that offer the possibility to create and manage blogs and forums for free.
The following video tutorials are designed to allow anyone to create and manage their own forum on Forumfree (but the procedures are identical in forumcommunity )

First video tutorial: Create and maintain a forum with Forumfree. Video lesson: create sections, subsections and section groups. Add a logo, make restricted areas, etc..

According video tutorial: Managing a forum forumfree. Video lesson: creating debate and discussion on the operations, creating messages and operations on messages, adding attachments, videos and photos:

Third video tutorial: tutorial on using forumfree forum to create and manage third party. Video lesson: Inserting images embed objects (Scribd), messages, create polls, avatars, signatures and personal information

Friday, March 11, 2011

European Sofabed Toronto

Sacco and Vanzetti, Part One: The Story

Sacco and Vanzetti
Two Italians are the world the symbol of the fight against injustice and slavery, their names are: Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti . Sacco and Vanzetti, we will never know if they have been convicted unjustly July 14, 1921, when he was handed the sentence to death, then made the decision On August 23, 1927 at 0:19 when in jail of Charlestown, after a few minutes apart, the two were related to the electric chair and killed.
We'll never know, even if the governor of Massachusetts Michael S. Dukakis, 23 August 1977, when he founded the the S & V. Memorial Day, wrote: " the trial and execution of Sacco and Vanzetti must always remember that all citizens should be on guard against their own prejudices, the intolerance of unorthodox ideas, always with a commitment to defend Entitlements of people who look foreign to respect man and truth .
Non lo sapremo mai, anche se il giornalista investigativo Bruce Watson ( Los Angeles Times e Boston Globe), nel suo libro " Sacco&Vanzetti – The Men, the Murderers and the Judgement of Mankind ", pubblicato nel 2007, definisce quel processo una "farsa giudiziaria", senza nessuna "prova credibile". La sola cosa certa era che i due erano anarchici e che frequentavano gruppi anarchici responsabili di alcuni attentati, quindi al massimo potevano essere responsabili di complicità in qualche attentato (peraltro tutti falliti).
Sia le indagini che il processo erano viziati da un piccolo dettaglio di fondo: non si dovevano cercare i colpevoli della rapina avvenuta a South Braintree nel Massachusetts, April 15, 1920 , when two men armed with pistols killed an accountant and a guard valuables and fled with the loot of 15,776.71, the culprits were already there were Sacco and Vanzetti, the only thing that remained to be do was to condemn them. On May 5, 1920 Vanzetti a fishmonger while he is on a tram with his friend Sacco, he was arrested with him his friend. The two is found a gun and some anarchist leaflets, but most are anarchists and Italians are in a period where even be only one or the other was, well, unhealthy. The Italians were colored seeds and were also i ratti delle fogne d'Europa , un po le cose che gli italiani ora dicono degli immigrati nel loro paese.
Così comincia la loro storia di Sacco&Vanzetti.

Nel seguente video viene ricostruita la cronistoria degli eventi :

Il processo comincia il 31 maggio 1921 e si tiene a Dedham , nel Massachusetts, fu presieduto dal giudice Webster Thayer le cui dichiarazioni fanno pensare a una imparzialità (quella roba che la giustizia è uguale per tutti). egli definì i due imputati " anarchici bastardi ", dichiarò che: " If they are not guilty, must be condemned because they are the enemies of American institutions .
Instead these last words with which Bartolomeo Vanzetti Thayer addressed the judge and the jury: "I would not wish a dog or a snake, the lowest and wretched creature on Earth, I would not wish any of these that I I had to suffer for something that I am not guilty. But my conviction is that I have suffered for things that I'm guilty. I am suffering because I am a radical, and indeed I am a radical, I suffered because I was a Italian, and indeed I am an Italian .

This video Vanzetti's words from the movie 1970 by Giuliano Montaldo with Gian Maria Volonte and Riccardo Cucciolla :

also very beautiful words in the letter that Sacco wrote to his son Dante: "Remember also of what my son. Do not ever forget , Dante, whenever you will be happy in life, not to be selfish: always split your blessings with those most unhappy, poorer and weaker than you and never be deaf to those who ask for help. Help the persecuted and the victims because they will be your best friends, they are the comrades that fight and fall, like your father and Bartholomew struggled and fell today claimed to have happiness e libertà per tutte le povere cenciose folle del lavoro. In questa lotta per la vita tu troverai gioia e soddisfazione e sarai amato dai tuoi simili ". Per leggere il testo completo della lettera cliccate  QUI
Naturalmente venne emessa una sentenza di colpevolezza e la condanna fu la morte. Vennero ignorate le testimonianze a favore dei due: un impiegato come quella di un impiegato italiano del consolato di Boston secondo cui Sacco si trovava con lui al momento del delitto, o quella di un testimone oculare che non riconobbe in Sacco e Vanzetti i due assassini che avevano sparato, addirittura l'interprete traduce male quello che dicono Sacco e Vanzetti e i testimoni italiani a loro discarico. I membri della giuria vengono scelti tra gli elementi più reazionari e razzisti del posto. Altre testimonianze sono piene di incongruenze ma vengono ugualmente accettate, come quella di Lola Andrews, che riferisce di avere parlato con  Sacco che si trovava sul luogo del delitto in auto e che questi parlava un inglese corretto, mentre Sacco parlava male l'inglese e con forte accento italiano. Un altro testimone oculare riferì che l'auto dei banditi era guidata da Vanzetti, ma Vanzetti non sapeva guidare. Tante altre furono le incongruenze e contraddizioni tra i vari testimoni ma il giudice Thayer affermò trattarsi di " incongruenze di poco conto ".
Dopo 7 anni di udienze, il 23 agosto del 1927, Sacco e Vanzetti vennero giustiziati, ma non Justice was done and why Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Italian anarchists and are not yet dead.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Common Furnace Wire Conected To Ac

