... so I know I never read this post, but if I did ... I just read your statements about "La Stampa" (and perhaps other papers), and I am Abbas after that in my previous article, not even 12 hours ago, I praised your deeds both as a player and as a man. Your statement that I report in part is this:
"In the end I wanted piangiucchiare how did he (Stoner) two years ago at Laguna Seca, but I wanted to say bravo. It is not true that I hate my opponents. More than anything I love challenge, I like the brawl in the race. Maybe that's what irritates them "
Stoner, Valentino dear, did not piangiucchiato two years ago, after I had beaten the year before. Stoner was much more Lord of you because your move from "hero" was sanctioned as a corkscrew to cut the chicane as you back when you hit Stoner without leaving the position. Stoner has been so ladies who do not accused of having held back a millisecond before Usually, when he fell before entering the straight. Remember it? The tricks and wiles of our "tour" and we did not know the accused for this but ... As the pass on Gibernau in Jerez, but regular male. But please avoid words such as "piangiucchiare" because the first year of MotoGP BMW driver I was on track and I remember Levavi gas on the straight Mugello were many more horses than the Honda of your opponents. Of course you are strong, the strongest in recent years, and it would be foolish to deny it, as would be stupid to enjoy your accident if you are not your fans. But during your reign Stoner and Hayden have put behind you this year and perhaps another driver will do it. If other then piangiucchiano You do not hide behind a false recovery assuming your back 100% in Misano, why do not you turn to in 1:22:00 Saschsering from "sick". Then Stoner also did not wake up when you get you, but merely made it clear that it was useless to you scramble for third place. I simply saw a good battle between two real drivers ... but if you put it on top of irony if not piangiucchiare not win the championship this year ...
But it is nice to write well, not nice even read reviews of this bill, and advice from those who appreciate you: you can trash-talk opponents, you can also do psychological warfare, but remember to always bring him respect, as they led him to you. Lorenzo in Mugello was not hypocritical because they recognized the value in your motorcycle, and reminded the audience cheering Italian, the importance of a champion like you. If you consider it a hypocritical gesture then I have to reconsider your side of the sample class and rejoice to see you in the dust ... But I never will because this gentlemen born, not made ...
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