Sunday, August 29, 2010

Borgata Total Rewards

little new on the Western Front

In quel di dello stato dell'Indiana, in occidente appunto, si è consumato l'undicesimo Gran Premio di questo mondiale che sembra più di transizione verso quello del 2011 che altro. Rossi nel dire che le strategie per il futuro dovrebbero essere fatte a due, tre gare dal termine, dice il vero a mio parere, perchè il tutto può riflettersi sull'impegno del pilota alla guida di una moto che dovrà comunque lasciare con la logica conseguenza della perdita di stimoli. Casualmente la sua ad affermazione trova riscontro nella bellissima vittoria di Pedrosa (per cercare di stabilire la sua leadership con l'arrivo di Stoner) un secondo posto di Spies (confermato ufficiale Yamaha), Stoner "strangely" Fallen (Honda head already?) And Rossi falls (three times in the test) was fourth. Bella then the victory of Pedrosa, the only one not notice the bad conditions of a track absurd, with open drains in knee trajectory, potholes everywhere, and a dirt path that offers little to overtake. Striking conditions of the drivers after the race, with Lorenzo semisvenuto on the bike at the park closed and Pedrosa, the interview took place in overdrive about twenty minutes after the end, it was almost faint at any moment, ending with the Rossi's statement that towards the end of the race said to have seen St. Peter's. The only less prove that he was framed for this purpose Spies week with his first pole and a fine second place, which projects him in the top of the standings to fight for third place that is not so far away. Perhaps the only news most striking (already circulated an official statement) is the output of the Ducati Superbike as a team, leaving the satellite teams handling bike, a bit like all the Japanese. I do not know if it's a coincidence or not the employment of Valentino, but according to statements by Del Torchio, it seems that the engineers "race" will work for a supermoto that arrives in showrooms and on race tracks in 2012. We'll see.
MotoGp still characterized by "smallness" in the field if not for the plots hatched on the outside, not from ideas even after the race, where the trio Bobbiese-Cereghini-Lucchinelli digs in the few subjects until you get to analyze the driving style of Spies they say ugly. Fall style that Nico did not believe in good conditions "tired" of Lorenzo until both Pedrosa, but mostly the same Rossi, confirmed the situation as "hot" track ... A bit like when Stoner complains of the front, now that the problem exists also falls Valentino, first no ... Mah .. Beautiful as always
Moto2 who found Elias in his first world and showman, bad luck aside, a Iannone, despite starting from 26th position managed to finish fourth, taking with him a fluctuating course.
Unfortunately the Sunday race was overshadowed by Peter Lenz fatal accident during the trophy Moriwaki. The young rider, thirteen, fell into the sighting lap, slapping violently against the protections of the circuit. Rushed to Methodist Hospital Indianapolis, died soon after. The father's words on Facebook:
"Peter died early this morning when he was apparently hit by another rider. He died doing what he loved. The world has lost one of its brightest lights. The number 45 hours is on another road that we can only hope to achieve. God bless Peter and the other pilot involved.
Hello Peter

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Should I Get A Brazilian

Relationships, relationships, marriages, escapades, lovers.

Writes a friend face (internal message):

Dear Max I'm having an affair outside the marriage that took me like never before. I feel younger, sexually active, I think of him often and are imbued with feelings as when I was 16. He, my age, I live the usual condition, and we are very happy to have this relationship. There is one problem though: while I'm totally immersed in their lives riding the emotions strong, he lives on and off, sometimes present and sometimes not, and can not figure out if I'm pretending and I relegated to a mere sexual release, or are merely different to handle the situation. Since you are "man" and enjoy reading your posts, but very often directed close to reality, what I suggest trying to understand or to leave my doubt?
If you do not publish the name you can do a post on the application. B.

