Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Canadians Working For Disney
Made in Italy!

I really enjoyed the Superbike race at Imola! First victory for the return of a pilot much discussed in the past (I was among his detractors), but in fact driving has always been an example. Since he arrived in Superbike Biaggi has been shown to be changed, more human, more sparkling even in jokes, hiding the truth, in the past but always gave the wrong way and the wrong time. Was it not true when he said that the Yamaha was to invest and change strategies? And so on Honda? Wrong because then wrinkled her nose as a child and did not like Rossi who already had a more charismatic and more hits to bring a dowry. His return to racing with the derived series did, however, understand the importance of Max Biaggi in the world of two wheels, and soon there was a media response from the audience that grew in front of the video and the race track. The rest is history. Ducati shut the door in a bad way, in my opinion, then the mad project of return to racing with the team three times world champion in 250. A family as defined by him, che lo ha portato sul tetto del mondo a 39 anni, e di smettere di correre non ne ha proprio voglia. Una vittoria veramente Made in Italy con un pilota che prende un quarto di ingaggio di un altro italiano che andrà su di una moto italiana (al 49%) e che se vorrà vincere questa volta sarà il secondo e non il primo a farlo. Moto italiana e sponsor italiano (Alitalia) che ha ricevuto una ventata di positività dopo tutte le vicissitudini societarie, e per questo un altro plauso in più a questa fantastica stagione. La maglietta riassume un pò tutto il Biaggi pensiero ma questa volta con tempi e modi giusti, strizzando l'occhio anche a Enzo Ferrari che affermava che un figlio paga un secondo al giro... Da Max a Max un bell'abbraccio virtuale e un...continua so!
Imola has also reserved for other interesting ideas to start from the rival Biaggi, that Leon Haslam, real name lion in fact, he did as a first run was made, up front, elbowing, throwing open the throttle more than others, impossible to overtake Carlos Checa at Rivazza. A warrior never subdued, and also a gentleman in the manner despite his young age. Perhaps it is for his opponent in the second round that Max had a blizzard and did not give him anything, as long as the motor of his Suzuki to Villeneuve consegnado exploded in fact the title in the hands of the Roman Empire. Next year BMW will be in and if so give me a lot ... Will leave a team of a true gentleman the paddock, that Francis Batta who ran to congratulate Aprilia immediately after the disappearance of his rider and motorcycling needs of these figures.
I have enjoyed for the revised in front of my preferred brand, Kawasaki, led by a tough Skyes (his cross to Piratella were equal to those of Cluthclow at Silverstone), impossible to pass even a lightning bolt as a demonstration Aprilia the Verdon is always the "motion" of all.
because although I enjoyed the Ducati complain of the Regulation, in the first race on the podium three red rose, a sign that should not be so bad and a sign that the operation has had Rossi in the budget a lot more than we want far credere. Bravo quindi a Carlos Checa, anche lui non più giovanissimo, che ha guidato come un orologio svizzero aggiudicandosi entrambe le gare regolando un redivivo Lorenzo Lanzi e forse un risvegliato Haga in odore di passare anche lui con l'Aprilia.
Un ultima analisi sul pubblico di Imola. Contrariamente al berciume visto a Misano in occasione della MotoGp con i fischi a Lorenzo, nonostante l'euforia del titolo conquistato da Max Biaggi, mi è sembrato che il popolo della Superbike, peraltro molto numeroso (70.000 presnze circa), si sia rivelato più ricco di appassionati che di tifosi e questo dovrebbe consigliare gli organizzatori a non far morire questa classe ne accettare ricatti dalla Dorna, perchè un conto è parlare Prototyping an account derived from the series (although lately they have very little of a derivative).