Non merita lamenti - foto e parole

"How can u No. deceptively simple subject, perhaps even trivial, become the occasion to stage a theatrical jewel? [...] We are in Naples, where poor conditions and low educational level are the main causes of degradation not only material but also and above all, the soul. Everything is dark on the scene, as well as dark are the faces and hearts of the protagonists are three, a father, mother and their only daughter. Quick glimmers of hope , desire to improve, timidly emerge only in the eyes of the latter's young daughter Pasqualina; soon disappear, swallowed up by real life, which has little hopeful. Many of the emotions you feel during the show are handled the eyes of Anna Palomba, extraordinary performer, fell well in the role of Pasqualina. The woman appears on stage narrating the facts of his miserable life, with a firm voice, almost monotonous movements calm hide, however, uncontrollable anger, accountable only to luce della comprensione del suo vissuto. L’interpretazione del ruolo di Pasqualina è l’occasione per l’attrice di mostrare al meglio una espressività che traspare con rara naturalezza già dallo sguardo, dalla mimica del volto. [...] The director has contributed to the great success of this work by creating a performance space thereof, capable of making the background of the ideological struggle between calm and anger, and shame of humanity. The work is beautiful because of its simplicity, for its simplicity. It is a journey into the human soul and human reveals all the hidden shadows. "

Fabio Dell'Aversana for

“Sono f figure laying three distinct than different from each other: the mother Pasqualina (Anna Palomba), statuesque but not solemn, compassionate and ruthless at the same time, the daughter Carmela (Ilaria Cecere) of a mutilated beauty, without redemption , and in the middle, almost like a wedge, the father (Fedele Conan), arrogant and ruthless humiliating "his" women, but inwardly weak. They all rush to the scene contained in the microscopic universe, and that seems to live by iterations: the cracking of the whip of his father, the violence of the axes and tables overturned, harsh words like stones of the mother, the simulation of sexual acts suffered by her daughter . A compulsion to evil that can partially break up the barrier of the fourth wall, forcing viewers a more painful and visceral involvement. "

Clemente Tecchia for Caserta Musica e Arte

"In silence, screaming, and scenes of the concert the three damned souls roam excluding and absorbing them, pierced by a common substratum of the relationship of dependency, you end up die to the ground under the blows of a hand or gender, you end up banging it in a veil that degrades profiles changing the face of a distraught Lady Magdalene. For those os maid sitting on the bench holding the emotion, like indignation, it is difficult undertaking, as a whole is the vector of break. The set design creates an intimate setting in transverse direction, just where intimacy has no walls of protection. As a mobile structure, a house / cabin shakes the silence with his outbursts of wooden planks and the exclusion zone becomes of eyes, once closed, permanently, with many turns in order to play. "

Christian Iorio for Arteatro

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Vicodin Raising Blood Pressure

Video Tutorial on Scribd

In this video tutorial explains how to manage your account on Scribd . Scribd offers many educational opportunities as a field if you know its main features. In this first video tutorial shows the use basic features in the main menu: document management and collections, setting up our account preferences (settings), messages and notifications. It also explains the operations you can perform when viewing a document: full screen, enlarge, download, delete and edit the document.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Speedy Box Smart Charger

Maria Stella Gelmini: Minister of destruction of public school

Who is Maria Stella Gelmini us and what is the Ministry of Education? One thing is certain, is not the Minister of Education due to its high professionalism in this field, the skills of Maria Stella Gelmini in this field are equal "zero", the school does not know anything, never knew anything, and even being optimistic, it is difficult to imagine that in the future to understand something. Some people might not believe such a strong statement, " but as the minister of something which understands nothing and does not know anything about something that is minister?" Well, it seems incredible that in a country where meritocracy is the master, such as Italy, may have happened a thing, yet it is so: Maria Stella Gelmini is totally ignorant when it comes to school and everything, that even at a distance, has to do with the school. Here's his official curriculum :
- Lawyer, specializing in administrative law.
- Entry into Force Italy since 1994, first in 1998 was elected to the town of Desenzano, serving until 2002 as Chairman of the City Council.
- Since 2002 he has been Councillor for the Territory of the Province of Brescia and, since 2004, councilor of Agriculture.
- First elected in the district of Brescia in Italy for Forza, enters the Lombardy Regional Council in April 2005.
- The next month by Silvio Berlusconi has appointed regional coordinator of Forza Italy in Lombardy.
- In 2006 she was elected for the first time the Chamber of Deputies for the XV legislature (biography fornita dallo staff del ministro).
Andate pure a leggere cliccando QUI

Quindi, questa totale nullità, questo zero assoluto in fatto di scuola, questa incompetente matricolata, è ministro. E io? Io che ho due lauree, un master, 20 anni di esperienza, che conosco la scuola in ogni suo aspetto? Come mai non sono Ministro dell'Istruzione di tutti i pianeti del sistema solare? O della galassia? Quale altro merito ha il ministro Gelmini a parte quello di non averne alcuno e di parlare con disprezzo, appena ne ha l'occasione, di insegnanti, studenti, ecc. ecc.?

