Saturday, February 19, 2011

Quartz Halogenlights White Balance

: Italian, good people? Making

Angelo Del Boca , Italiani, brava gente? Un mito duro a morire , Neri Pozza L'idea che gli italiani siano stati il solo popolo che ha praticato con umanità il colonialismo è un mito collettivo moto radicato e totalmente privo di fondamento storico e questo fatto la dice lunga sugli italiani e sull'Italia. Del Boca ricostruisce in 13 capitoli le principali vicissitudini dell'Italia colonial war, banditry by to ethnic improvement in Bosnia during the s econd World War , revealing events totally removed from the collective national consciousness, forgotten, obscured, before which dissolves the myth of Italian good. Our ancestors were brave forerunners of mass deportations and innovators in the creation of concentration camps ( Sciat Sciara, chap. 5); prisons for "Negro rioters" in front of which pales in Guantanamo (ch. 7 Slaves EPO Shabelle ); willing practitioners of ethnic genocide in Yugoslavia during World War II (chapter 11, an attempt to Slovenia ethnic improvement ), Heroic slaughter of their own countrymen ( massacre of civilians and residents of Casalduni Pontelandolfo ). All documented sources of the same age and military and civilian leaders of the Italian Government, and no evidence of a party. The merit of Del Boca is to be able to combine the wealth of historical evidence with the ability docunentazione narrative, each chapter can be read independently and "pleasant", it was not for the atrocities that we are told. The bleak conclusion in the last chapter " all rich, all happy, all anti ", none of these war criminals has never paid, even were rewarded for crimes against humanity which claimed the death sentence to the Nazis at Nuremberg. A book to read, especially today, when we witness the murder of innocent refugees in the law of "refoulement prevents you from having the same asylum in contravention of international treaties signed by Italy and the Libyan dictatorship of sending them to hell where they will be tortured, raped massacred. Even today, as yesterday all criminals, all rich and all anti-Communist and the people, the people follow football tits and ass ignorant and blissful, this as always.


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