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Deer Sirloin Tip Roast
The Return of the kangaroo

I've always had a strong sympathy for Casey Stoner. Even when no one slipped by me if I liked to see his placings in the race, or at least races that could end, given his numerous falls from which they derived the nickname of Rolling Stoner. Defeated in 2007 when all that went on that bike Capirossi could only partly tamed, but that the boy from Kurri Kurri found suitable for his aggressive driving style "front". All the rest is history then until his illness last year that left him unable to play the new world title. Stoner Stoner yesterday redid it in 2007, beautiful, almost clean, bad, never had enough gas to give even when the bike starts to move like a snake, with that arrival never satisfied with the victory and ready for the next race. Ready, set, go, a brief skirmish in the two curves with an initially tough Lorenzo and then ... gasss! even more than the bike can have, because it was coming behind Pedrosa, the combination of motorcycle-rider strong at the moment, but that nothing has been against the red arrow and its fantastic jockey. Bravo Casey, even though next year will be with a brand that I've always just digested, I hope you still collect fame and glory because you deserve it really! Who deserves to be a better groomed and coiffed (or rather a shaved general) is the Ds Ducati rider Vittoriano Guareschi, who, instead of thinking of her hair with 220 V, thought to input coming from its top driver, not a weep for a season in the alternation. In fact, revving stated that the motion of Hayden and Stoner yesterday were different in length, exactly 15 mm or so, which enabled both the kangaroo and the American attack to race to Hayden ended with a pass to the master Jorge Lorenzo of damage. I do not know for the rest of the season what the results of the Ducati, but if Stoner ricomincierà to beat all, it was better to humor him and give him the bike he wanted, rather than go to Niki also trying to sell a few more pieces in the U.S.? Mah ... Well
confirmation of Pedrosa in second place, which made the race interesting, tight marking between Stoner and seven-tenths and the second half, then give up (rightly) in the final but also in the standings. As mentioned earlier, the better the third place of Hayden, birds at the third last corner (they hold a) a pliable Lorenzo riding a Yamaha boiled in its worst phase of the season. I hope I'm wrong, but the house of Iwata seems to have taken an early decline unless they have been Honda and Ducati to make a leap forward and, if so, will give an alarm to i fenomeni senza moto vanno da poche parti, ed anche se Spies ieri ha confermato la sua consistenza, anche lui avrà bisogno di più prestazioni se vorrà giocarsela col resto del gruppo. Del resto del gruppo di ieri ha fatto parte anche Valentino Rossi, settimo fino all'ultimo giro, sesto al traguardo causa di un botto di Dovizioso mentre si stava giocando il quinto posto con Spies. Che dire....? Nell'intervista di un sempre più innamorato Beltramo a Rossi, abbiamo capito che c'è qualcosa che non va, ed è inutile tirare in ballo la spalla da operare... Si, è vero, i tendini quando si infiammano danno fastidio (ne so qualcosa), il gruppo deltoide e spinoso sono importanti per la guida, ma qualcosa al Mugello, oltre alla tibia, broke the champion of Tavullia, fortunately "justified" by a non-fully competitive. Who knows, we'll see. For the motorcycle I'd like to see an end to Valentino winning career, or at least what remains the man to beat, because in the last decade has always been that way, regardless of the medium controlled, otherwise ... A praise
Livio Suppo (I still have not framed well) when I finally said to stop making "stupid questions" from the studio to pilots on marketing issues, fueling more sterile controversy over who or what ... Let's talk about motorcycling guys! Let's talk about drivers, we talk about race, you talk about who won masterfully Iannone Moto 2, we talk about Pirro that comes from the minor races and with a wrist fence went strongest of the various Canepa and Rolfo, confirming my thesis that not everyone who has money can go fast! We interview Redding, a boy of 17 years marked for the rest of his life (and the stupid Italian justice) who has run the same despite the memory of impact on the handlebars of the body of a colleague who later died. Grow a little dear journalists and opinion, be bearers of the news and not "your" news!
Bello, agitated and meaningful farewell to poor Tomizawa, deployed with the paddock behind the Japanese team and the bike on the pit lane without body del suo bravo pilota, ma ricordato nello spirito da tutti, chi con un adesivo, chi col casco come Lorenzo in ricordo del guerriero caduto ma mai dimenticato.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Can I Continue My Wow Account After Trial
Veni, vidi, vici!