Che abbiano ragione coloro i quali ritengono che vero scopo del ministero Gelmini sia distruggere la scuola pubblica, per far la qual cosa non occorre certo capire qualcosa di scuola?

Ecco cosa profetava Piero Calamandrei in un discorso che tenne al III congresso dell’Associazione a Difesa della Scuola Nazionale, a Roma l’11 febbraio 1950:

" Facciamo l’ipotesi, così astrattamente, che ci sia un partito al potere, un partito dominante, il quale però formalmente vuole rispettare la Costituzione, non la vuole violare in sostanza. Non vuole fare la marcia su Roma e trasformare l’aula in alloggiamento per i manipoli; ma vuol istituire, senza parere, una larvata dittatura.
Allora, che cosa fare per gain control of the schools and to transform the State schools into Party schools? He realizes that the State schools are failing to be impartial. There is some resistance, in those schools is always there, even under fascism has been there. Then the dominant party follows another path (it's all a theoretical hypothesis, mind you). He begins to neglect the public schools, to discredit, to impoverish. Let it anemizzino and begins to favor private schools. Not all private schools. The schools of his party, that party. And then all these treatments are beginning to go to private schools. Cure of money and privilege. He even begins to advise the boys to go to these schools Because basically it says are better than those of the state. And maybe give themselves awards, as now I will tell you, or proposes to give awards to citizens who are willing to send their children to public schools rather than private schools. A "those" private schools. The exams are easier, unless you study and you do best. So the private school becomes a privileged school.
The ruling party, could not transform the State schools openly in schools of the party, sent to hell for the State schools give preference to private schools. Beware, my friends, this conference this is the point that we must discuss. Warning, this is the recipe. We must take into an eye on the cooks of this low kitchen. The operation is done in three ways: I have already said, ruin the State schools. Let go to hell. Depleting their budgets. Ignore their needs. Mitigate the supervision and control over private schools. Do not check its reliability. Let the teachers teach you that do not have the minimum qualifications to teach. Let the examinations are jokes. Giving public money to private schools. This is the point. Giving public money to private schools. "
Piero Calamandrei

Monday, February 28, 2011

Broken Capillaries Exercise

AcCHECAnte victory!

Ducati Start with a bang, this time in a positive way (thinking in Salt Lake City), for the world superbike in the southern land, where he saw only one player dominate the scene: Carlos Checa, no longer a young driver that beat the competition with two runs from the first frame giving victory to not "official" Ducati. The promises made by Ducati DS, only on the withdrawal of the team but not in the superbike efforts, they seem satisfied, in fact Checa as well as an excellent guide available for a truly high performance can easily dance on the track in Australia, even if Bevilacqua (team owner) says he has only the suspension different from the other Ducati. Well ... we'll see even the fresh world champion Max Biaggi, in a historically difficult circuit Aprilia, who took home two precious second places, with a solitary ride in a race, and with a fine all-Italian duel in Game 2 with "rookie" Melandri still struggling with the sore shoulder ... The Ravenna fact has proven to lead her down R1 until the end of his experience, and if the village has lost the podium for a few tenths in the second ran good duel with Max, following him, teasing and certainly "learn" the management of the bike to bring it up after the race. Excellent Haslam, Pilot tough and aggressive che ha portato sul terzo gradino del podio una BMW ancora da assettare ma con grandi potenzialità. Bene Fabrizio sempre nella top ten, quasi bene un altalenante Rea fino al resto del gruppo con piacevoli new entry (Laverty) e spiacevoli conferme (Toseland).

Di superbike in questi giorni ha parlato molto Batta, il team manager della Suzuki, uno che la sa lunga sulle corse, e che a mio modesto parere, ha fatto un quadro della situazione lucido, sia nell’intervista a GPOne ( qui ) sia ai microfoni di La7, sottolineando il momento difficile del nostro sport sempre più privo di un identità precisa com’era nel passato, ma soprattutto sempre più privo di denari per il sostegno alle squadre, in cerca perennemente di sponsor (Althea ha dichiarato una spesa di 2 milioni d’euro a stagione). L’ho già detto in passato e lo ribadisco oggi: la stupida “guerra” tra Infront e Dorna non porterà a nulla di buono al motociclismo. E’ vero c’è il mercato asiatico in espansione e alla fine conteranno le vendite di tutto l’indotto che circola intorno alle due ruote, ma c’è da capire realmente quale sarà il confine tra sport vero, per come siamo abituati noi motociclisti a conoscerlo, oppure puro marketing, creando ibridi come lo è già la Moto2, la Superbike stessa, e la futura MotoGp.

Di rilievo la vittoria di Scassa in Supersport, in volata con altri tre piloti, after a great battle that has reported the Kawasaki to the top of its class.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Many Carbs In A Slice Of American Cheese?

