Un ambo? Una coincidenza che il secondo numero del primo sia uguale al primo del secondo? No, semplicemente i numeri di gara di due piloti che oggi non sfrecciano più sui circuiti di tutto il mondo. Una fine triste, cruenta per entrambi, in diretta per lo più, che ha risvegliato e risveglia un pò le coscienze di "noi" addetti al settore, piloti e non, e che ci riporta a quel percorso mortale che tutti gli umani seguono, nessuno escluso, anche se siamo capaci di far scatenare 240 cavalli a terra su 10 centimetri di gomma. Kato e Tomizawa nati nella terra del "corri ragazzo laggiù", fisionomicamente simili ma nello stesso tempo diversi, born many years after that cry Tora, tora, tora, which has deeply scarred the land of their ancestors, and who until recently wore around the world that strange red sun on a white field.
Besides the majority instead of live and observe vegetation, few people have noticed all this after the last incident which involved the poor Tomizawa, all working to draft numbers and figures if he died before or after a certain time, if it was right to stop the race or not, or simply mention that Redding is what has given the coup de grace (Nico Cereghini, overdrive ...), until you get to investigate De Angelis (application due ... but please !!!!!!).
E 'dead a pilot, a boy almost 20 years, and the most beautiful words have said two of his peers (here those of Bradley Smith), two men, two young wise, that after running the race at Misano have simply said that the pilots run, win, lose and die because this is the best thing they can do in life. 20 years are equal to 60 if you live life as you want it to be lived, Pedrosa and Smith knows this very well because it is so much that they do this job, regardless of age, and every time you climb into the saddle, always turn the throttle even stronger and are increasingly enamored of their profession. Only those who have lived on the edge know what I mean, the rest of the world shut your mouth for a moment. All standing (not on the couch) with his head bowed in respectful silence to remember our kids who cause strong emotions in us how to ride a bike, but when they make us reflect deeply, to a fateful twist of fate, we see them as rags crawling along the strip of asphalt, affected by other innocent children whose only dream is to go harder than the other ... Everything else is boring, rhetorical phrases, ignorance, berciume, typhoid, paucity, poverty, only a deafening sound of words in the wind, a babel of shit that creates a background noise audible only to those who have ringing in your head. ..
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