The relevance of Risorgimento and the anniversary of 150 years of history of Italy are also being felt in the network where initiatives, information and resources dedicated to these issues are multiplied to the point that it becomes difficult to identify what can be useful from the educational perspective to address issues and problems related to our history. A navigation path between sites and portals dedicated to the history of the Renaissance, with no means an exhaustive list, may be useful for students and teachers. Here are some resources to help deal with the study of these historical themes according the stringency of the wealth of materials and information and the effectiveness of the use of new technologies: The Luiss portal dedicated to the unification of a study that does not have a lot of resources, contains some documents and definitions, rather short, with few multimedia resources (only a few images), but it may be useful for ideas and a first documentation on the subject. The informaizoni are ranked according to two sections: Starring and current documents, the latter section includes: interpretations, pages from the book by Alberto M. Banti and other documents. is an initiative of the 'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia of F OUNDATION Giangiacomo Feltrinelli and the Fondazione Istituto Gramci . The portal is organized as a system comprising:
- news about the many initiatives to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy and Risrogmento;
- multimedia route to become the nation, nation building, do the Italians, being Italian, "other" Italians, representing the Italians, which contain copies of documents and books Anastatic didifficile availability;
- Copyright Reading: novels of the nineteenth and twentieth century They told the Risorgimento, read and commented on by Italian writers;
- Author Notes: lectures on the music of the nineteenth and twentieth century that helped shape the idea of \u200b\u200bnation
- Stories of a century : cycle of lectures on the history of the Risorgimento.
The site is very nice and elegant, and navigating and finding resources is smeplice including through a search engine,
From Federica , the portal for web learning at the University of Naples, you can listen to the lesson of Paul Macry on ' Italian Unification between internal dynamics and international protection "consisting of 10 slides with hyperlinks and hypermedia to images, documents, papers, geopolitical, etc.. And a short comment by the teacher. Also interesting site links and bibliography. This is the link of the lesson Lesson Macry
- news about the many initiatives to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy and Risrogmento;
- multimedia route to become the nation, nation building, do the Italians, being Italian, "other" Italians, representing the Italians, which contain copies of documents and books Anastatic didifficile availability;
- Copyright Reading: novels of the nineteenth and twentieth century They told the Risorgimento, read and commented on by Italian writers;
- Author Notes: lectures on the music of the nineteenth and twentieth century that helped shape the idea of \u200b\u200bnation
- Stories of a century : cycle of lectures on the history of the Risorgimento.
The site is very nice and elegant, and navigating and finding resources is smeplice including through a search engine,
From Federica , the portal for web learning at the University of Naples, you can listen to the lesson of Paul Macry on ' Italian Unification between internal dynamics and international protection "consisting of 10 slides with hyperlinks and hypermedia to images, documents, papers, geopolitical, etc.. And a short comment by the teacher. Also interesting site links and bibliography. This is the link of the lesson Lesson Macry
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