difficult question and a response spectrum at 360 °. So I left the wonderful feeling that you're living, or a rediscovery of ourselves at a young age really. From your words I can infer that you are a 30 and over, if you're married, you certainly have some experience already of marriage. It seems to me also to understand that you are not accustomed of an extra-marital escapades, and this puts you in a position to live the story with strong emotions, precisely those that have young. I think I understand how you will feel at this moment because of heart palpitations are the strongest and the most shocking and even those that are in many cases they make hasty decisions that lead to painful separations. That said one must remember that we are faced with two different elements from each other is: a man and a woman, almost identical morphologically, but at the extremes in fact use the brain. Obviously there is a prevalence between the two, although each tends to bring water to his mill. From personal experience I can tell you that women are wonderful (hence my nature distinctly hetero) and I learned a lot from you and understand your condition at this time. But remember, you're dealing with a man who has a different view, a bit like watching the same old picture from another side. He does not live on and off, it certainly will use for a sexual outlet. If so there would be a step "positive", but only the classic one hit and exit via the kind of squalid fashion "trombamico / a" very popular among young people. We men are like sex: great involvement to orgasm, then let those 20, 30 minutes of detachment because we have a little "take back". You do not know how to say that he is alternating, of course I do not think that you are all-day "piece," then I assume that your feelings come from contact by letter, translated in our day, sms, email, facebook and whatever ' more ... Personally, despite being the "son" of technology, the tools just mentioned I like to use pure cazzeggiano and not to seek confirmation or to discuss the worst. Today we are all with his head bent on our cellphones glued to our monitors, and when we find ourselves face to face we say? If you use him for a mere sexual release you'll hear very well, signals are often too obvious. But if your relationship goes beyond that to leave him at the time of emergence in time and manner that is most befitting (you spell it?), Judging it not for the messages that you send, but simply by what shows you when you are together. When you're not with a person's time is frozen and waiting to see her again ... ardi If you obstruct this spell, then report it back to what you live every day with your husband, a relationship that time has changed, has made it routine force play, maybe because they have run out of things to say or what to do ... It is not a defeat, however, if there is a mutual respect, you're just going through the unthinkable, che fino a qualche anno fa lo giudicavi "disonesto" e moralmente ingiusto, perchè alla fine siamo un pò schiavi della società in cui viviamo. Ovviamente c'è anche chi li ha travisati questi concetti, sganzandosi a destra e a manca senza il minimo ritegno, ma queste, come ho già scritto in un post precedente, sono bestie che non cercano l'emozione ma solo uno sfogo... Sappi attendere le "mosse" dell'altro. Se ti va di fare un affermazione, non ti aspettare per forza la risposta. I sentimenti, i pensieri, una bella frase sono come doni: non vanno richiesti indietro... Vivilo se ne hai la possibilità, attendilo quando non ce n'è, solo così rinnoverai quella sensazione della prima volta...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

National Laser Therapy Clinics Of Canada Scam

The horns are like the measles ...

... those who had them, those who have it, and who must have ...
Our ancestral Latin, especially us males, rejects the idea of \u200b\u200bhorns, foolishly thinking to own a pseudo "advantage" against women. In fact, the infidelity is somewhat inherent in us all and affects the most remote corners of the earth (the film The Bridges of Madison Country it is a shining example). Having said this does not necessarily have to be desperate housewives or accountants of Pistoia to be driven by a strong drive to break the marriage relationship. Today we witness a shift of the barbarian hordes in search of new emotions because everything is relegated to a sort of challenge between the sexes. Mi raccontava un mio amico che lui fa affari a noleggiare auto per 2, 3 ore, con il telefono che squilla in continuazione per cercare di aggiudicarsi la Ferrari o la Maserati per poter andare in discoteca ed apparire, per avere più chances "nell'imbrocco".
Ma il tradimento, la fuga, l'essere fedigrafi non pregiudica un atteggiamento poi troppo negativo o riprovevole. Giurare fedeltà al proprio uomo o alla propria donna non implica ammanettarsi per tutta la vita, o castrarsi nel non vedere o nel non fare... Tutto stà a capire cosa effettivamente vogliamo. Spesso e volentieri siamo portati al tradimento per cercare quello che più non abbiamo in casa, quello che non riusciamo ad ottenere dal nostro rapporto quotidiano, e tendiamo a search for new flavors and new emotions. This is partly true, however, because our partners in the long run, it becomes "habit", but not in the bad sense of the word, but perhaps because we are not able to renew ourselves in gestures, in intimate moments, in the arguments. But if you think about this we can not find even "with the new," because many of us were super the first time? It is true, the mechanism is the usual tit for tat, but it is not true as it seems. The first time offenders from becoming more a relief than anything else where the only thing different is the novelty of the person, but otherwise tends to suffer a little performance anxiety from having always thought the drive (while six of them) to say: "I happen and when?". But we are all victims of the treachery of the partners, science and mathematics, because betrayal is even looking or thinking that "unclean" that goes through your head, masterfully described in the poem the poet Fusi "She Move," which remains a prisoner and will cause a shock. The detail of the mouth, hands, eyes, of that phrase thrown them in the middle, he or she appeared one day that door, from that scent ... Beautiful, romantic, this approach goes beyond the sexual instinct, that of the disco like "if you do not trumpet today ..." regardless of who you can find ... What do the animals to mate and define the horns, but more degradation of the individual ...
It takes a certain class, even in the "betrayal" would not call this, because basically what those who betray and betray ... Already I hear the whistles of the Puritans, those of marriage up-to-death-not-that-we-separate and then maybe find acid to 50 years, maybe bad repressed employers or colleagues. No sir ... compliments, looks, expressions of "love" part of us, our way of life, because if they were the wives or husbands car, the cycle will change to show those feelings and that sense of rejuvenation that pervades every time meets an angel (Rambaldo Melandri docet) ... That's why the horns are like measles, because in relationships (marriage, cohabitation) there will always be that moment of weakness, that whisper inside that makes you shake. The seriousness is that the moment does not ruin the lives of couples, especially if there are children who have to have brothers or sisters, mothers and fathers who are left to take in situations exactly alike, except that a split with a knife between teeth. Caputo said, "... put the horns therapeutic ...". But the sentence was no longer true. As for measles, the horns are an "evil" that sooner or later arrive, and often also helps you appreciate what you have, because back home loaded with six new life, and maybe you are led to seek, in her or he lost that flavor but ended up with that figure appeared one day, in an afternoon of your life ...
And you already got the measles?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Callerid Blocking Cell Phones Roger