Create and manage

The creation and management of a channel on Youtube is not much different da quella di qualsiasi altro social network , tuttavia esistono molteplici funzionalità che, adeguatamente utilizzate, consentono di sfruttare al meglio le possibilità di Youtube in modo da farne un vero e proprio ambiente di apprendimento. Presentiamo qui un tutorial, diviso in due parti, che offre una spiegazione delel principali funzionalità di Youtube .

Celiac Disease Broken Cappilaries

Freetvonline Youtube channel: all documentary and other streaming

Free tv online . Le possibilità di utilizzo dei video per la didattica that the net offers are many, this is a vision in streaming the huge production of various television documentaries: Blue Night, Ulysses, History Channel, National Geographic, Atlantis, The Greatest Story, Super Quark, The history we us, was the year, etc.. The technique consists of the stream into a stream of audio / video data transmitted over the internet that are played as it arrives at your networked PC. These videos (movies, documentaries, etc..) Can be used for viewing in the classroom, if you have an Internet connection and a cart with a PC + projector + speakers, in this case replaces the traditional VCR or DVD + TV, with the advantage of not having video and audio problems since the projector speaker allow you to have a "screen" wide and a decent sound (which often happens with TV sets). But the most interesting use of streaming technology is that it is possible, upon recommendation of the teacher, that students benefit from the videos from home. In fact there is often no time to examine all the video you want. And if you have a forum or blog, the teacher can present the video or route consists of several video directly in the forum / blog, along with information that you think are necessary for his vision and the student, after seeing the video may write comments, ask questions, seek clarification, and interact with the instructor and other classmates.
The main difficulty is to find the documentary or movie that you want to show to students. A solution is offered by various sites that deal to provide links to relevant video clips. Among them one of the most serious, documented and rich material is Freetvonline devotes ample space to documentaries, but where you can find all the channels of all Italian TV. To realize just look at the site. Here are the documentaries that you can see: ASTRONOMY DOC, DOC ANCIENT ROME, DOC II WORLD WAR, DOCUMENTARY ANIMALS, HUMAN BODY DOC, History Channel, National Geographic, RAI 3 ULYSSES, VOYAGER STREAMING, DISCOVERY CHANNEL, MIDNIGHT BLUE STREAM, SUPER QUARK, ATLANTIS STREAMING, STREAMING REPORT, THE GREAT HISTORY, MYSTERY STREAMING, Bear Grylls BET, ran the 'YEAR CHALLENGES STREAMING, STREAMING DINOSAURS, GEO & GEO STREAMING, BLUE LINE' POINT, WE ARE THE HISTORY, LIGHT ARCHIVE INSTITUTE, at the foot of Kilimanjaro.
Once you find a documentary that we are interested you can give the link or see the students in the classroom or even. incorporate it into your website / forum / blog.

Monday, February 21, 2011

aNobiii: social network for readers Del Boca

aNobii is a social network dedicated to who reads books and wants to store its library and keep a diary of his reading. Like all social networks have functions such as messaging, alerts, voting, suggestions, comments, friends, groups, etc.. but everything is focused on sharing his books and his library.
The use of the service, which requires free registration and is also available in Italian, is quite simple. To store a book you must enter the ISBN and automatically insert all aNobii u'icona bibliographic data including the cover. L'utente può aggiungere data di inizio e fine lettura, il proprio giudizio espresso in stelline, tag personalizzati per classificare il genere di libro, volendo, una recensione che sarà condivisa con gli altri utenti. E' anche possibile aggiungere per ogni libro schedato note e commenti personali che rimangono privati.  In altre parole aNobii consente di schedare in modo completo la propria biblioteca personale.   aNobii possiede anche un sistema di statistiche che tiene conto del numero di libri e delle pagine lette ogni anno dall'utente. E' possibile scambiare libri, opinioni, esplorare le librerie degli altri utenti, iscriversi o fondare gruppi di discussione, ecc.
Il nome del servizio deriva dall’ Anobium punctatum , il tarlo della carta, espressione con cui nei paesi anglofoni vengono indicati coloro che amano stare attaccati ai libri: "vermi dei libri" :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Quartz Halogenlights White Balance

: Italian, good people? Making

Angelo Del Boca , Italiani, brava gente? Un mito duro a morire , Neri Pozza L'idea che gli italiani siano stati il solo popolo che ha praticato con umanità il colonialismo è un mito collettivo moto radicato e totalmente privo di fondamento storico e questo fatto la dice lunga sugli italiani e sull'Italia. Del Boca ricostruisce in 13 capitoli le principali vicissitudini dell'Italia colonial war, banditry by to ethnic improvement in Bosnia during the s econd World War , revealing events totally removed from the collective national consciousness, forgotten, obscured, before which dissolves the myth of Italian good. Our ancestors were brave forerunners of mass deportations and innovators in the creation of concentration camps ( Sciat Sciara, chap. 5); prisons for "Negro rioters" in front of which pales in Guantanamo (ch. 7 Slaves EPO Shabelle ); willing practitioners of ethnic genocide in Yugoslavia during World War II (chapter 11, an attempt to Slovenia ethnic improvement ), Heroic slaughter of their own countrymen ( massacre of civilians and residents of Casalduni Pontelandolfo ). All documented sources of the same age and military and civilian leaders of the Italian Government, and no evidence of a party. The merit of Del Boca is to be able to combine the wealth of historical evidence with the ability docunentazione narrative, each chapter can be read independently and "pleasant", it was not for the atrocities that we are told. The bleak conclusion in the last chapter " all rich, all happy, all anti ", none of these war criminals has never paid, even were rewarded for crimes against humanity which claimed the death sentence to the Nazis at Nuremberg. A book to read, especially today, when we witness the murder of innocent refugees in the law of "refoulement prevents you from having the same asylum in contravention of international treaties signed by Italy and the Libyan dictatorship of sending them to hell where they will be tortured, raped massacred. Even today, as yesterday all criminals, all rich and all anti-Communist and the people, the people follow football tits and ass ignorant and blissful, this as always.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Best Cb Radio Emulator

