who goes in motion knows that he must put into account the fall, also for everyday users, no one is immune from this imbalance that magically keeps us standing. For pilots the fall is like a broken glass for the barrista, a splinter in the finger of the carpenter, something almost natural. I will tell you, from personal experience, that fall on the track also has its charm, because there are so many protections that you're wearing, which becomes almost a slip from the carnival. In fact we are usually most concerned about damage to the bike than to ourselves, so dear has cost us our object of desire. In the professional world but the fall is that fine line between returning to the pits and start again, or get hurt and have to skip the unknown race. In his long career
Valentino Rossi crashed several times, but never without disastrous consequences such as the one Saturday, the eve of the home Grand Prix, which saw him fly through the air at 160 km / h and unfortunately fall on the tibia and fibula fratturandoseli . The image of the sample wounded, like those of any other driver does, suggests that the motorcycle is this and Valentino is not an exception. The media is in the weight given to each other, because in the past 15 years of motorcycling history, Smith has played and performed in the motorcycling world, bringing new levels of interesse e di questo bisogna essergli grati. Indipendentemente dall'essere tifosi o meno, la sua mancanza si è già fatta sentire, in una categoria che conta solo 16 piloti e che stupidi regolamenti la stanno portando al collasso totale. Valentino per gli avversari rappresenta la lepre o comunque un punto di riferimento, ed anche se il sottoscritto lo avrebbe visto volentieri giù dal gradino più alto del podio, una vittoria contro di lui ha un sapore diverso, perchè sicuramente sudata e battagliata fino alla fine. La mancanza di Valentino dalle corse è un duro colpo alla MotoGp e lo sanno bene gli organizzatori che adesso dovranno inventarsi qualcosa di nuovo, ma lo sanno anche tutte le case motociclistiche, e lo sa perfino il suo rivale diretto, that Jorge Lorenzo, who admitted that a victory without Valentino is no longer a good win. The faces of the pilots on arrival was much more eloquent than words, except that of the good Dovi never used the box of the first three. Pedrosa has won at Mugello in solitary, but not against Valentine. Lorenzo is still satisfied because a rival had to chase that goes to AC. The only one who could do something that was part of Stoner, but he did not fight for first place. For others it was a script already written, with the ghost of Troy Bayliss turned in a motorcycle 1.51,9 "derived" from the series.
The discomfort from this point forward will be the medical bulletins and alleged miracles che il Dottore riuscirà a fare anche in veste di paziente e non di pilota. Si perchè mentre dai comunicati ufficiali si parla di 5 mesi di stop, relativi anche ad un normale decorso della gamba di una persona normale, per i piloti il discorso è un pò diverso. Chi vive in quella condizione e in quel mondo sa che non ci sono miracoli come vorranno farci credere, ma solo trattamenti speciali e una diversa forza di volontà. Dalle dichiarazioni non dette posso scommettere che Rossi tornerà a BRNO se non a Laguna Seca, ma non mi stupirò per questo ne griderò al miracolo.
Mi piacerebbe anche suggerire a tutti i giornalisti di non ricamare troppo sul percorso di guarigione, perchè tantissime altre persone nel mondo soffrono, and certainly in a way even worse. I'd like to say that Guido Meda Biaggi's call on his cell phone was sent and not quashed on the grounds of television time. The words of the Roman sample would have done well in sports, because it is true that the skirmishes were reported a few years ago, it was right to feel solidarity with another sample to an opponent on the track, but a colleague and friend in pain. This is called and it would be called journalism. But we know the conditional is increasingly a must these days, as required will be able to get a sample or multiple samples in a category that is imploding on itself.
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