Friday, February 18, 2011

How Do You Create A Room On Poptropica

Youtube for teaching literature and totalitarianism

Youtube can offer a valuable aid for education from various points of view:
- creation of channels and personal / hate a channel of class to store the video produced by students on disciplinary matters;
- ensure that students acquire skills in the production of multimedia material and in the active management of a social network;
- finding resources for the study specification.
In This post will address the latter issue, the reporting of personal channels dedicated to the history and philosophy, but also to other areas, where you can find videos that document key themes of the two disciplines, usually transmitted by the TV documentaries (Ulysses, Atlantis, The Greatest Story, The Discovery Channel, History Channel etc.. etc.. ). Of course there are many other channels, Italian or foreign, where you can find resources for teaching, point out the ones that are my direct knowledge.

's Channel Interocitore offers a wide range of documentaries of all kinds: the French Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte, Ancient Rome, physics (string theory), the animal world, Galileo Galilei, History of Mathematics, The origins of the universe, the war in Vietnam, etc..

Channel TVscuola makes available dozens of lessons for students on Citizenship and the Constitution, Law, Economics, History. They range from the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution, the second industrial revolution in the history of economics, post-industrial age by the constitution. The lessons are designed for use by students in order to investigate certain issues or the recovery of certain content.

Historyteachers is a channel created by teachers of U.S. history, contains many videos that are remakes of famous songs of the '80s in which the text is changed and historical arguments, I have already reviewed this site, click to read the review> >> HERE

's Channel Geremyss is a little neo-fascist, but who cares (like say a dorm:), has Geremyss a big job done and published dozens of videos in which they are present, complete, documentaries drawn from Ulysses, the Great history, It was the year, etc.. dealing with various topics in history such as the Great War, Marshal Tito, parallel biographies, WWII, etc..

StudentiTv is the television channel of and contains hundreds of videos with many lessons in all disciplines: history, greek, latin, divine comedy, fiancés, philosophy, Iliad, Odyssey, Science, etc..

TreccaniChannel is the TV channel's website 's Encyclopedia Treccani  e comprende video relativi a interviste e conferenze di storia, sociologia, geologia, medicina, lingua, economia, ecc.

Focusstoria è il canale Youtube della rivista della Mondadori Focus Storia e offre dei video documentari di storia dedicati a specifici argomenti come: lo sbarco dell'uomo sulla luna, Che Guevara, la morte di Kennedy, la guerra in Africa, ecc.

Historamagistravitae è il canale di Imrhail20 che so propone di offrire un quadro d'insieme della nostra storia recente and passed in order to understand the present. The material is considerable and includes dozens of documentaries broadcast on TV in recent years: StoPro CIA, Hannibal, Alexander the Great, the murder of Matteotti, the conquest of the moon, Borsellino, Pompeii, Ancient Greece, the Normandy landings, etc..


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