Where to start? Unlike collective orgasm of the passage of Rossi to Ducati, starting with the failure to record Lorenzo to win the pole position in a season, to the detriment of Max Biaggi always obtained with the colors of the house of Iwata. For the rest of English yet another flawless race increasingly dominated this world, with a perseverance worthy of a Rossi and Stoner 2007 first manner. Yesterday, the good Jorge has hit his seventh win of the season in a race marred by imperfect condizioni del circuito, bagnato dalla pioggia la sera prima e afflitto da un vento "radente" che impediva alla ruota anteriore di fare il suo lavoro. Comunque, cambiando l'ordine dei fattori (meteo), in campo il risultato è rimasto invariato con Lorenzo lepre, Pedrosa a inseguire senza fare errori, e un pò più dietro un non ancora lucido Stoner, con la nuova new entry tra i primi di un ottimo Spies giunto quarto. Variata invece la condizione di Rossi, a mio avviso un pò troppo "precaria" come già avevo scritto in un post precedente. E' vero che comunque la notizia del giorno è il suo passaggio in Ducati, atteso come l'annuncio del Messia, ma ciò non deve distogliere da una sua prestazione non all'altezza, ancora celata behind not perfect physical condition, and that seems to denote that something has changed. Fifth behind Spies with statements after the race unclear or perhaps too much, give us a picture of a champion in a phase of disorientation as we had never seen before, to quote the words of his supporters, almost hit syndrome of the number 99. In the curtain after the race to over-rev, Florenz made a joke more or less acceptable, but something was correct in saying that "we must leave the Yamaha with Valentino that a victory by beating Lorenzo," because it is true that a nine-time champion the world has nothing to prove, but it is also true that every time someone looks out the upper floors a parità di mezzo tecnico, dapprima le ha prese o poi le ha ridate, vedi il duello perso con Stoner nel 2007 e vinto l'anno successivo. Certo è che questo mondiale è sempre Valentino dipendente, in un modo o nell'altro, e ancora una volta la gara ha dimostrato che, se non cambia qualcosa, il buon Ezpeleta, invece di accapigliarsi con Infront, dovrà inventarsi qualcosa di nuovo per il futuro, perchè Rossi ha firmato per due anni con Ducati e due anni non sono poi così tanti...
Qualcosa di più si è visto nella Moto2 sempre avvincente e ricca di sorpassi. Certo la categoria è viziata da un monomarca in fatto di motori, da delle prestazioni "equivalenti", però decisamente spettacolare e con divari 15 seconds in the top 15 drivers that make it a little more different names of the characters, even if the head is always the best driver who has known how to interpret the very beginning of the year to date, that Tony Elias in the odor of return in MotoGP. Iannone also pretty well with a bike not just set up for the occasion but always in the forefront recently. Roby Rolfo was revised with a more competitive bike until the engine to the rectum and then stop when he was battling for first place. The other Italians lost a little in the rear to start from eighth to finish courses to Canepa, demonstrating that driving a race bike is not how to dock a ship in the port of Genoa, and that unless something changes in the management of the championships minori, avremo sempre più "figli, nipoti e parenti di" a correre, e meno campioni da poter controbattere alla nuova dominazione spagnola.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Oakley Hatchet Lens Replacement

