Carissimi copronauti, vi sarete certamente accorti che da un paio di giorni è apparso sul nostro blog un banner di un motore di ricerca che si fregia - pensate! - del nome del sommo Aristotele. Dovete sapere che qualche giorno fa, venuto a conoscenza di questo motore di ricerca fino ad allora misconosciuto, fui subito attratto dalla possibilità, dissacratoria se vogliamo, di poter affiancare il nome del nostro giovane blog a quello del Filosofo. Così mi affrettai ad inserire tutti i dati richiesti da questo portale, che tra le altre cose prometteva, assieme alla semplice segnalazione tra i risultati delle ricerche, to publish our banner if we had done the same with yours. The opportunity was too good: Aristotle and guardalamiamerda that advertise each other, and most importantly we had our own banner! Even faster I downloaded a program to create banners, and the fact that, even had his glorious guardalamiamerda effigy. Put all the data on the page for the reporting of portal sites your banner and published it on our blog, confident that he would do the same with ours. The disappointment was to arrive early, send me two emails from the philosopher himself told me that the contents of our blog are not suitable for its search engine, so it would not have reported. I, in spite of this abominable censorship, I will continue to hold the banner with your glorious name, meet isfatto already pleasing to be able to assist our feces. Officials also ours, that someone will have already seen, so that you can see it, if you want then let us have the honor to put it in your site, please contact us. I promise as soon as my stool,

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