E' quello che deve avere pensato Lorenzo Segoni all'ultima trasferta in quel di Vallelunga, appuntamento finale della Gladius Cup Suzuki e del Trofeo Hornet Honda, evocando le parole di un ben più noto romano alla conquista delle terre del mondo. Lorenzo Segoni classe 78, per chi non lo sapesse, era ed ancora è uno di quei tanti o pochi talenti in giro per lo stivale, in piste più o meno assurde, che con pochi mezzi economici e tanta passione, si è sempre distinto in lodevoli prestazioni tali da giustificare its a step in the higher classes. But we know that the "Segoni" are usually not good pilots guilty of being too "foo" and then more "others" discussed by the talented but fast in the payment dell'obolo to buy a real motorcycle racing ...
So switching between scooters, various trophies, endurance, and so global appearances, Lorenzo found himself running for small teams in the various brand always bring with them the desire to grind km faster than others. So it's been for the fact that Suzuki Gladius Cup won for the second consecutive year, and finally for the Honda Hornet Cup, where the parent, for commercial reasons, it is shown in first person, recruitment of le file anche altri nomi "illustri". Nonostante il "marcio" dei trofei, dove è possibile vedere motori supersport montati su moto di serie (squalifica di Misano a Zerbo docet) il piccolo "Davide" Segoni è riuscito ad aggiudicarsi il trofeo in maniera cristallina, senza bisogno di ricorrere alle alchimie della moto, ma solo con tanta dose di gas nel manico, e insegnando a "Golia" Honda che a volte bisognerebbe essere più leali verso tutti se vogliamo trovare un successore di Rossi, Dovizioso o Simoncelli. Lorenzo Segoni non sarebbe mai forse diventato tale, però a vedere Lamborghini 23esimo e Canepa 28esimo a Misano significa che qualcosa deve essere fatto nei "vivai" dei trofei altrimenti i piloti italiani a livello mondiale saranno tutti dei....segoni!!!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Leather Trousers Domina
74 ... 48

Un ambo? Una coincidenza che il secondo numero del primo sia uguale al primo del secondo? No, semplicemente i numeri di gara di due piloti che oggi non sfrecciano più sui circuiti di tutto il mondo. Una fine triste, cruenta per entrambi, in diretta per lo più, che ha risvegliato e risveglia un pò le coscienze di "noi" addetti al settore, piloti e non, e che ci riporta a quel percorso mortale che tutti gli umani seguono, nessuno escluso, anche se siamo capaci di far scatenare 240 cavalli a terra su 10 centimetri di gomma. Kato e Tomizawa nati nella terra del "corri ragazzo laggiù", fisionomicamente simili ma nello stesso tempo diversi, born many years after that cry Tora, tora, tora, which has deeply scarred the land of their ancestors, and who until recently wore around the world that strange red sun on a white field.
Besides the majority instead of live and observe vegetation, few people have noticed all this after the last incident which involved the poor Tomizawa, all working to draft numbers and figures if he died before or after a certain time, if it was right to stop the race or not, or simply mention that Redding is what has given the coup de grace (Nico Cereghini, overdrive ...), until you get to investigate De Angelis (application due ... but please !!!!!!).
E 'dead a pilot, a boy almost 20 years, and the most beautiful words have said two of his peers (here those of Bradley Smith), two men, two young wise, that after running the race at Misano have simply said that the pilots run, win, lose and die because this is the best thing they can do in life. 20 years are equal to 60 if you live life as you want it to be lived, Pedrosa and Smith knows this very well because it is so much that they do this job, regardless of age, and every time you climb into the saddle, always turn the throttle even stronger and are increasingly enamored of their profession. Only those who have lived on the edge know what I mean, the rest of the world shut your mouth for a moment. All standing (not on the couch) with his head bowed in respectful silence to remember our kids who cause strong emotions in us how to ride a bike, but when they make us reflect deeply, to a fateful twist of fate, we see them as rags crawling along the strip of asphalt, affected by other innocent children whose only dream is to go harder than the other ... Everything else is boring, rhetorical phrases, ignorance, berciume, typhoid, paucity, poverty, only a deafening sound of words in the wind, a babel of shit that creates a background noise audible only to those who have ringing in your head. ..
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