Wood Theatre
... I would one day be able to give men the slowness of a look ...
Wood Theatre's work arises from the necessity of its founders to find their own space of expression. Wood Theatre is a way of life, is energy of people through the network of destinations meet and recognize something in common. Something made of stomach cramps, the same people who undertake to follow its own path and keep alive the desire to not give in to temptation or difficulty of an environment away from home feeling. This leads to the study and implementation of projects for the scene.
Wood Theatre's work is a process. The scene is the result of a process of stimuli and reactions: pulse, long waits and unexpected results. Twisty, unnerving that requires time and dedication. Besides that requires honesty and ability to investigate themselves and their bowels. The body of the subject to stimuli of directors is the starting point of the work of Teatro di Legno. I choose the body as the source does not mean forgetting voice and text that instead focuses much of the work in view of countless linguistic and rational than emotional.
Our goal is not the show end in itself, we want to communicate our discomfort and make theater ghosts communicate our means for us to stimulate the emotion through the senses, but also trigger a "meeting". The value of the meeting is the fundamental value of our business. The meeting with the actors, between actors, the public or against it. Our work is necessarily a political demonstration in the sense that our choices always occur, without saying so, the rejection of a survival made of production, consumption and entertainment. We refuse to say a world where entertainment is to say trivial, addiction and withdrawal in critical sense. This does not mean to convey messages or doctrines to explain, but anxiety and doubt as to suggest, screaming joy, pain and awareness of being "human too human. "

Imperato Luigi and Silvia Pirone
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