Jorge Lorenzo from Mallorca in 2010 was the strongest rider of all. Point! No one like him also in the calculation of total points, 383 in one season. The gufatori, detractors, fans of other, pseudo-journalists, former pilots are willing to pontificate from the pulpit with crowds of "millions" of viewers (Cereghini docet). After the race in Estoril was almost embarrassing to listen to a motorcycle enthusiast after the race when comparing the victories of Lorenzo (8) and those of Rossi (2) it was said that "two are equally strong." In a beautiful reflection ( here ) Misterhelmet Spider says everything logical and correct that you could say after the race, but today, at the close of play, written before the GAME OVER on this season, it is right that the people of motorcyclists, the real ones, not those who exult if a pilot does not Italian falls to the ground, has his voice against the Bulgarian transmission and commentary. I wonder, is that Cereghini Lucchinelli, lend themselves to this yoke media at the expense of the winner just because it is not red. I wonder Lucchinelli say that "Stoner last year came the headaches." Of course he is not, there are so many painkillers that he took. I wonder Cereghini arringhi la folla becera dell'EICMA per strappare un facile applauso per aver esaltato le gesta di Simoncelli, eroe di aver rintuzzato il sorpasso a Lorenzo. Non so poi cosa è stato detto perchè ho spento la tv, tanta l'amerezza di questa scarsa e faziosa informazione. Mi sono goduto una bella gara, con un campione vero che le ha suonate a tutti, anche a chi l'anno scorso aveva "il mal di testa", che forse gli è venuto a guidare la moto in quella maniera spettacolare ed avere un team che ha pensato più ai risvolti commerciali che "coccolare" (Capirossi docet) il suo fantastico alfiere. Bravo il Sic che ha dimostrato carattere, ma se li deve ricordare i segni sulla tuta perchè le gare hanno un inizio e una fine, e non sono solo dei sorpassi Garibaldi's leading scoring halfway through the race. Spies also did well and Dovi, stoic Pedrosa until you reach the little rest of the group. Melandri Hello, you did not get enthusiastic about that much, but I will follow you with pleasure in Superbike and I hope that you follow the advice of some world champion Max Biaggi some, although not run for their usual brand. Tuesday we start again from the collective orgasm of those who bet on red, as if the others had appeared. He said this was because, without that Rossi races are a bore ... I do not think ... Valentino will definitely be right at home at Ducati and we hope all of us, but not because it's Valentine's Day, but because it is a pilot, like the others who will be 17 or 16, because if he had not the opponents would not be a problem, but a running alone against the clock. If he is also tough opponents, then that enhances athletic performance, and always honoring the winners ... but also the losers. Standing on the couch should be there for everyone because, those who change the channel if Valentine does not win or not, is not only a sport but a vulgar and ignorant fans. A great applause also to Marquez who at 17 years, with the seriousness of a wise old man, he became world champion in the 125, and no matter if its flag has three colors but only two, because he is the son that every devotee motion would have.
rintanatevi Now in your winter silence, hibernating in your doing a bit of healthy self-criticism or zen or whatever you want, so I already know When lock of the first green light will be there again to cheer or invent new excuses or, in case a remote, very remote, will begin a new era that will look not only at a pilot, but to all without distinction, as always teaches the DottorCosta.
Bye Bye ... boys ...
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