Notte stellata
Watch this nocturnal landscape randomly formed on the bottom of my cup. It 'a starry night, and cypress trees in the center of the composition lazy bend in the wind, while the white bush at his side seems to want to hold back for fear of losing the impressive company of neighbors.
another tree stands to the right, but 'cut off from the frame of the picture and e' can only guess the rounded shape: a fruit tree? It was a similar vision to push the great poet of Zakynthos to compose the immortal lines: " shade of cypress trees and weeping in the polls comfort is perhaps the sleep of death less hard?".
Friday, March 24, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Native American Scholarships 1/64
Ho tornato!
Falafel, knoudeln, pakora, coconut rice, fried spaetzle are just some of the exotic names of dishes I ate on the road and have endangered the health of my gut.
The deadly ethnic food and traditional German cuisine that I rashly swallowed in the most unlikely hours, and to a 'non-industrial and' minimally managed to embarrass' my digestive tract that has faithfully performed his duty without complaint (he snorted a bit 'to tell the truth, but this is not an issue that concerns me ...).
has' encountered a single instance of insubordination.
After a lunch of the Pacha of kebap (so 'called the cafeteria) of Wuerzburg, filthy with local ingredients sugelati 80%, and a dinner of German fried stuff, my colon decided, communicating with gran dolore, di distillare il cibo invece di digerirlo .
La pietosa seduta defecatoria nel classico, freddo e minuscolo cesso mitteleuropeo mi ha, pero', stimolato delle interessanti meditazioni etimologiche sulla parola tedesca Durchfall e la corrispettiva italiana Diarrea.
La parola tedesca dovrebbe letteralmente significare: cadere attraverso.
Quella italiana invece, non significa nulla letteralmente, ma se pensiamo ad un etimologia greca allora: Dià, prefisso per attraverso , reo, scorrere, fluire.
Quindi le parole sono piu' vicine di quanto si possa pensare!
Questa fulminante conclusione è giunta esattamente alla fine della deiezione e mi ha spinto ad affretare l'operazione Cleaning runs out of the bathroom to proclaim the good news.
ciomschi Viva!
Falafel, knoudeln, pakora, coconut rice, fried spaetzle are just some of the exotic names of dishes I ate on the road and have endangered the health of my gut.
The deadly ethnic food and traditional German cuisine that I rashly swallowed in the most unlikely hours, and to a 'non-industrial and' minimally managed to embarrass' my digestive tract that has faithfully performed his duty without complaint (he snorted a bit 'to tell the truth, but this is not an issue that concerns me ...).
has' encountered a single instance of insubordination.
After a lunch of the Pacha of kebap (so 'called the cafeteria) of Wuerzburg, filthy with local ingredients sugelati 80%, and a dinner of German fried stuff, my colon decided, communicating with gran dolore, di distillare il cibo invece di digerirlo .
La pietosa seduta defecatoria nel classico, freddo e minuscolo cesso mitteleuropeo mi ha, pero', stimolato delle interessanti meditazioni etimologiche sulla parola tedesca Durchfall e la corrispettiva italiana Diarrea.
La parola tedesca dovrebbe letteralmente significare: cadere attraverso.
Quella italiana invece, non significa nulla letteralmente, ma se pensiamo ad un etimologia greca allora: Dià, prefisso per attraverso , reo, scorrere, fluire.
Quindi le parole sono piu' vicine di quanto si possa pensare!
Questa fulminante conclusione è giunta esattamente alla fine della deiezione e mi ha spinto ad affretare l'operazione Cleaning runs out of the bathroom to proclaim the good news.
ciomschi Viva!
