Saturday, December 20, 2008
Solutions For Feet Burning Problem
by teatro.org 's review Anita Curci
They worked really well and Silvana Imperato Luigi Pirone, reworking the text of Alberto Savino "Emma B. widow Jocasta " e traendo da esso il meglio per trasporlo in teatro attraverso una sagace mano creativa. Molto ben fatta la scenografia a tinte rosse cupe, con la luce di un candelabro che ha segnato occasioni di particolarissimo, icastico ingegno narrativo e un senso di altalenante illusione tra realtà e sogno. Tutto ha roteato intorno ad una attesa, sofferta, pungente, chiarificatrice. L’attesa del ‘ritorno’; un ritorno non soltanto materiale di quel figlio -parte essenziale dell’essere madre-, ma specialmente spirituale. Così, dopo aver vissuto nella fatica d’inumare reminiscenze allo scopo di non rispolverare il tormento di un ricordo angosciante, improvvisamente ‘la madre’ pone ogni cosa sul piano della ricerca interior, and surrenders to dig in the slow memory to relive moments from crowded time in the mind, to the unsettling discovery of that piece of buried there. And while the original text provides for a wild-eyed and distraught monologue, here we are witnessing an intimate dialogue that does not interact with the projection of an outer selves, namely, that emerges from the soul of the protagonist and triples in a game ingenious and extraordinarily effective. The projection of the unconscious, consciousness, Emma, \u200b\u200bis supported by the collaboration between the figures, and is effective for three times simultaneously.
Naples, Nuovo Teatro Nuovo, November 11, 2008 by
As when a sudden in the morning, after endless, boring, dull days tick a restful, beautiful, sunrise, so, after having wandered for thousands and thousands of boring shows, all the same to themselves, suddenly check a show, a sham, that makes you believe that the theater is not dead, and that, indeed, there are young people in Italy who have the potential to pass it and develop it as God intended. And 'this is the case of the play "Mother's Word" - Free betrayal > Alberto Savino staged by Teatro di Legno Vesuvioteatro and having their basic working to Ercolano (Na). The one seen last night, Friday, November 14, 2008, at the Teatro Nuovo in Naples is a great show full of theatrical actions directed intense and vigorous acted with great skill by three excellent actors: Faithful Canon, Danilo Agutoli, Domenico Santo. It 's a great show of direction so that those who sign it, and Luigi Pirone Silvia Imperato, they enter their performance without their masters make the staging of the least heavy, or if I can afford the neologism, "epigonale. You see Monetta, you see Nekrosius, but see especially their hands, the hands of two directors: inventive and precise, harmoniously divide the text in dialogue scenes alternating with scenes full of dreams and perfect movements of good ideas. They seem to have assimilated to perfection, the directors, the real lesson of the theater of the twentieth century in which the text is a meeting place between the seduction of words and the energy of the staging. The three protagonists, in fact, bring back scenes of the past, players create dances in the light of the wording and meaning in relation to it. These actors do not go to dances strengthen those words do not go to exercise them, but they develop a "sense" that the words take over. Words and dancing actors become necessary to each other, giving the viewer the completeness of the story. We viewers do not know never saw the final result, as in this staging count, in the tests, sudden actors, we will never know what is due to whom, but if Pirone Silvia and Luigi Imperato half of the ideas had come staged a show of just 50 'minutes, we encounter two directors of which, if they can not bogged down in boredom and funding of public theater, we heard about for many years. It is just a bit 'out of tune, if you want to look at the hairs, is the "ruccellizzazione" of the text: it is true, the show is presented as "free from betrayal ...", but it would have been nicer, perhaps, to preserve at least the atmosphere of the prose of Savinio and do not point, drama, su una scrittura a volte "facile" che richiama molto le atmosfere create dall'autore di Castellemmare prematuramente scomparso nel 1986. Uno spettacolo assolutamente da vedere, speriamo che trovi le date che merita.
Francesco Scotto
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