lessons: the screencast with Screencast-o-matic

The screencast is a recording of what is happening in your desktop and includes the recording of your voice as a comment through a microphone. The screencast is very useful for creating tutorials and / or lessons. There are programs to create professional screencasts as Camtasia and Adobe Captivate, but are, however, there are many network software and / or free Web 2.0 service that can be used with satisfactory results. One of these is screencast-o-matic entirely web based service where you can register for free. Use of this service is very simple, however the following link you will find a detailed guide to its use>>> Instructions screencastomatic
In the video, but found a tutorial that explains the configuration and registration, not the final phase which involves the following steps:
- click on the DONE button (finished)
- then click on "Export Movie" (Export the movie) and choose a format (AVI or FLV)
- leave the other preferences are set as the default
- then click "Export" and save on your PC
For more detailed information see the guidance I have linked higher

This is the tutorial "official" in English but easy to understand:

How Do You Create A Room On Poptropica

Youtube for teaching literature and totalitarianism

Youtube can offer a valuable aid for education from various points of view:
- creation of channels and personal / hate a channel of class to store the video produced by students on disciplinary matters;
- ensure that students acquire skills in the production of multimedia material and in the active management of a social network;
- finding resources for the study specification.
In This post will address the latter issue, the reporting of personal channels dedicated to the history and philosophy, but also to other areas, where you can find videos that document key themes of the two disciplines, usually transmitted by the TV documentaries (Ulysses, Atlantis, The Greatest Story, The Discovery Channel, History Channel etc.. etc.. ). Of course there are many other channels, Italian or foreign, where you can find resources for teaching, point out the ones that are my direct knowledge.

's Channel Interocitore offers a wide range of documentaries of all kinds: the French Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte, Ancient Rome, physics (string theory), the animal world, Galileo Galilei, History of Mathematics, The origins of the universe, the war in Vietnam, etc..

Channel TVscuola makes available dozens of lessons for students on Citizenship and the Constitution, Law, Economics, History. They range from the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution, the second industrial revolution in the history of economics, post-industrial age by the constitution. The lessons are designed for use by students in order to investigate certain issues or the recovery of certain content.

Historyteachers is a channel created by teachers of U.S. history, contains many videos that are remakes of famous songs of the '80s in which the text is changed and historical arguments, I have already reviewed this site, click to read the review> >> HERE

's Channel Geremyss is a little neo-fascist, but who cares (like say a dorm:), has Geremyss a big job done and published dozens of videos in which they are present, complete, documentaries drawn from Ulysses, the Great history, It was the year, etc.. dealing with various topics in history such as the Great War, Marshal Tito, parallel biographies, WWII, etc..

StudentiTv is the television channel of and contains hundreds of videos with many lessons in all disciplines: history, greek, latin, divine comedy, fiancés, philosophy, Iliad, Odyssey, Science, etc..

TreccaniChannel is the TV channel's website 's Encyclopedia Treccani  e comprende video relativi a interviste e conferenze di storia, sociologia, geologia, medicina, lingua, economia, ecc.

Focusstoria è il canale Youtube della rivista della Mondadori Focus Storia e offre dei video documentari di storia dedicati a specifici argomenti come: lo sbarco dell'uomo sulla luna, Che Guevara, la morte di Kennedy, la guerra in Africa, ecc.

Historamagistravitae è il canale di Imrhail20 che so propone di offrire un quadro d'insieme della nostra storia recente and passed in order to understand the present. The material is considerable and includes dozens of documentaries broadcast on TV in recent years: StoPro CIA, Hannibal, Alexander the Great, the murder of Matteotti, the conquest of the moon, Borsellino, Pompeii, Ancient Greece, the Normandy landings, etc..