Friday, March 10, 2006
Statue Of Liberty Falling Apart
Lying on a cold white bed, this shit seems to smile down from a higher wisdom attained in the final moment. Life and death: these two words, opposites and conflicting for us men, for a humble dung almost coincident in time, but still quite distinct. This is our way to expand the short time that came to light escapes from our stools to their demise. And I like to imagine that the light left in the photo is that of providence finally came to light this little life, too late soon toltaci etroppo came to us by fate. Requiescat in pacem,
Lying on a cold white bed, this shit seems to smile down from a higher wisdom attained in the final moment. Life and death: these two words, opposites and conflicting for us men, for a humble dung almost coincident in time, but still quite distinct. This is our way to expand the short time that came to light escapes from our stools to their demise. And I like to imagine that the light left in the photo is that of providence finally came to light this little life, too late soon toltaci etroppo came to us by fate. Requiescat in pacem,
How Safe Is Travel To Kenya 2010
8 marzo
Unfortunately yesterday my shit in the morning she went away without even a greeting, because of the strength with which I had expelled. Providentially, the day before I had done quite a bit, so I think I have enough here so that you can inspire a weekend full of important reflections. As you can see, the third I have saved in extremis from being wrapped in a sheet of white paper, which would have deprived us of this wonderful picture. Decided, on 8 March was a difficult day for my colon. See you soon,
Unfortunately yesterday my shit in the morning she went away without even a greeting, because of the strength with which I had expelled. Providentially, the day before I had done quite a bit, so I think I have enough here so that you can inspire a weekend full of important reflections. As you can see, the third I have saved in extremis from being wrapped in a sheet of white paper, which would have deprived us of this wonderful picture. Decided, on 8 March was a difficult day for my colon. See you soon,
Tuesday, March 7, 2006
Installing Electric Start On Arctic Cat
Arretrati 1
fucked in these groups are the product of 2 and 3 March. As you can see were days on average, tending to the good. mil my gut has remained virtually dormant, performing only the routine work. It might be interesting to see better pics for the sample of globular crap that is portrayed. In the coming days arrears of 4 and 5. See you soon,
fucked in these groups are the product of 2 and 3 March. As you can see were days on average, tending to the good. mil my gut has remained virtually dormant, performing only the routine work. It might be interesting to see better pics for the sample of globular crap that is portrayed. In the coming days arrears of 4 and 5. See you soon,
School Minced Beef And Onion Pie
Feci ai tropici!
This picture was kindly sent by a friend whose silence as to assure the unknown but to which I have particular affection. It 'was taken in the Amazon rainforest, and is a testament to the warmth and affection of our friends copronauti, who remember us even in the remotest corners of the planet. The photo is truly a masterpiece for the naturalness with which suggests the rough life, far from the daily comforts that he had to face our budding photographer on his trip to the tropics, seizing this moment of particularly intense day consumed between the plants, which I guess ruvidissime comfortable than we are used to toilet. We warmly thank our friend again,
This picture was kindly sent by a friend whose silence as to assure the unknown but to which I have particular affection. It 'was taken in the Amazon rainforest, and is a testament to the warmth and affection of our friends copronauti, who remember us even in the remotest corners of the planet. The photo is truly a masterpiece for the naturalness with which suggests the rough life, far from the daily comforts that he had to face our budding photographer on his trip to the tropics, seizing this moment of particularly intense day consumed between the plants, which I guess ruvidissime comfortable than we are used to toilet. We warmly thank our friend again,
Monday, March 6, 2006
Hodgkin's Lymphoma And Costochondritis
Nunc est cacandum!
E 'with the abdomen swollen with pride that I announce the entry of guardalamiamerda among the honorable members of the blog shit , free and voluntary association of shit blog. Aware of the high burden and honor to be part of that involves the association of such important goals and merits, we hope to be worthy of the important goals set dell'elevatissimo and standard of its members. We invite all our copronauti therefore to continue to work to our growth and hence also to the association of which from now we belong. We express our heartfelt thanks to all membri de i blog di merda e ai nostri copronauti,
E 'with the abdomen swollen with pride that I announce the entry of guardalamiamerda among the honorable members of the blog shit , free and voluntary association of shit blog. Aware of the high burden and honor to be part of that involves the association of such important goals and merits, we hope to be worthy of the important goals set dell'elevatissimo and standard of its members. We invite all our copronauti therefore to continue to work to our growth and hence also to the association of which from now we belong. We express our heartfelt thanks to all membri de i blog di merda e ai nostri copronauti,
Brunch Imagine Lettertranslate
siamo tornati!
