Eyeclops Mini Projector To Computer
Cago ergo sumus
difficult day, as you see, but fraught with important and profound reflections. Chicago ergo sum, the excretory act as the ultimate expression of our origins in the era of technology now denied, bond remaining days when man began to be able to say that when the four-legged posture replaced that of samurai, using two trees as a support and a rough fig leaf to wipe, when I am not yet a prisoner, confused his identity in the multiplicity of nature. Now, here is my stool today: so different in form and substance to make it hard to imagine they exit the anus itself. Forced to a forced incarceration in an "I costruitomi him without a chance to reply, only to return via the faeces softer identity, the only reminiscence of a time when I and World, divided by blurred boundaries, often exchanged each other's position in a whirling, chaotic dance. Chicago Sumus ergo, the many facets of our soul we greet again visible for a moment before embarking on the long journey towards the great sea of \u200b\u200bshit. We honor them as well, offering them a voi in queste immagini del loro ultimo congedo. guardalamiamerda
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