Songs of the Renaissance and wars of independence Songs of the Renaissance and wars of independence: on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Italian independence publish some of the most popular songs of revival.
Farewell Farewell My Lovely (1848)
"Farewell My Lovely goodbye" to Carlo Bosi (1848) from the concert GARIBALDI THE HERO OF TWO WORLDS , July 5, 2008 Castello Cavour Santena. The song is credited to Bosi, a volunteer in the War of Independence of 1848 and that time should pick up the song, which became one of the most popular Risorgimento, it would then hand the volunteers of the first war of independence who went to fight against the Austrians in Lombardy.
La Bandiera dei tre colori (1848)
Dovrebbe trattarsi di un canto del 1848 di
Francesco Dall'Ongaro con musiche di
Cordigliani (fonte non ho torvato molto su questa canzone, se la datazione è esatta si tratta di un canto della prima guerra di indipendenza che inneggia al tricolore, bandiera che ha la sua origine con le repubbliche giacobine di fine settecento, per esempio la Tepubblica Cispadana che la adotta nel 1797. Per un astoria del tricolore:
wikipedia, bandiera d'Italia Radiomarconi, Italian flag Gigogin Beautiful (1858)
The beautiful Gigogin (Amalia Rodfrigues)
very popular song, written by the composer Milan
Paul Giorza and sang for the first time on December 31, 1858
at the Teatro Carcano in Milan just before the War of Independence (1859). To understand the text (referring to the agreement between France and Kingdom of Sardinia, according to anti-Austrian and Vittorio Emanuele is invited to take a step forward) this very interesting article on The
Gigogin and beautiful women risorgimentali >>>
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