Dopo tanto tempo queste caccone sono quello che ci vuole per un ritorno in grande stile, e tutto in sola mezza giornata, potrebbero darsi altre sorprese in serata. Quella in alto, la prima cronologicamente, ha avuto una gestazione piuttosto lunga. Già dalle prime ore del mattino dava segni di impazienza, ma il luogo e il momento in cui mi trovavo non erano adatti a tale meraviglia, in più ero sprovvisto di macchina fotografica e sarebbe stato un peccato lasciarsi sfuggire l'occasione di immortalare questa zuppona marrone. Notatene la completezza: pezzi di all sizes, although without ammasati criterion sgummata central and lateral, a beautiful brown cherry. A lot has also been my surprise when, a few hours later, came to light just right you see the beauty of the text, two rather large pieces, although a bit cumbersome. That my bowels, excited by the return to the publications they wanted to pay homage in this way? I promise you back in the day,
Dopo tanto tempo queste caccone sono quello che ci vuole per un ritorno in grande stile, e tutto in sola mezza giornata, potrebbero darsi altre sorprese in serata. Quella in alto, la prima cronologicamente, ha avuto una gestazione piuttosto lunga. Già dalle prime ore del mattino dava segni di impazienza, ma il luogo e il momento in cui mi trovavo non erano adatti a tale meraviglia, in più ero sprovvisto di macchina fotografica e sarebbe stato un peccato lasciarsi sfuggire l'occasione di immortalare questa zuppona marrone. Notatene la completezza: pezzi di all sizes, although without ammasati criterion sgummata central and lateral, a beautiful brown cherry. A lot has also been my surprise when, a few hours later, came to light just right you see the beauty of the text, two rather large pieces, although a bit cumbersome. That my bowels, excited by the return to the publications they wanted to pay homage in this way? I promise you back in the day,
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Chefmate Refrigerator
Foreste di zucchine
You can see here I did the last two days. Nothing to say on the last two photos, of yesterday, poop is simply the average of a brown cherry, expelled in two sessions, morning and evening. The first hand prompted me to important considerations, as well as to put it in the world, of course. This is not the first time that I produce droppings spotted, and I think it happened to you several times to produce them, and I suppose that their characteristic surface is the consequence of remaining undigested parts of some food, probably plant. Now, plants are more resistant to two parts: the skin and seeds. The latter then expelled in my stool, easily found in other plant parts undigested food and feces in the same vehicle from which they do, how much water pipes can trovarne in abbondanza. Immagina adesso, amico copronauta, tu saluti le tue feci tirando lo sciacquone credendole tristemente una cosa ormai morta, mentre all'interno di queste si cela la vita. Arrivate in un luogo appartato dalle turbolenze delle fognature, saranno il nutrimento dei semini che loro stesse hanno portato fin lì. Ieri ho mangiato zucchine, immagina ancora amico, queste zucchine, ormai geneticamente modificate dai liquami della fognatura, crescere grandi come palme. E verdognoli campi sterminati di piante delle quali non possiamo farci neanche una lontana idea, tanta ormai è la distanza dalle loro progenitrici. La vita cresce laggiù, si vocifera di avvistamenti dei primi animali adattati alla nuova flora. A quando i primi mammiferi? A quando una specie che possa rivaleggiare con quella umana? E' una domanda che ormai si fa sempre più incalzante e alla quale non possiamo sottrarci. Lo stupefacente ciclo della vita inizia di nuovo, in nuovi spazi e in nuove forme, come ha sempre fatto dall'inizio dei tempi.
You can see here I did the last two days. Nothing to say on the last two photos, of yesterday, poop is simply the average of a brown cherry, expelled in two sessions, morning and evening. The first hand prompted me to important considerations, as well as to put it in the world, of course. This is not the first time that I produce droppings spotted, and I think it happened to you several times to produce them, and I suppose that their characteristic surface is the consequence of remaining undigested parts of some food, probably plant. Now, plants are more resistant to two parts: the skin and seeds. The latter then expelled in my stool, easily found in other plant parts undigested food and feces in the same vehicle from which they do, how much water pipes can trovarne in abbondanza. Immagina adesso, amico copronauta, tu saluti le tue feci tirando lo sciacquone credendole tristemente una cosa ormai morta, mentre all'interno di queste si cela la vita. Arrivate in un luogo appartato dalle turbolenze delle fognature, saranno il nutrimento dei semini che loro stesse hanno portato fin lì. Ieri ho mangiato zucchine, immagina ancora amico, queste zucchine, ormai geneticamente modificate dai liquami della fognatura, crescere grandi come palme. E verdognoli campi sterminati di piante delle quali non possiamo farci neanche una lontana idea, tanta ormai è la distanza dalle loro progenitrici. La vita cresce laggiù, si vocifera di avvistamenti dei primi animali adattati alla nuova flora. A quando i primi mammiferi? A quando una specie che possa rivaleggiare con quella umana? E' una domanda che ormai si fa sempre più incalzante e alla quale non possiamo sottrarci. Lo stupefacente ciclo della vita inizia di nuovo, in nuovi spazi e in nuove forme, come ha sempre fatto dall'inizio dei tempi.
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