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Do You Like Motorcycles Guys

Children of a Lesser God

read nicely on my site bookmark "drug dealer" GPON motorcycle news, the brother of Valentino Rossi, Luca Marin, is about to start a brilliant career after attending elementary Motorcycling in the various leagues for boys. Up to here nothing wrong if it is always relative of the illustrious brother and thus worthy of a mention journalism. I always read the same article that the little Luke is not finished first in his class, but "only" sixth out of 38 participants, which I sembra comunque un risultato sportivamente rilevabile. Ma se lui è arrivato sesto, chi sono gli altri 5 che sono arrivati prima di lui? Quali sono i loro nomi, i loro cognomi, la loro storia? Quello che è arrivato primo sarà stato più meritevole di una menzione, oppure non ci interessa perché suo babbo è ragioniere di Pistoia? Domande alle quali mi piacerebbe avere una risposta proprio da chi in telecronaca o da articoli di giornale, pontifica sullo scarso vivaio di giovani futuri piloti italiani. Signori miei, incentivare uno sport “delicato” come il motociclismo significa anche menzionare quello stuolo di ragazzi figli di persone “normali” che cercano e investono con sacrifici a fine mese per vedere il loro figlio arrivare prima degli altri o semplicemente emulare le gesta dei propri beniamini. Non tutti hanno la fortuna di chiamarsi De Angelis, Rolfo, Lamborghini, Canepa… Eppure al fratello di Rossi è già stato assegnato un posto come prima guida nel Team RMU nella 80cc in attesa di completare il progetto Moto3 che gli sarà sicuramente affidata alla prima occasione. Lo so che sto parlando di aria fritta e cose iper-ovvie, ma essendo un appassionato di moto e vedendo la perdita della nostra leadership a livello umano, mi piacerebbe che i signori del microfono, della penna e del video, capissero che Valentino non è eterno e che anche lui un bel giorno (spero lontano) smetterà di correre o nella peggiore delle ipotesi di vincere, e che solo allora, come oggi scorrendo la classifica della 125, si accorgeranno che forse era meglio parlare anche del vincitore di un campionato giovanile la cui unica colpa era di aver avuto il babbo muratore, elettricista e non pilota o figlio di….

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Zuma Sailboat Florida

Without any claim to be exhaustive, but only based on my personal experience as a player, I suggest the following path bibliographic literary on totalitarianism in general and about the array of Stalin - and in particular Soviet . Very often, the literature has the ability to represent nature of a phenomenon so as to ensure their understanding to the same extent historiographical survey although in different ways. And 'this is the case of novels that are posted here.
For a definition of Totalitarianism Hannah Arendt's theory click HERE
Clicking on the cover, you can read the reviews on this aNobii

Arthur Koestler Darkness at Noon

Arthur Koestler, Hungarian-born writer, left the Communist Party during the period of Stalinist purges and published in 1941 the novel "Darkness at Noon" in which they told the story of a high official of the Soviet Communist Party , Rubasciov, star of the October Revolution, who was arrested for counterrevolutionary activity and submitted to the system of Stalinist purge (torture, extortion of confession and a false conviction). Koestler was inspired by the trial and the sentencing to death of Buckarin which took place in 1938. The story is one of the most tragic developments in the municipality where the individual as a subject endowed with free thought and personal identity, is canceled in the name of a place like faith total, absolute and unquestioned. Rubasciov should be deleted because it wants the greatest good of the party and in the interrogation Dostoevsky with his inquisitor and executioner, Gletkin, will lead to the final tragedy.
Darkness at Noon on wikipedia

George Orwell's Animal Farm

More about La fattoria degli animali
satirical novels of British writer George Orwell offering an allegory of the Soviet totalitarian regime in the Stalinist period, published in 1945 . The story tells of a farm animal and revolt against the man who oppresses them under a regime of harsh exploitation. Liberated from human exploitation create a society based on Marxist principle "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." At this point, the story recounts, also in allegorical form, the events of the history of Soviet communism. The novel is not only a condemnation of the atrocities of totalitarianism in general and of the Soviet Union in particular, but also very exciting.
The name was Eric Arthur Blair, Orwell was , was also a journalist and political activist orientation Marxist orientation that remained even after the events of the Stalinism of the '30s that led him to break with Soviet communism, and to devote his work to a harsh polemic against the Stalinist communism.
Animal Farm on wikipedia

George Orwell 1984

More about Orwell, 1984
very complex novel and set in the near future (written in 1948 and set in 1984) in which Orwell describes a totalitarian society dominated by a single party, led by "Big Brother", which exercises full control over the mind and behavior of individuals. Through a series of linguistic and cultural tools (the doublethink, the Thought Police, Newspeak, etc..), The party has created an illusory reality in which they live all members of society. For example, the Newspeak is a language consisting of words unique and strictly limited to elementary concepts in which we lose the possibility of a critical thinking individual. The same place as the leading work to manipulate the information already published books and newspapers and which contains the predictions made by the party, in order to make those forecasts in line with what really happened then. History is constantly rewritten to accord with the directives of power. The novel is a dystopia in which the author manages to portray a society in which condenses when the characteristic features of all forms of totalitarianism (Nazi and Communist), although many are indications that the author was inspired to Soviet totalitarianism.
1984 on wikipedia

Aleksandr Isaevich A day of Ivan Denisovich

More about Una giornata di Ivan Denisovič

Aleksandr  Solženicyn   trascorse,  durante i l periodo staliniano, 11 anni di reclusione in un campo di lavoro forzato siberiano, poichè in una sua lettera venne riscontrata la presenza di espressioni non ortodosse su Stalin e riacquistò la libertà solo nel 1956. Nel 1970 vinse il premio Nobel che non ritirò because he feared that the authorities would allow him to return home. His literary reputation is linked to the story "A day of Ivan Denisov is , 1962, describing everyday life in a day, as well as a political prisoner was held in the Gulag , the Soviet concentration camp whose name is an acronym dellla expression, very bureaucratic, Directorate of main corrective labor camps. They are the horror physical and psychological, which reduced the Gulag system of individuals, the traits that permeate the whole story.
A day of Ivan Denisov is on wikipedia

