avalanche As it turned the media world has crashed down on the motion to follow the heroic return of Rossi. Claudio Costa was the enigmatic days after the accident indicating "maybe" three weeks for the return of the pilot Tavullia. And so it is was because never before has the Moto GP needs him to get out of an impasse that has only 17 riders at the start of which only 6 (to be generous) in a position to give some entertainment. The most unbearable of an athletic high caliber are journalists and reporters, Meda firstly, that the presence of the sample appear to be hypnotized and fall down as if he had the power of a holy man. Here's a bit disturbing that 'all of us motorcycle enthusiasts who are used to retrieve records, just to mention a recent Locatelli, and many others who have returned without much fuss. But he is Valentino, undisputed talent of the past 15 years of racing, which does not need to be sanctified and pampered as if it was the boyfriend of all, sconfinando quasi verso un amore omosessuale. A me Rossi è piaciuto perché è andato forte, perché è tornato a fare quello per cui è nato, perché Stoner lo ha battuto sul campo, perché non si è nascosto dietro l'infortunio. E così dovrebbero fare i giornalisti, i commentatori, dovrebbero riportare la cronaca di una giornata di corse perché anche altri ragazzi hanno corso e hanno vinto. Gli eroi sono altri, loro sono solo guerrieri che combattono facendo uno sport per il quale sono disposti a sacrificare la vita figuriamoci una rottura di un osso. Bayliss si fece tagliare la falange del dito mignolo per poter rientrare a correre. Questo è il mondo dei piloti non solo di Valentino e i giornalisti lo sanno bene, ma si know, the layman who follow the races are in the majority than those who do not just see me as a rider on the track, he sees only one class, the MotoGP, but sees them all rooting for other drivers, not necessarily Italian. Today, the people need a hero because his idols are marketing and Valentino knows this well and has sewn up his place in history. There was the possibility of excluding the comment I would do it willingly because the only thing heard is the roar of motorcycles and an occasional gaffe Reggiani that at least makes us a bit 'funny, but now he returns to normal more sinister. Now that MotoGP has found its king are all happier, and it is not that also make an appearance in Superbike as well as rallies and performances, because now the Italian sports brings only the number 46 and 3 of Biaggi ... But you know, the deeds of the Roman commercially worth less to even be mentioned at least once a newspaper and complacent pimps ...
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