99 pilots and heroes

Lo so, post così fanno un pò rabbia. Diciamo che fanno arricciare il naso ai puristi, a quelli politically correct, a quelli che non-si-parla-male-degli-altri oppure a quelli che bisogna essere sportivi. Ma d'altronde internet non è la televisione, è un territorio libero dove poter esprimere il proprio pensiero (sempre conservando un minimo di classe, decenza e verità). Della vicenda della caduta di Rossi ne hanno già abbondantemente parlato un pò tutti. Trattandosi poi della caduta di un campione, e visti gli esiti della sua mancanza the championship, it made even more headlines. Of course, the usual pundits (for lovers of Latin phrases see Solon Greek) embroidered us from the beginning, since the first reports spoke of four, five months for total recovery of form. Always the same then, during the commentary, but also from the pages of newspapers, they asked how could "the miracle" by reviewing them in the saddle (but our) favorite, limping and having crutch, but with the right wrist always in good shape. Not being a Red State employee (as a result of a breakdown so severe it running for a year), the choice of a running back has found a little surprised all of us, however, because We are all children of the declarations of good Costa and we are led to imagine the riders as people of a different dimension, what else does not have his head if not the speed. The first alarm bell on the Rossi-ci-march came from Stoner when he first got behind the Doctor and, after a miserable joke of it, said that "many drivers run with nails and in any case not after the race you're standing on the platforms towards the earth if you use crutches "(translation is a bit more than the gist). Today
another tile hits the record holder who-to-back-first, because Randy De Puniet to 22 days away from an accident similar if not identical to that of Valentine, is back in the saddle and, unbelievable, without using the crutches ( video ). Of course Randy has used a good Honda normal, did not go stronger than Johnny Rea, has made some records, but if I so much by then all stood to applaud him on the couch stoic French. But surely the break will never be the same as that of Rossi, De Puniet why not make the results of The Doctor, and then we hear that all would be good to go so ... I believe instead that these guys deserve a big round of applause for the love you have towards this sport to the passion that's always pushing to go faster, to honor their colors, their flags, as opposed to 11 men behind a ball, with little self-sacrifice, ready to expressions of extreme pain caused by alleged rough contrasts.
Thanks guys ...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Substitution For Idiazabal Cheese

be or not to be ....

the birthplace of the great English writer Max Biaggi has decided to run two runs to keep settling for placements that eventually send him on holiday with 60 points behind the second and which are not few. A big applause goes to the whole team that won the English most of the lead with the only intrusion of the two Italians Fabrizio and Biaggi just retired in the second heats to a technical fault. The victory went both times with a dazzling Cal Crutchlow riding that bike that has Spies saw the triumph of last year and that for some 'time was missing on the top step of the podium. Johnny Rea second in both races has been nothing against the fury of the Yamaha rider and author of fastest laps of drifting scream, further enhanced by the good Sanchini incisive commentary that defined erotic, fully agree with the writer. A month's leave and then returned to Germany for the Nurburgring circuit in that new to be discovered, where the last part of the season for a total of 150 points in common between Biaggi, Haslam and a more distant, but always on the run , Rea. The race at Silverstone was anticipated also from a noble statement of Dorna boss Carmelo Ezpeleta, who has appealed The Superbike category as a child, referring in particular to the number of spectators set to every race, not considering the fact that events in the category of average derived from the series have many more starters and many more duels than Chelu defines class. I would remind Mr. Ezpeleta that the annual transfer of drivers passing through the categories is always very marked, and therefore much lower class do not. I would advise him instead of bringing more than Flamini to the work of the brothers who are carrying on for years a beautiful and spectacular championship no less than MotoGP, but different, with two runs of the formula that allows us to enjoy two races at the highest level. For me also Sunday's motorcycle world is beautiful because it starts from the 125 to arrive at the MotoGP, but lately I am very disappointing because there are always winners with four fingers.

Today I was also at Mugello on Sunday dedicated to a single brand and variety of trophies for the occasion, I reviewed with a lot of friends and riders, many of which I also held a baptism. Paddock a bit 'empty and have little public frame for a sport that has national level is no longer the heirs of Biaggi and Rossi, also spoiled by poorly managed, where instead of trophies to the uncertainty of the final rule, they tend to benefit this or that driver of growth at the expense of others. This was true also for the Hornet Cup where the winner, that Zerbo already disqualified for technical irregularities in the race at Misano, has come back on the grid with a bike that could easily claim a super motor sport, so much so that at the end of the first lap, when taken command, has trimmed more than a half turn to the second patrol of the pursuers by turning in times of pole position. At this point I would be asked to Charles Florenzano pontificates that both speaking on overdrive, which is really the dividing line between pure marketing or the intent of bringing up young talent and then make her debut in the major leagues, because I do not see a horizon real commitment as is the case for the English riders handled differently from a federation he sees farther. Addressing a season even mono brand is very expensive, and mocked by seeing favoritism and regulations do not respected is even more frustrating. You can bet that the next will be a Italian motorcycling ace Marini still unknown and certainly not just for sporting merit. Pending BRNO and the fateful step of Rossi on the Ducati, I wish you a good start of August to you all, fans of motorcycle racing and drifting of sound (the track!) As what today we got Cal Crutchlow.