Milan Kundera The Unbearable Lightness of Being

More about L'insostenibile leggerezza dell'essere

novel by Milan Kundera published in 1984. The novel tells the story of four characters sentimental and existential and is set in Prague in 1968, between the hopes of the Prague Spring, a trial communism human face, and the Soviet invasion that crushed the attempt by violence. The title alludes to the paradox that the existence requires that we give it a meaning, but it is impossible for us to give life meaning. This step is partly explained the title: " [...] If you took it himself, but in the end it was said that in reality it was only natural not to know what he wanted. You never know what you should want because we live only one life and one can not compare with their previous lives, or correct it in future lives. It 'better to be with Tereza or to remain alone? There is no way to determine what decision is the best, because there is no comparison. The man lives now everything for the first time without preparation. As an actor enters the stage without ever having tried. But what value can have life if the first test is already life itself? That is life always like a sketch. But even "sketch" is the right word, because one is always a rough sketch of something, the preparation of a framework, whereas the sketch that is our life is a sketch of nothing, an outline with no picture.
"Einmal ist keinmal. Tomas to himself, "repeated the German proverb. What happens only once it's as if it never happened. If man can live only one life, it is as if he did not live at all. [...] "
Unbearable Lightness of Being on my-lybraryblog

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Itching Pancreatic Blog

Silvio Ass flaccid and the right to rebel by John Locke's story

not a judge or a communist intellectual and moral bigot, but the father of liberalism, John Locke may come to the rescue and show the way that Italy must be taken to prevent the tsunami of shit that is going to submerge it. Dante's The Transfiguration of Italy in a brothel (servile Italy, pain hostel ship without a pilot in a mighty storm, not woman of Provinces, but brothel ! Dante, Purgatory, VI), in a country ruled and dominated by the cocks young sluts who Silvio "Ass flaccid" Berlusconi operated, requires not moralistic or judicial actions, but a political solution.
This is the description of the pathology of power that offers John Locke in his treatises on government: "[...] Tyranny is the exercise of power beyond right, which nobody can claim. And this is to use the leverage one has in the hands not for the good of those who are subject, but because of its distinct private benefit, that is when the ruler of any title to be awarded, is not usually the law but his own will, and his commands and actions are directed not to the conservation of property of his people, but the satisfaction of their ambitions, revenge, greed or other unruly passions . "
So having subjected the country to the wishes of his cock is the form of tyranny in which Silvio Ass flaccid threw Italy, how to free the country from this slavery? We feel the diagnosis of Dr. Locke, as his friends used to call it: " Where the law ends, tyranny begins, when the law is disregarded in detriment of others, and anyone in authority exceeds the power conferred by law and make use of force that has at its command to carry out in respect of the subjects that la legge non permette, cessa, in ciò, d’esser magistrato, e, in quanto delibera senza autorità, ci si può opporre a lui come ci si oppone a un altro qualsiasi che con la forza viola il diritto altrui . Ma allora ci si può opporre ai comandi di un principe? Si può resistergli ogni volta che ci si trova offesi, e anche soltanto quando si immagina che egli ci abbia fatto qualcosa che non aveva il diritto di fare? Ma questo scardinerà e sovvertirà tutte le società politiche, e invece del governo e dell’ordine non lascerà che anarchia e confusione. A questo rispondo che la forza deve essere opposta soltanto alla forza ingiusta e illegale ".
Certo Silvio dal Flaccido Ass argues that he was invested with the power from the sovereignty of the people of Italy and being a democracy, he is not subject to other powers. M to there is an obvious misconception, he confuses the mignottocrazia democracy and popular sovereignty with the sovereignty of his cock.
Therefore, while not coming to call on St. Thomas tyrannicide that provides for the prince if he has violated the divine order, we still found an answer to our question correctly and authentically liberal legitimate solution to solve our problem is the exercise of d IGHT resistance, the use of force, which in this case one can easily translated with a kick in the ass (flaccid) by Silvio Berlusconi, a good kick in the ass like they did with the Tunisians Ali Ben or the Egyptians with Mubarak.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wearing Small Underwear Make Your Dick Small

