Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Sacco and Vanzetti, Part Two: the memory

In this era of Italian history, in which extremely despicable human models seem to dominate the Italian thief, the young slut sucking cock old powerful in exchange for success and power, the jackals who enrich themselves on the desperation of others (see earthquake Aquila and friends of that era dickhead Bertolaso) and seem to resurface the usual cliches about Italians bullies and traitors, strong with the weak and weak with the strong, at this time that does not lead to optimism, it should not the error of thinking in stereotypes and clichés, and above all, we must not ignore that, both at present and in our past history, they are not just thieves and whores, crooks and corrupt, but millions of men and women to look with respect and admiration for what they have been able to do, men and women as Franca Viola, Italy Donati and many others who have learned with dignity, courage and sacrifice, their duty and offer us models other than those which, alone, seem to fascinate the press and public opinion (big brothers, old rascals, young careerists, etc.)..
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti , perhaps despite themselves, have become the symbols of two Italians who with courage and dignity have faced their destiny and become imaginary collective world, synonymous with love for freedom and fight against injustice, xenophobia, fanaticism. Regardless of how the facts are, there is no doubt that the image that Sacco and Vanzetti have left us this is as evidenced by the songs, movies and books in their death gave life and that makes it possible to say that still live. Anyone wishing to know their history can read this post

Here are some examples of those who remember the two Italian anarchists, Sacco and Vanzetti south of the north, linked by friendship and a destiny of death and hell all separatist, xenophobic and selfish of all leagues and

This is the lyric writing and music by Woody Guthrie in 1947 dedicated to Sacco and Vanzetti: Two Good Man, this video is also in the text (in English)

In 1972 the most famous and briefest of songs dedicated to Sacco and Vanzetti, Here's to you you , text Joan Baez and music Ennio Morricone , one verse, one of the most famous and sing verses of contemporary music in this video is the text (in English)

Di Gianni Morandi, sulla musica di Morricone, la versione italiana, ma completamente diversa nel testo, della canzone di Joan Baez: " Ho visto un film "

Cantata da Francesco De Gregori e Giovanna Marini " In memoria di Sacco e Vanzetti ", nel video alcuni brani della lettera scritta da Sacco al figlio Dante prima della morte e alcune delle parole dell'arringa che Vanzetti pronunciò al processo


" Remember also what my son. Do not ever forget, Dante, whenever you will be happy in life, not to be selfish: always split your blessings with those most unhappy, poorer and weaker than you and never be deaf to those who ask for help. Help the persecuted and the victims because they will be your best friends, they are the comrades that fight and fall, like your father and Bartholomew struggled and fell today claimed to have happiness and freedom for all the poor ragged crowds of work. In this struggle for life you will find joy and satisfaction and you will be loved by your fellow "(l etter Bartolomeo Sacco to his son Dante, 1927 )


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