dell'inanità symbol and reminder of human endeavor, I leave my current production. These two miserable cacchette, produced in two different and distant times of the day, want to be a tribute to culo1, which assenterà for two weeks or so. Unfortunately, after a long gestation, the gift is not as successful as hoped, after the fireworks yesterday. Consider, fond copronauta, the efforts and hopes that twice in one day have given me the stirrings of my body, hopes quickly dashed by the poor results that you see above. And now to think big and small deeds done every day and hopes, big or small, that they can have a positve outcome, can have a dramatic turn in our little world. Twice he sat sat shivering on the cold water tavoloccia the house, twice disappointed by the sight of the fruit of my efforts. That, slipped away in a bubbling water, here are a painful reminder of our humanity. Until tomorrow,
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