Italy Donati

L 'literacy Italy took place many years after the national unification and was credited with an effort, no less heroic than that of the many volunteers of the wars of independence, tens of thousands of teachers, that of a teacher was of the few non-manual jobs that a woman could take, while the least paid among the various uses that the state offered (ever education was a priority). Heroism Why? since in 1861 the Royal Decree Casati is extended to the whole of Italy was made compulsory and free cycle of the first two years of primary education, teachers and teachers working among the hostility of the population that does not like being diverted precious arms to keep the poor family meals (again, it seems that nothing has changed under the sun, just look at the dropout rates and black child labor). In addition, teachers and teachers working in extreme conditions: local dilapidated, low salary, lack the most rudimentary tools and materials such as ink, chalk and paper (as now seems because about half of school buildings are not normal). The most impressive thing is that the salary and higher if you teach in a city rather than in the countryside, many of the gender of the students (the highest paid teachers who teach boys) and women, while doing the same work as men, are paid a third less, and course, is not allowed to teach in their classes for men.
The tables HERE offer the chance to get an idea of \u200b\u200bpay differentials. However, the number of teachers went steadily increasing to the point that, in the school year 1901/1902 a total of 65,739 teachers, 21,178 were men and 44,571 women, 57.78% of the total. It was therefore necessary to allow teachers to teach classes in men, which sparked controversy on a weakness of character and lack of moral strength typical of women.
E 'in this situation in itself difficult and made even more difficult by prejudice, which the story takes place in Italy Donati. Italian born into a poor family of Cintolese, municipality of Monsummano, graduated teacher and his first job in a country close to his, Porciano in the province of Pistoia, staying in the house of the mayor, Raphael Torrigiani . Italy is a young 20 year old, with his salary keeps the family, but faces hostility of the scales, in fact Italy is beautiful, the mayor, libertine ways with his wife and a mistress, are confronted with sexual harassment and harassment. In the village everyone is against her, rumors, gossip, insults, Italy is the focus of gossip and slander. Ask for the transfer to be allocated to a neighboring country, but the mayor refused the transfer, it is the mayors who depend on elementary school teachers. Meanwhile there were rumors about his abortion, then serious crime. Italy is desperate, no one defends it, he wrote letters asking to be examined by one stating that her virginity, according to some sources, the outcome of the visit proved to be unfounded gossips of the visit according to other sources gynecological would have been the wave of suspicion and slander rifiutata.Travolta Italy, June 1, 1886, Italy, wearing his red apron as a teacher, salt on the wall of the bridge and the river flows into. In the note that will be in a pocket of her apron over her body Rossola request that it provide a medical examination to prove his innocence, and the visit proved his innocence and the guilt of the Italian mentality made of morality without moral and religious bigotry without .
It 's interesting to compare with what is happening in contemporary Italy, where things seem to change much and not for the better, now some girls offer their sexual services sold in exchange Success, money, favors, the most important public administrators and does not seem likely that some of them get to the suicide, unchanged from Italy of the past seems to be the bigoted, moralistic respectability, the prevailing machismo.
Elena Gianini Belotti wrote a book published by Rizzoli in Italy Donati on the issue titled "Before the peace."

The story of Italy :
Interview with Elena Gianini Belotti :
The condition of the masters and teachers after the unification of Italy :

Monday, February 7, 2011

Pinky Promise Since We've Been Together

Google Browser

Google has made Google Body browser that allows navigation in 3D human body. The application works with WebGL (standard HTML for navigation in 3D) and therefore may be used only with browsers that support it (9 Chrome, Firefox beta 4). Because functions must be enabled on Chrome 8 the function by typing about: flags and click Enable at the entry WebGL. The Body
Browser allows you to rotate, zoom in and body image, you can activate the label that shows the labels with the nomenclature, different views are also available that allow you to see the skeleton, the system muscle, nervous system, etc..

Here's a video that shows the features of Google Body Browser :

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pro-line Vs Grady White Boat

sitography Body on the Risorgimento: the path Risorgimento in the Google Web

The relevance of Risorgimento and the anniversary of 150 years of history of Italy are also being felt in the network where initiatives, information and resources dedicated to these issues are multiplied to the point that it becomes difficult to identify what can be useful from the educational perspective to address issues and problems related to our history. A navigation path between sites and portals dedicated to the history of the Renaissance, with no means an exhaustive list, may be useful for students and teachers. Here are some resources to help deal with the study of these historical themes according the stringency of the wealth of materials and information and the effectiveness of the use of new technologies: The Luiss portal dedicated to the unification of a study that does not have a lot of resources, contains some documents and definitions, rather short, with few multimedia resources (only a few images), but it may be useful for ideas and a first documentation on the subject. The informaizoni are ranked according to two sections: Starring and current documents, the latter section includes: interpretations, pages from the book by Alberto M. Banti and other documents. is an initiative of the 'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia of F OUNDATION Giangiacomo Feltrinelli and the Fondazione Istituto Gramci . The portal is organized as a system comprising:
- news about the many initiatives to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy and Risrogmento;
- multimedia route to become the nation, nation building, do the Italians, being Italian, "other" Italians, representing the Italians, which contain copies of documents and books Anastatic didifficile availability;
- Copyright Reading: novels of the nineteenth and twentieth century They told the Risorgimento, read and commented on by Italian writers;
- Author Notes: lectures on the music of the nineteenth and twentieth century that helped shape the idea of \u200b\u200bnation
- Stories of a century : cycle of lectures on the history of the Risorgimento.
The site is very nice and elegant, and navigating and finding resources is smeplice including through a search engine,

From Federica , the portal for web learning at the University of Naples, you can listen to the lesson of Paul Macry on ' Italian Unification between internal dynamics and international protection "consisting of 10 slides with hyperlinks and hypermedia to images, documents, papers, geopolitical, etc.. And a short comment by the teacher. Also interesting site links and bibliography. This is the link of the lesson Lesson Macry