For heading Tell Max we are again talking about personal relationships inside, outside and beyond. Yes, because the social evolution of the species, that described brilliantly by Billy Wilder in "When the wife is on vacation", especially with the advent of summer always brings a man and a woman, to the inevitable evening meetings pre or post dinner in a vain attempt to make new knowledge to the remotest idea of \u200b\u200b"do something". The atavistic reluctance of women to socialize in the city of Florence does not coincide with the image as described by friends from out of town let alone abroad, as a beast of pure sex, where a strange but plausible reason, is transformed from a shy bongustaia fauna in local male. This has led to the phenomenon of women from Eastern Europe or Cuba, which, driven by a hunger for more economic and sexual, were sorbitol all accountants and accounting firms and even some lawyers, rejected by the local woman in a brutal, too busy to conservation self-image of woman standing with their principles. And so I recall the words of the song "everyone, glass in hand" in the evening, outside the premises, where tropical storms are opposed to the hormonal storms of all, sitting or standing, looking for a remote chance to bring home the result. The other day I asked a friend, whose wife is the sea with their children, how it was good the night in a well-known local Florentine very popular lately. The answer was depressing but very descriptive on what has been said so far: "Well ... I'll tell you ... there was wildlife, but there was no way even to share a joke ... So I smelled two arms, touched his back, gave a strusciatina and I came away ...". Mah ..
Intrigued I moved my investigations on the forehead, and went directly into the lair of the wolf, are entered under the skirt of the woman and discovered that Florentine ... people under the dress! Yes, because basically we are not too different, we say that the male pulls more to the conclusion that not much is lost in studying an approach that goes beyond the "thee already seen in these parts ..." The woman with short skirts and heels fetish needs something more than just the move the lock. The woman with her friends on the stool of a piano in the summer, need not approach adolescence or discounted. Recommend withdrawal of the male musk with something that goes more directly to the point, to undermine that taboo that hovers around the prey ... If the woman has agghingata will give him a message (and non solo quello) o è solo chiacchere e distintivo? E allora esaltiamo un pò di quelle forme che per una sera hanno visto la luce e che non aspettano altro che un vivido complimento! Non avviciniamoci con la scritta in fronte www.vorreitrombare.org... Non è carino... Lo so che cinci ritto non vuole consigli, ma per una volta, facciamo emergere un pò di orgoglio maschio, teniamoci il merlo nelle mutande e facciamoci desiderare un pò... Cavolo! Voi pensate che la donna non abbia le nostre stesse pulsioni? Sbagliate! E' che solo gli piacerebbe cacciare un pò, non averlo scodellato li sul momento. E' anche vero che il tempo è tiranno, e che le ferie non durano in eterno, però tutto deve avere una giusta collocazione, evitando di girare come rabdomanti col bastone che vibra quando si trova l'acqua. Se provaste ad osservare, almeno per una volta, il rituale di accoppiamento (nel senso di conoscenza) di un uomo e una donna, vi accorgereste degli enormi sbagli effettuati da ambo le parti, la pochezza della conversazione, per non parlare degli atteggiamenti. Di solito il maschio sorvola le prede che stanno in gruppo e cerca un approccio con frasi da vocabolario adolescenziale. La preda allora guarda le sue amiche col classico sguardo: "eccone un altro..." e cala il gelo. A quel punto il maschio, lasciato a casa l'orgoglio, favorito dallo stordimento provocato da 3 Mohiti, seguita in monologhi che sortiscono l'effetto di una zanzara ronzante agli orecchi delle povere astanti, le quali, perhaps, would make it even more curious topics with the most interesting. So while the days are repeated our reputation is fucked up undermining even those who, like the writer, nights out just shy of trying to make new acquaintances and reporter for "distaccheto" of summer nights. Men from all over Italy and the city of Florence, we want to take back the scepter of absolute sovereignty or be slaves of the "hair pulling in more ..."?
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