Songs of the Risorgimento Garibaldi songs Red Shirt (1860)
RED SHIRT popular song from the concert GARIBALDI THE HERO OF TWO WORLDS, July 5, 2008 Castello Cavour Santena.
Traversa, Pantaleoni
music, song spread immediately after the expedition of Garibaldi in Sicily, the first edition is known
1860. was also sung during the resistance by the partisans of the Garibaldi Brigades. We transcribe from a case taken from The New
Canzoniere Italian No. 4 - Milan, April 1964, which is located at Among the songs of the epic Garibaldi, the red shirt is one of the most vivid documents and symptomatic, a text related to its time and environment that produced and distributed. The very fact did not have too much later modern, that is stable in the Italy of luck "Journal Risorgimento", the "Renaissance of the State", is proof of its authenticity, its value is not rhetorical. The red shirt is in the text and music as well as a beautiful song, a song absolutely exemplary taste Risorgimento, a typical figure in the positive qualities and negative ones. It is, in our opinion, a song that can still be sung.
was written for the text, the town clerk partisan and Cross Rocco, music, the maestro Luigi Pantaleoni. The moment of his first fortune were the days immediately following the undertaking of Garibaldi in Sicily and southern Italy. The original text consists of nine quatrains decasyllabic. After Aspromonte were added eight quatrains, and once after a Dijon and after Domokos.
When the call of Garibaldi
all his children's children will
bold united fire the mine
Garibaldi red shirt will fire the mine
joined Garibaldi's red shirt.
And you woke with the sun in April and
Prove you're not just for this vile
are my dearest
rare red shirt shirt, then why exactly are my dearest
red shirt shirt rare.
It bears the imprint of my wound
're all torn ripped across
precisely why you are my dearest
red shirt shirt rare
precisely why you are my dearest
red shirt shirt rare.
from the moment you put on the arms of gold when you ricamai
Milazzo spent Sergeant
fiery red shirt shirt when I went to Milazzo Sergeant
red shirt shirt burning.
Hear the glory dell'ardito
your color scare puts
Venice and Rome, then we fall into the pit with red shirt
Venice and Rome, then we fall into the pit
with red shirt.
SOURCES: Hymn to Garibaldi (1858)
HYMN OF GARIBALDI , the concert GARIBALDI THE HERO OF TWO WORLDS, July 5, 2008 Castello Cavour Santena. The verses of the poet Louis Mercantini that he wrote them a wish of the Garibaldi. Mercantini was also famous for the poem "The gleaner Sapri," which commemorated the Tajik company Pisacane. The music is Alessio Olivieri . Was performed for the first time the new year of 1858, the eve of the Second War of Independence. Garibaldi was in Genoa at a friend's house and had commissioned to compose a song Mercantini martial, this was performed immediately and was pleased to become one of the most popular songs and "soundtrack" of future business gatiibaldine
FULL TEXT arms! To arms! It is a
scopron the graves, the dead rise, I
our martyrs are all raised:
swords in hand, the laurels to the crown,
The flame and the name - the heart of Italy.
we come! We come! on, or slave girl,
on the wind for all our flags on all
with iron, all with fire, with fire on all
- in the heart of Italy.
goes out of Italy, which is to go out now,
goes out of Italy, go out, or alien!
2 The land of flowers, the sounds of the poems,
Returns, what was the land of the car;
avvinser the chains of a hundred hands,
But even Legnano - can brandish the knife. German Stick
Italy does not tamed, not
Cresconius the races to the yoke of Rome, Italy More
does not want foreigners and tyrants,
are already too many years - that lasts for the serve.
goes out of Italy, which is to go out now,
goes out of Italy, go out, or alien!
3 houses of Italy are made for us, and there on the Danube
the house of 'your, you
fields there faults, you c'involi bread;
our children - for us We want to hear them. Son
the Alps and the two seas of Italy borders;
Col chariot of fire rompiam the Apennines,
destroyed all signs of the old frontier,
Our flag - all innalziam.
goes out of Italy, which is to go out now,
goes out of Italy, go out, or alien!
4 Sien mute tongues, ready sien arms;
Only turning the face to the enemy,
And soon the alien shall go over the mountains
If all thinking - Italy will be.
not just the triumph of barbaric spoils;
chiudan thieves are the thresholds of Italy;
The people of Italy are all one, all one
Son - a hundred cities.
goes out of Italy, which is to go out now,
goes out of Italy, go out, or alien! If you still
5 dell'Alpi tentasser the battlements,
The cry to arms will Garibaldi
And arms himself to the sound that comes from Caprera,
the ranks of a thousand - that Etna attacked.
and behind the advanced guard of red is good
muovon of Italy tents and ships rat
Already the shadow of trust warrior
The fiery steed - Vittorio urged.
goes out of Italy, it goes out ch’è l’ora,
Va fuora d’Italia, va fuora, o stranier!
6 Per sempre è caduto degli empi l’orgoglio;
A dir — Viva Italia! — va il Re in Campidoglio;
La Senna e il Tamigi saluta ed onora
L’antica signora — che torna a regnar.
Contenta del regno fra l’isole e i monti,
Soltanto ai tiranni minaccia le fronti:
Dovunque le genti percuota un tiranno
Suoi figli usciranno — per terra e per mar.
Va fuora d’Italia, va fuora ch’è l’ora,
Va fuora d’Italia, va fuora, o stranier!