Italians are not only a nation of thieves, pimps, sluts, escort, tronista, businessmen, stragista, mafia, tax evasion, unpunished, crooks, thieves of state, corrupt, terrorists, processed, traitors, parasites, crafty, and so on. etc.. Perhaps to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Italy is well to remember the other Italians, one of them is Frank Viola.
" It was a brave gesture. I just did what I was doing, as any girl would do today: I listened to my heart, the rest came by itself. Today counsel young people to follow their feelings, it is not difficult. I did it in a very different Sicily, they can do simply by looking into their hearts "(Frank Viola)
December 26, 1965, Alcamo, Sicily, Franca Viola, a 17 year old girl is kidnapped by Philip Melody, a young mobster who bully and if he wants to . Abducted and raped is released after 8 days. Dishonored, must marry the young, the only way will be accepted by the community and regain his honor. It 'the law of the shotgun wedding that discharges (l aw 544 of the Criminal Code), will spend the rest of his life next to his executioner. Unthinkable not to marry him, Frank thinks the unthinkable and refuses to marry is a revolution against the infamy of the costume of a secular tradition which thousands of girls were victims raped by their abuser and abused by tradition and by law, Franca, in defiance of the written law and the ancient unwritten law says no. These are the years of economic boom that is transforming Italy, but Italy is changing not only the economy, society and customs to start a revolution.
Philip Melody, a young man of 23 years, related to the powerful Mafia family of Rimi, Franca kidnapping with the help of twelve friends who took it between shots and no one saw and felt nothing. Segregated and raped was freed after eight with a police blitz. In fact, the girl's father, contacted by emissaries of melody to wrest consent pretends to agree to a shotgun wedding, but, in reality, according to the police, preparing a trap for Filippo Melodia. When the melody descends to the village surrounded by his 'good' and the woman in tow, takes the catch: the father is waiting for the Carabinieri
According to the current morality, being dishonored because it no longer a virgin, would have married her rapist to repair and save his honor and that of his family. It was a custom, an unwritten law, but no less heartfelt and binding. Episodes like this were normal in southern Italy and Sicily species. But the girl refused to marry her rapist claiming that he was dishonored by the act of violence had made, the parents argued, and despite the threats, intimidation, against the Viola had the whole country, the father was threatened with death and razed to the ground his vineyard, but she was unbending.
Franca for his courage becomes the symbol of the struggle of women in defense of their freedom and dignity, against an ancestral culture, violence and injustice of the woman for her freedom, was the first woman to rise to the reduction of all women personal property of men.
In Italy there was a law that went against the woman and admitted both the honor killing the shotgun wedding. 544 The law acknowledges that marriage in the case of crimes of kidnapping and rape were to decline, rape was considered only a crime against morals and against the person. This law allows many girls were raped and then forced to marry for the traditional custom (louder still the law) had to live alongside those who had been raped as wives. Only in 1981 this shameful legislation was abolished.
Filippo Melodia was sentenced to 11 years prison, reduced to 10 and 2 years of residence required near Modena. Heavy sentences were also imposed by the court of his accomplices Trapani, headed by Judge John Albeggiani. Melody was released from prison in 1976 and was killed on the outskirts of Modena, by unknown assailants with a shotgun shot April 13, 1978.
Damiano Damiani, in 1970, made the movie more beautiful wife inspired by the story of Franca Viola
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